Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

@Rabeats2093 did you get any pollen?
See you when you get up JP


I believe those came from my clones brother. I sent ICC (from test of oaths girls) when I sent you the ISS and Skywalker clones.


Speaking of eggs, have you guys noticed how thin shelled eggs have become? Every time I crack an egg any more, I have to dig pieces of shell out. And the whites are very runny. Just something I’ve noticed in the past year or so.


Egg producers are experiencing the same high prices that we all are. I assume they have backed off on the mineral supplements to save money and the thin shells and lack of flavor is the outcome @BigMike55 .
That’s just a guess but I have noticed the same in store bought eggs. They’re nasty compared to farm fresh anyway so there you go. If a person wants healthy, affordable food, you have to raise it yourself. We’re expanding our own garden since mom is not able to work hers like she did. The family needs all the fresh produce we can provide. Hopefully within two years we will be buying next to nothing from the grocery industry.


Nope I have to wack mine a couple times for them to break lol.most of the time I leave a thumb print in the egg where it tends to break … a lot has to do with how much calcium a laying hen is being fed …more.calcium intake harder shell.just recently I had a hen lay an egg that looked like it was soaked in vinegar for 24 hrs …really weird . more protein bigger eggs not to much or they will get egg bound
If you have the available space I highly recommend getting some !


I just need to find a farmer local who sells eggs. I live in town so chickens is not an option. Frickin’ Walmart eggs.


I found some locals that raise chickens and sell the good eggs for cheap. I just ask that they haven been washed so I can keep them on the counter. Check your local classifieds.

The thin shells usually means that the chickens diet lacks in calcium. To correct this you should grind up egg shells and put them in your chickens feed. It works to thicken their laid eggs.


Damn, Johnny, I am sorry to hear about your fall… That sux. I hope you are okay and your back feels better with a quickness!

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First and foremost, I want to say this. Thnx all for well wishes/kind words. i truly appreciate the OGfamily! Falls are something that happen to me nowadays, on a regular basis. Just a part of life, lol. We deal with it when it happens, and try to avoid if possible. I did have hold of my walker…I fell backwards and pulled the walker over with & onto me. So much for ‘stability’…
@BigMike55 thnx cuz for the reminder! I can’t think straight today, I guess! lol So, in answer to your question, @Rabeats2093 yes they’re from @TestOfOath !


All I DO know is, these things have been vegging for 2-3 months now I think, lol and they shoulda been put into flower-mode before now! They should yield some good buds as well as a couple of good crosses. lol I’m waiting on some BOG Bubblegum pollen from @DougDawson and also still have a small bit of Fem Frankie pollen from @MoBilly to hit a few buds with!


I’ve made the vegging for to long mistake before.
You’re going to have a jungle on your hands! :yum:


Naw cuz lol i got the room for them gals! lol I’m only short on the headroom for em. That was taken care of by the ol tried n true method of ‘break/bend’! lol I use a pair of pliers to squeeze the stalk where i want to bend, then they’ll bend over with no problem and very little actual ‘break’ to the stalk.


Oh yeah. That’s what I’m talkin bout! Had to do the same. Bend, break, twist, and tie them girls up right where u want em.
That doesn’t sound good now that I’m reading it back to myself hehe. Ur sick!


Hey cuz! lol A bit of bondage can be a good thing, in some instances, at least!


I knew it!

lol figured I’d share what I’n listening to today… every album, back to back, from
Dr. Hook & The medicine Show
:scream: :crazy_face: :+1:

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Love “Cover of the Rolling Stones”


Belly Up is my fav album They always got nasty lol until they got famous with ‘Cover of the Rolling Stone’ they weren’t even played on regular radio channels! They were pure ‘outlaws’ only, playing wherever they could.


morning everyone


Good morning Johnny, good morning @olschool, good morning OG’s.