Jumped the gun on drying

Hey guys I just harvested 2 LSD auto flowers. Had them drying 6 days after a wet trim. While they were hanging they seemed dry enough, felt crispy and stems snapped. So I jarred it all up now it feels really damp in the jar, I’m worried about mold. I’ve been burping the jar daily, but is there anything else I can do at this point to prevent mold? Would a boveda help at all?


Bóveda will help but I’d just leave the top open overnight and shake around and do it the next night if needed until you get it the way you want it.


Do you have a humidity sensor? These are invaluable. You can get 5 for $20 on Amazon. I have one in every one of my jars.

If they are too wet you could take them out of jars and lay them flat on newspaper for an hour or so. It’s better to be sure thus the sensor.

I’ve used bovedas to raise humidity but never to lower humidity.

All the best


One idea I have for you…
Leave the lids off the jars and drop a brown paper lunch bag over the top of each jar for a few days until the RH is under control then resume the burping until stable.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try this yet. So, let me know how it works out.



Mine always do that too. Its just the moisture from the core coming out, lay them out on a plate for 30 minutes at a time, then reseal overnight. You can lose moisture super super fast this way so be careful. You might only need to do it once or twice. Into a paper bag works too, but its slower.


I’ve done this as well, and just put out on a paper plate and keep an eye on it then put it in the jar at night, rinse amd repeat.

The mini hygrometers are awesome.


Thanks so much everyone! Gonna take the advice!


This happens to me all the time. Just take the lids off and let them dry a bit, then take the bud out and put the dryer stuff on the bottom. You’re on the right track, slower they dry the better.

After they’re dry enough next time, move them into a paper bag for a 2-3 days after…it’s a nice transition between drying on the vine and jarring. With denser buds there’s that internal moisture that migrates out after you place the buds in jars. More art than science…as long as you avoid drying too fast or jarring wet enough for them to mold…they’ll be fine.


Thanks Vernal :slight_smile:

@Foreigner Do you have a model you recommend?

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Ghggggggggggg hooray


I recommend getting a hygrometer to place in the jar so you get a better idea what’s going on. If the buds are quite ‘wet’ to the touch, they need to be laid out on a screen until the outside feels crisp, but the bud is still a bit squishy. Place them back in the jar until they feel wet again, and then put them back on the screen until the outside is crisp again. Repeat that until the buds no longer get wet back in the jar, but don’t let them get brittle–there should be some bend in the bud before it snaps, during curing.

edit: I use the exact same hygrometers that @Foreigner linked to. One in each jar. Your ideal humidity in the jar depends on your environment. I’d recommend 60-65% for curing and 55%-60% for long term storage, in general. If you live in a super humid, warm environment, you might want lower curing humidity to prevent mold, and a dry cold environment, you could probably push the curing humidity to 70%. Open the jars as aggressively as needed to get the humidity down to 65%. Once you hit 60-65%, you open once a week. Once you hit 55%-60% after the weekly openings for a month or however long you want, the jars remain closed for storage. Below 55%, the curing process stops altogether, IIRC. The rules aren’t that hard and fast and there is a lot of room for intuition.

55% is a good smoking humidity, ready to go. 60% is good if you like your flower on the wetter side. 65% you need to let sit in open air for a tiny bit before it’s ready to go, imho.


This. All this.


Hey brother I’m gonna start your gg4 next month early


I can’t wait to follow along! I’ve been really… longing to get into outdoor growing. It looks so much more fulfilling. I am eventually going to move somewhere I can grow outdoors. I’m really excited to see what the GG4 does. It’s always interesting to see what expressions can come from such popular and well-known strains.

I told you I would grow it and I will… I will be topping the fuck outta it to keep it low and easy to see nanners


I’ll grow the fuck out that gg4 plant just for you!!


Thanks @Foreigner I know I didn’t start this thread, but your advice was heard loud and clear brother! Order has been placed, thanks so much.

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You jumped the gun. No reason you can’t go back a step.

Lay them out and let them dry a little more before attempting to jar again.


I use the little hygrometers my self and usually aim for the mid to low 60% range. You can’t go wrong with them and it helps eliminate any chance of mould.
The only problem I have is drying time in the middle of our Aussie summers as it’s usually 70 to 80% humidity all the time. It can take me weeks to get it down to an ideal range. Brown paper bags are my go to.

Cheers Johnny