Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Morning everyone!


Awesome day here, I just put some testers in soil. Been playing in my garden all morning. I have a couple lsd x grapex girls coming along nicely and ISS are growing fast. I’ve been pushing my brother to come and get some plants for his tent. I need the space.


Been shucking beans while sitting here. Got a good bit so far of the new cross. Haven’t seen but 3 immature so far, which is a good sign! lol ‘Walkenstein’ is coming to OG soon…
special thnx go out to @MoBilly for the pollen, and since it was only by his kindness we have this cross, I felt it only proper that he name the new kid! lol I believe he told me it was his boss…er, I mean his wife, that gave him the name. But it sounds so appropriate!
This has got to be some :fire: given the two parent strains! lol

The few times I’ve crossed SkyWalker with anything has been awesome lol


I can’t wait to see what the community thinks of them. :slight_smile:


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone. It’s super busy today. I need more coffee, especially seeing more terminates genes conversation :disappointed:


I find it interesting @Emeraldgreen that Monsanto plays all this off as them doing something to help the poor farmer not to have unfortunate pollination from their neighbors field…

That’s so kind of them.

“Here are several proposed uses for GURTs that could benefit both businesses and farms.
Non-viable seeds produced on V-GURT plants may reduce the propagation of volunteer plants. Volunteer plants can become an economic problem for larger-scale mechanized farming systems that incorporate crop rotation. Furthermore, under warm, wet harvest conditions non V-GURT grain can sprout, lowering the quality of grain produced. It is likely that this problem would not occur with the use of V-GURT grain varieties. Use of V-GURT technology could also prevent escape of transgenes into wild relatives and help lessen impacts on biodiversity. Crops modified to produce non-food products could be armed with GURT technology to prevent accidental transmission of these traits into crops meant for foods.
One of the original proposed uses for GURTs was to use them as alternatives to keep farmers from reusing patented seeds in the case that typical biological patents do not exist or are not enforced. The use of T-GURTs by companies has been proposed to allow for the selling of a traditional seed that gets special functions only when sprayed with a certain activator chemical sold by the company.
Another proposed use is in synthetic biology, where a restricted activator chemical must be added fermentation medium to produce a desired output chemical.

Ain’t it good that they are watching out for our best interests?


I researched this a bunch of years ago. It made me so angry I had to stop. They are all complicit also, government, journalists, regulators. It’s criminal enterprise to me. I can feel my blood pressure rising so I’ll stop.
Check out what happened in Paraguay!

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@MoBilly & @Emeraldgreen I’m outta likes for 30 minutes lol soooo… I had to go dip into the Emoji ‘like-bank’
:heart: :heart:

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You went and dipped in with no hesitation! :heart::heart::heart:

lol Hell Yeah! Don’t try telling me I can’t ‘like’ something! There’s a work-around for that shit!

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No likes is depressing for sure. But much less with the work around

:grinning: :+1:

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My son in Myrtle Beach, SC just watched the USAF blow that spy satellite outta the sky, as soon as it was out over the ocean! He said it was some crazy shit, they used 1 missile!

lol As soon as he watched it, he called us to let us know. He tried to record it, but it happened too fast! lol

Two of our sons live in Myrtle Beach, both said their houses shook from the shock wave!

edit… My bad folks, the news said they only used 1 missile, I edited this post to reflect that.


NO SHIT!!! They finally showed some balls!!!
I hope they sent a message along with that. “Do it again and the same thing will happen before it hits our air space!”
Happy days though!


I’m glad I don’t watch the news. I believe hawks in both countries want conflict. Takes our attention away from 1000 dollar eggs
You showing off your work around skills @MoBilly :joy:

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Glad I have chickens. Will soon barter fresh eggs for elite strains.


Don’t you mean fresh EGG :joy:

We are buying more poultry this year. I love duck eggs so we are going that route this time.

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What’s the difference in the eggs?
I almost want to get chickens for the ticks. I suspect they’ll eat all my worms first though

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