Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

I’ve read up on that breed of duck. That is a good one to consider. Thanks


Good morning everyone!


Yes sir!:grin::grin::grin:

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There is a lot, and I mean a lot of people that buy feed from Tractor Supply that have gone to zero eggs. Read up on it! It’s something in the feed. Purina is the most often cited as being a problem but they buy their product bulk and slap their name on it. Others buy from the same bulk producer. I like to let them free range. They still get some feed but they will forage a few hours a day at least.
I just checked. Baby ducks and chicks have gone up almost 40% at our local hatchery! That’s some jump in one year!


I just heard about the Purina and TSC feed causing problems yesterday. That’s pretty scary regardless of whether it’s some intentional plot or just garbage feed.


Good morning y’all.

Yeah, I always buy from a farm supply, and never Purina. They killed a bunch of dogs with their food years ago. Does anyone remember that?

The stuff I get is made locally. And if I had the ambition, I could go out to where they load the rail cars and scoop it up for free, lol. Always make sure to get 20% protein, never the 15. I think that helps.


We bought TC feed for a little bit when we first started…don’t listen to the employees is all I have to say…we almost lost our ducks due to lack of niacin…tractor supply recommended a food for young ducklings that had zero niacin…Our local mill provides three stage chicken feed I’ll never turn back!! .our chickensand ducks in the summer were eating grapes black berries raspberries left over squash and zucchini living the hight life even got to relish in the blown over corn …

Ganja related …what should I feed my newly rooted clones they r just starting to pop roots in the aero cloner !?


I don’t feed new clones anything until out of the cloner.When I m ove the babies from the cloner, that’s when i start giving them anything. But the first few feedings, I use half strength. When they get put into the soil mix, I use a dash of Mychorizae in the hole for the new roots to come into contact with.


Thanks for that! They r just looking kind of ill I must say lol…
The ICC #5 I something I deff wanna keep round

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Good morning JP. Good morning everyone!
:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: until they come back


We just moved 5 ICC into budroom to flower out. They were getting too big lol 6’… vegged awhile.
3 of em were, the other 2 were 4.5’ I bent them gals over at about 2’ of the tops so they wouldn’t get into the lights too bad lol

I need to grab a few pics, lol I haven’t posted any lately

Only 1 problem, I had a fall yesterday and F’d my back up (again) so not very mobile today, stiff and sore lol
Hopefully I’ll get to the barn today or tomorrow though


Are we talking about The ICC #5 from testofoath!?
HA I’d say ! I wish I could veg em 6 ft lol
Damn brother sorry about the fall …try hobbling like a penguin :crazy_face:

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I honestly don’t remember where I got em cuz. Been awhile. I’d have to go back through my files to see
As far as the fall, it happens now n then. Nothing to do about it. Except deal with it when it happens. lol


Well ither way I’m sure it will turn out to be good smoke.
Is it spring time yet :sweat_smile:

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I’m planning on another cross from 2 or 3 of em, the rest will go straight sensimilla


-7 yesterday 44 high for today!

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65 today!! Yippee! lol Just think, a few days ago, here was below freezing for over 3 days straight and now it’s time to put on suntan lotion! lol (Almost)


Yesterday 430 am it was -17 no wind lol
Those bubble gum males out in the garage r toast …checked em yesterday bottle was frozen …they were beast


Damn you got shorts on haha


I wish! lol I’m lucky to be able to sit here and type!

Actually, I’m fixin to go lay down a bit, until I can ease off some.