Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Johnny, when will the Triforce finish?

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The Frankenstein is strong in every cross ever done using her!


I was gonna say that closeup bud pic looks a lot like true Frankenstein.

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Still in veg cuz.I want nice mature plants to use in the cross I have in store for em! I like to veg my plants for at least 3 months, if not longer, usually 4-6 months. That extra time does a couple things, it gives up much bigger plants, that are much more mature when flowered out.


I usually veg for 6-7 weeks. Are you saying if I veg an extra month the bud production will benefit substantially? Like if I veg an ISS for 3 months and then put into flower.

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That holds true for ANY Ganja plant cuz! The natural length of time ‘in the wild’ is best for better buddage. Full maturity in the plant, both stages, veg & flower, always gives up best buz. Just because they’re growing indoors, doesn’t mean they should be flipped as soon as possible!
Growing indoors only helps insure that they CAN be grown out to the best potential.

That was something I hated doing when I was commercial. Before then I grew them like they needed, and now I’m not commercial, I returned to my roots, so to speak, lol


But would that not hold true with clones then?
Because when you take a clone, it’s already a mature plant, in terms of time,
But when I run a clone it normally is like the mother plant in terms of bud structure and size at harvest time. Does that make sense?


No brother. The clone is basically ‘new’ plant. It would still benefit from allowing it to grow longer.
That would hold true in Auto, which is why you can’t clone em very well.

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That is very true, however… the plant would have been so much better if it grew to full maturity.

Yes I understand it’s a new plant. What I mean is, that once the roots are established with the clone, she has pretty much the same amount of time in her already, as the day you took the cut, or am I missing something. New plant, yes, but you get to skip the seedling and young plant stage.
Stoner thoughts, brother. Hehe.

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Trust this my friend. give it a try, is all I say. Do a side-by-side, if you want. Flip a clone at 6-7 weeks, while letting another grow longer, and see for yourself. You’ll be pleasantly surprised I believe. The one grown longer will be a lot bigger yielding as well as a much better buzz.


I see an experiment with ISS in my future.
Thanks for letting me pic yer brain.


You’ve been here many times and seen how big I let them get in veg. I don’t do it because of being lazy! lol
Those ISS got to over 7’ before I flipped em! lol Had to bend em over


There is a reason I let mine veg for a long time, it’s not just yield. I know you have seen my plants in veg…….


Most def brother! I know that you know! lol Beautiful plants you grow!

Tag @BigMike55 check out our buddy’s testimonial here! lol
Another long time grower…

Just because you CAN flip when ya wanna, doesn’t mean you SHOULD!
Don’t misunderstand me here. A lot of folks do this and it’s become a common practice, done by many. Indoor growing allows the grower to decide when to flip. Area/ceiling height constraints are the usual deciding factor for many, and they produce lovely buddage and plants.
As good as they are, they could be so much more…


Yeah no doubt. I kinda figured the yield would naturally be bigger. You are harvesting a bigger plant. I just never equated that to stronger smoke for some reason. Dang, I have to come up and sample some ‘mature’ ISS.


And my Skywalker oughta knock a man plum to the ground. She was started in January and now she lives outside to flower in the real sun.


lol I pollinated mine, brother. So they’re nothing compared to the Sinsemilla they’d be if not used to make beans. However, the beans will produce better plants.
You’ve seen folks talk about how well the seeds do from me. I attribute that in part to my growing the plants longer to more mature.
Another factor I feel is that I cull the less performing ones and only grow out the best.

Weak plants give up inferior/weak seeds… Just my humble opinion… even if seeds look good, doesn’t mean they couldn’t be better!


There ya go! That SkyWalker is gonna kick yer butt! lol

Maybe that’s why she already smells like she won first prize in a sh!t eating contest.