Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 4)

Mostly what I heard about is Ca Fish and Wildlife looking for water crimes. Diversions. Pumps. Diesel spills. No plant counts checked or permits requested. Doesn’t give them warm fuzzies. Sheriff is along so nobody gives F&W shit.

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IKR? We had several ‘offers’ to buy our business/license, told em to basically ‘F’off’. Now, we’re retired from all that BS. The way we grow, topping to make bushes, the 24 plants (12veg, 12flower) we’re allowed is plenty,usually. lol


exactly and if some medicine gets spread around so be it


lol Sharing is caring…


any thoughts on the lil white spots on the edges of the leave? they arent moving so im pretty sure it aint a critter


Where on the plant are they? Top, middle, or bottom? Looks like the beginning of
leaf septoria, although I hope not! LS usually hits the middle and bottom part of plants.
It could possibly be several different things causing that cuz. For instance, the beginning of a Magnesium deficiency


hmmmm kinda on the sides and tips of a few leaves on a couple of plants not really on the bottom of the plants those pics are from a branch about half way up

On what part of the plants? Do the spots turn brown eventually? The best thing to do IMHO is remove any leaves with the markings, and give a bit of Cal/Mag, in small doses to see if it helps, if not, and it IS Leaf Septoria, you’ll need a decent copper-based fungicide.

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just on the edges or tips of the leaves no i dont think they turn brown and as i water with RO/DI in coco/perlite i do add CAL/MAG TO the water just to keep the cal mag up and add a few micro nutes that the filter removes i thought since there is only a couple of weeks left she might be starting to canibbblize herself

I was just going to ask the community to speak up lol Anyone have an idea on this?
I see @Rabeats2093 is fixing to weigh in hopefully?

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Could be hungry could be over fed …
Could be to bright…Could be to hot …
A better description on plants environment medium light etc
Gives for a better answer!
What r the leaf tips doing curling in any direction ? Leaf tips yellow all the way to the point and brown off ?
But I also see it’s about 4-6 weeks into flower maybe and has some purpling ? Or maybe it’s the lights
What’s up johnny!


Under magnification, there seems to be Spider Mite damage also
Which totally makes sense! We ARE in Oklahoma! lol them F;ers are everywhere in this state, it’s not a question of ‘IF’ it’s more a question of ‘WHEN’


rh %40 temp 78 avg 600 wat mh coco/perlite water evry other day

water: RO/DI with cal mag added to bring up the PPM

leaf tips not browing a coiple are curling up right at the tips

turn down light maybe?


huh im not seeng that all thru veg and early flower i hit them with neemoil i see about the mites i know believe it or not ive seen more bugs here in oklahoma than when i lived in floriduh and my house was right on the edge of a freakin swamp…lol

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They can hit ANY time, all the way up to the end. But there are a lot of tiny white spots under magnification cuz…

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how do i get rid of them

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I think you answered your own question ! Deff seems like a logical thing to do ! I always feel as if I’m adjusting my light according t how the plant is reacting !
And if she’s on a rough diet she deff is feasting upon herself!

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just topr dressed with worm casings and gia green 2/8/4 bloom

Took the words right out of my mouth!