Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Hahah. :rofl:

Got myself some high cbd flower to help me sleep. i figure its worth a try. just waiting on my vape to come today in the mail

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If it works for ya, great! Does nada for me…

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How many Mg do you take at once before bed brother? or used to i should say

lol I said it does nada for me, as in nothing, zip, zero, zilch
I’ve ate pea sized balls of pure rosin and nothing…
body buzz is all, and i hate that… coupled with this vertigo, it’s not fun

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Waiting on a few mothers to dry so I can put them back in their home. Gonna send ya those clones when the sun comes up or Tuesday and everything that leaves the house gets hit with one n done before going to a new home. Had some left over so sprayed the mothers. Ran out almost through so mixed another bottle. Had some left so started spraying the veg closet… repeat until the house is done! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Finishing up with some trim jail time. It really is a lifestyle ya know! :wink:


Fuck, Ive had vertigo before. Not fun at all

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Scar tissue on brain from a LOT of head trauma, lol pressing on inner ear. Partly the reason i fall so much. We deal with it, all ya can do, right?

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Ah lol but WHAT a lifestyle! Fun fun fun…

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That all you can do brother. Sorry to hear that

pfft lol that’s one of the least of my problems, I hardly ever think about it! But thnx!

Ive been up since 12:30 am est. I really wish i could sleep. i think i may have sleep apnea. i snore like a mack truck apparently

Ya got up ahead of me this morning lol I managed to lay in bed until 1AM
Sleep apnea ain’t much fun either

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I was supposed to go to a sleep study years ago, but I didnt bother. Such a bad move

I’ve been through two over the years. Hateful experience! Won’t do it again onna bet!

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I know brother NDNCHILD hasn’t been to bed yet! Damn dude…

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I enjoy it. :grin:
Just got these mothers shuffled outta the bathtub.
I used to run autos in here now it’s a second mother hut. :joy: I blame this largely on you by the way, brother! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::fist:t3:

Now to do the other 2/3 :scream:🫣 :exploding_head:


lol Go ahead, load the wagon my friend! This ol mule will pull it!
I’ll take the rap for some of it only, though!! :man_facepalming: :wink: :rofl:

edit… well ok, maybe a LOT of it then!


There were a couple other co-conspirators and of course my lack of self control! I’m getting a handle on it and I can quit whenever I want!

Sniff… sniff. Ya got anymore of those GDP’s. Sniff…:joy: