Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Duck eggs are, obviously, larger and they have a yoke that is darker and more flavorful.


Bigger and more flavor

lol @MoBilly beat me to it!


Good to know. Dog is yelling at me to take her out to play ball!


<<<in best umpire voice imitation… PLAAAY BAAALL!! lol Our pups just bring the ball to me, drop in my lap, and stand there wagging their tails waiting for me to toss it! Gently though, lol it IS inside the house, and then they slide all over the floors trying to get it first!
Frickin hilarious!


Sounds like my house. It’s hysterical when she has no patience for how slow I’m moving :joy:

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lol try that with 2 bigass Rottweilers and a Pitweiler! There’s plenty of room inside (for me to get around on the walker) so they have a ball!

um lol unconscious play on words there! lol
try ‘literally and figuratively’ both!


It sounds like a great time to me!

Oh it is! lol I get to sit here and watch them ‘play fight’ over who gets it, and then who gets to keep it. To bring it back and drop in my lap for the next go! lol The youngest girl(rottie) will eventually almost always get it from her mom and half-sis lol

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Our khaki cambell is a prolific layer she has not skipped a beat since five months of age

We usually get 9-10 eggs a day from the chickens!

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So you’re running 9-10 chickens? That’s about what we had/did also. An egg a day is the norm. As long as they’re kept warm, even in the winter they gave em up lol

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12 hens 2 roosters…first year layers since august… usually we go 12/12 with the eggs
Was -17last night egg production went slim lol can’t blame them though lol


I’d say that’s thnx to the rooster cuz lol only reason anyone needs a rooster is if they want more chickens! Them girls will give you an egg a day or close to that, without any rooster ever being around.

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Good to have some roosters around here …we let them free range …never know might be hard to get chickens soon …we plan on incubating some this spring after we butcher some off …we also have female Campbell and male Peking .gonna incubate eggs for some.meat ducks in spring

dinners done !
Better go before I get in trouble…lol
Nice talking with ya brother!


Sounds like ya gotta plan cuz, and also seems to be a solid one! lol We just wanted eggs, they free ranged and came back to the heated coop whenever it got too cold. lol We had he entire property surrounded with 6’ privacy fence, they rarely left the yard, since we clipped their wings.


I’m down to nine hens. They have been putting out 8-12 eggs daily for a couple of years. Winter and all. Though this year when that first good cold spell hit hard and fast, they went full stop. Guess they are aging out too. So we’ve been buying or getting eggs from the locals free range.

I ended up having to buy store bought eggs once. It was horrible. Not just the insane price, but the eggs. They were gross. Wrong flavor, wrong color…fricken sweat shop eggs! Lol, we can’t do it. We honestly though about putting a heat lamp on them, but decided against it. Didn’t want to shorten their laying cycles any more.

Then out of no where, right before the start of this recent cold snap we’ve all been having, they decided to start laying again. They’re back to putting out like four a day! So weird. But we’re so happy! :slightly_smiling_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::egg::egg::+1::wink:


Goodnight OG!


Yup, ditto!


Good Morning @JohnnyPotseed & the Smokin’ OGs!!!


Morning JP!
Morning @CanuckistanPete!
Morning everyone!!
Great Sunday to all!!
:v: :fallen_leaf: :leaves:


mornin g all have a blessed day