Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

It is unfortunately apart of life. It will happen to us all eventually.
All ya can do is think positive and enjoy life for each day we are here.
We all got timers above our heads ticking away, just gotta make the best of it! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly! lol I’ve gone past my ‘expiration date’ several times over lol still kicking, tokin n jokin. Gonna go out like that too. lol


Good evening all, good to see you around @chronix
Damn that’s a stash of hash @Oldjoints


The problem is… so many people don’t get good at living until their time is almost up. I want to slide into home, wore out, with some holes in the knees of my jeans and mud in my hair.


The Princess Frankie Has shed her veil and popped up 6 inches.She is a delicate specimen very fine branching but tough as fishing pole fiberglass they snap back like a rubber band and still is the loudest one in the garden took temps of freezing and wind out the ass .No frost burn but got a touch of wind burn in a couple tiny spots.Fulvic fulvic and more fulvic sprays helped her tremendously with that silica.I have a feeling she hit that sweet spot of soil I left for her half way down and man What a different plant up and at them.



She’s just a comin along there huh? lol Does look like she’ll get to be a good size, cuz. Keep us posted, please.
Just getting started, pretty much. Outdoors too? Hell, lol she’ll go 8’ minimum!

I took your advice on putting them out a week or two earlier so they would be a foot taller.Was a ballsy move but I knew she would pull through.Didn’t mean my puker factor wasn’t on zero though was gritting my teeth for awhile.Will check back in a bit.I have a Texada right now that went out with her that’s shooting up 8 inches a day now and I’m scrambling to make sure she’s staked right.Little bastard was 18 inches when I put her out now it’s almost as tall as me she’s blowing over the fence for sure been a handful they will be dueling banjos to see who touches the sky first


At 10 bucks a gram if a guy could get that 1300 bucks would be good pay for slaving at making it.

Would that be full on retail? If so, to move it all at once, the price would need to be half that.
If ya moved it yourself, lol you’d need a big customer base! 1gm at a time is too much work!

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Ya I don’t know other than the rec stores are pumping it out at 15 / 18 a gram.doubt they give deals on multiple grams .
I know when I was buying it years back I’d buy a ounce at a time .

Damn! That much? ugh, no way… rather make our own! lol
But even then, the dispos ain’t gonna pay $10/per

Back in the day’ lol That’s how I sold it, by the oz. lol
Don’t ask how much, I don’t remember. Too many joints/bowls ago… er, I mean too many years… yeah, that’s it

Back when silk-screen sifting was the method of trich extraction lol


I think a oz was 140 and if ya bought 2 it was 120 each . It wasn’t bubble back then it was rock hard blonde leb remember I paid premium one time for some dark chocolate Moroccan if remember right it was 180.
All imported mid 70’s into the early 80’s

After the standard silk screen use, it was pressed into bricks. Been around it being made all over the world from mid 60s, 70s,early 80s bought, and sold. The Opiated black was best of all. Blonde Lebanese and Moroccan were up there close though.

Don’t misunderstand lol I wasn’t a bigtime mover n shaker, just more personal but buy enough to make my money back so what I smoked up was free lol

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There was some great hash back in those years . There was some wrapped in red weird kinda wax paper with a gold seal came in kilo bricks . I remember those .

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Oh crap! I’d forgotten those! lol
The same type paper they used for packs of firecrackers lol


Think they were 800 a brick. Lol wholesale

That sounds right for the late 70s onward, but cheaper in the late 60s and first half of the 70s
If I remember right now, in late 60s it was $100/kilo but that was overseas where it was easy to be had


Guess we’re dating our self’s reminding us how many years a guys been smoking.

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outta likes lol so here ya go cuz
:heart: :heart: :heart: