Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Started smoking in the 50s, so I don’t care about ‘dating’ myself, lol 1957

remember my first time, like it was yesterday


You got a few on me but grew up with older brothers so started at a young age .

That was three years before I took a breath.

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There’s a story there, lol
i may have shared it on here, not sure.
But here it is…
as folks know, I grew up on my grampa’s Ganja farm. Ok, hunting and fishing, running the dogs at night or just trekking through the woods. With Grampa, Pops, & Unc. My first cousin and me were about the same age. We’d sit around fires with the grownups, listening to them tell tales of smoking at young ages, etc while they passed bowls and bottles of shine around. None for us kids, dammit!
Pop & unc started at 8, grampa claimed 6, which meant he probably stole some from HIS pop, lol.
At the ripe old age of 8, I snuck into grampa’s den where he had a double tiered rack of pipes, all kinds. I picked a deep bowl corncob, packed it with some Ganja and went out beside the barn behind a big old Mulberry bush/tree. I lit the bowl and as I slid down the side of the barn, with the bowl cradled between my knees… to this day I remember 2 things.

  1. No wonder they don’t want us smoking, and 2. I gotta get this bowl back into the den before Grampa comes in from the fields and sees it missing! I couldn’t move.

tag @ShiskaberrySavior lol don’t know if ya saw the rest of the story, cuz.


I’d missed it got it now. That’s dam young to start .

In them days, kids were allowed in bars with their parents lol different times

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I’m going offline now folks, I’ll cyas in the morrow…
Good Night OG!

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Great chatting have a good evening.

Nope not gonna happen, no way, no how… pain says ‘hell no, mofo, ya not laying down here tonight’!
Good Morning OG!

I’m with you there @MoBilly . Hopefully at a point where my absence creates no big grief issues for anyone else. Fairly graciously, not being too much of an inconvenience for anyone either.

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@Oldjoints I saee you’re up late

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Bubblehash in the dispo’s is going from anywhere from $10-$40 a gram depending on quality. Full melt is on the top of that scale.


Yep I’m up…. Slept a little per my norm.

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I tried lol


Fixin to go try again, l hope to get some rest tonight!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed & the Smokin’ OGs!



Good morning Johnny, good morning @CanuckistanPete, good morning OG’s. I can’t wait to get this day over. Get the party started, off next week, lots to do. I still need to get fem Walkenstein out and a couple more. Have a wonderful day.:peace_symbol:


Good morning all!


And before we had weighed ounces we had what was called a LID. Which was a baggie (before they had Ziploc bags) filled to the top. Then they went to ‘fingers’ a three finger lid or a four finger lid. Then they figgered out they could get the same money for a smaller amount. Thus the birth of the ‘ounce’.


Back up again, lol But I did manage to grab an hour or so ‘power nap’
Good Morning OG!
Outta likes already so here’s some from the Emoji like bank for yas
@CanuckistanPete @Oldjoints @Greenfingers @buck90 @BigMike55
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: