Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I also veg for extended periods of time . Wait till it’s loaded with pre flowers and 5 ft tall. Lol


I bet you love the buzz from em too when ya do! lol

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No matter the reason for short veg time, and the lovely results… a full mature Ganja plant will always give you better results, in a lot of ways!


Hello? Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me,
Is there anyone at home?


Nodding ……off.


lol Too high to nod!
but not too high to snack… yum. :drooling_face:

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Snack time is anytime.

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I’m still kicking.

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I’ll probably be like every other night, lol ‘kicking it’ until between 12 -1

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Whats up JP… You know, I just realized some of the Autos I got from Dgonzo13 said JP on it with a A/F on one side. Gotta be from you and now wish I’d of kept them… but after all that fiasco, I flushed everything from him… just cannot trust it.

I can trust the seeds Draig turned me onto…

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HMMM, wonder what would happen if you hit Frankie with some Blue Moon Rocks :thinking: Got a tiny bit of pollen from tonight’s collection, lol.


I don’t blame ya there cuz! I’d do the same, trust nothing that guy did… coulda switched the beans out, even.

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Sheeesh dude!! lol ‘a tiny bit’?!
But I couldn’t help but wonder what that would do to several different strains, lol!

Including Frankenstein!


Time will tell. They have just begun to give. We can find out together. Well, I will send pollen and you can do all the work but still, together, lol.


I do thank you most sincerely cuz! It will be well used, with proper creds to you as always!
Also shared results. :wink: :+1:



I can’t help but think it IS a joint effort. you on the one hand, have spent your time and energy collecting the pollen, hell, that’s more than half! I couldn’t do anything without it! lol


Well I suppose I have a part in this, lol. Still love seeing folks grow something I had a hand in. It’s a trip. :v:


Well, you know I do appreciate you, and everything you do here. For others, as well as for me!
That ‘member of the month’ is well deserved!


We are all in this together my brother, I just do my small part. By the way, say hello to Rose for us :slight_smile:

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She said hey to you both also. She likes to catch bits and pieces of chat over my shoulder, lol.
I called her to look at that load of dust ya got!

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