Why the dramatic appearance change of buds wet then dry

When I look at the buds on the plant, you get all these funky colours and bright greens and orange/red hairs and shiny white crystals .
Then I’l trim wet , ans it looks like a fresh bright neon green Christmas tree .

3-4 days later. The bud is unrecognizable !!!
Looks brown and dead!!!lll

My friend mentioned this was to be expected months before I harvested.

Just wondering what happens, does the flower die and the moisture evaporated, and then dries up.

Wondering what reaction is happening in this process…

And how do i grow and harvest buds that still are bright light green ? Or other bright colours? Lol

All my stuff turned out pretty dark with purple and dark leaves .

Is strains!? Temperature consistency ? Lights?

Thanks .

Hope you all know what I’m talking about .

I have a few really good looking pre dry pics that looks like some triple A l. But dry it looks outdoor!!! Lol

If I took my time with trim it would look a lot nicer , with a manicure. But. I think it’s fine As is. Unless the leaf make it harsh to smoke. I’ll just trim before smoke.

This was a very lazy dry trim I did today for the first time. I think I could do a better manicure.lol but this will e smoked and I want to check these terps people talking about lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lol guess i just need practice!!!

Over time I will grow better hahah
Novice buds

I’ve got a lot to work on and a long way to go.

One strain has a very nice smell and distinct .
Appearance shows abundance of trichomes. And taste is negligible lol . Colouration not perfect. 2/4 lol buzz is perfect 3/5 lol


It depends on strain and how you dry/ cure. And also when you harvest. What happens is alot of the sugars break down to make terps we all love and usually the buds don’t stay as vibrant as they were when alive. Unless water cured. Or frozen for concentrate uses. I’ve seen lime green bud that was water cured. And I’ve seen brown buds that was after dry, an cure. Purple tends to stick around if it’s there and most pistils will inevitably turn red/orange. Unless they don’t, and that’s a characteristic of the plant. There’s tons of variables.


I think my drying process will need work.

I still have a plant in the dark since Friday drying . Trimmed.

It looks pretty good, still hanging, will get it under light tomorrow,

And thanks for that broad and intelligent explanation.


No problem, more people I bet will chime in and tell you way more intelligent answers :wink:

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This helps a bit! Lol


I don’t think I can top your original answer intelligence wise, lol. I’m a fairly simple man, but what I can add for @Calix is to focus on temperature and humidity when drying. I try to keep temps at 60f and humidity around 60% and I hang the whole plant. What you want is a longer, cooler drying period, opposed to a quick, hot dry. When you hang the whole plant it allows it to dry slower and gives it more time, instead of individually trimmed branches, which can sometimes dry out in a matter of days. Make sure you don’t let them get too dry before jarring, or the cure will take a lot longer and won’t be as good. After a few harvests you’ll start to dial it in a get a feel for when it’s dry enough to jar and you’ll start to have your own style. A small hygrometer really helps get the humidity right for the cure.

Hope this helps. Like I said I’m a simple man, lol. There was a time when I would measure all the variables and time how long everything would take. Now I just go by feel.


Nice tips man, I like how you do things.


Give it a few days in darkness and dry it slower.

Easiest way to wreck weed is by a crappy hang/cure.


Thanks man, I appreciate that.

Sometimes I just throw everything out the window and go with my gut instinct. I’ve dried and cured bud in a few different ways like water cured, cob cured, sun dried, even the oven and microwave (long time ago lol, haven’t owned a microwave in almost a decade) but I really want to try the freeze dry cryo cure method.

Anyone ever freeze dry buds? If so, how did it turn out?



I am a Big learn from mistakes type of person .

I have two hygrometers .

My first batch went pretty well , but it’s all been drying individual branches and perhaps too quick a dry at 4 days . The stalks are not fully snap snap so possibly still some moisture to spread .

My temperatures have been around 18-20 and for the RH it’s been floating between 56-61%. With exhaust fan.
I think I left the actual fan in there too long. Which is my 2nd Time in a row doing that! Argh!

I have one more plant to chop , hopefully I can tune up that drying tent .

Thanks og’ers

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I dry my plants after stripping everything bit the buds on them for 3 to 5 days, then I trim them and dry another day or so, up until the stem on the bud snaps, and bends. Nothing to crisp. Then I jar in quarts and burp everyday for two to six months depending on impulsive intake lmao. I also use every last bit of trim mixed with popcorn buds for butter, hash, hash oil. Anything really. (Fan leaves are composted) for later integration in gardens.


Sort of. :smirk: Just used the freezer in the kitchen, tried both bagged & unbagged: unbagged worked pretty well, bagged destroyed it & made spinach.

Practicing with it might improve my results but it was done because temps were way too high & RH super low when I harvested.

The 60F/60%RH is right on. Just hard to pull off for a lot of people,


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When I’m pretty sure everything is dry I take some buds off the drying rack and put them in a big ziplock bag with a humidity sensor inside.

This way I know for sure. Like this:

It eliminates a lot of guesswork.


Good trick i gotta get one of those little meters.

I’ve been trying all sorts of curing tricks the last couple years. For me #1 is you have to dry the plants untrimmed. Just take off fan leaves and hang them. There should be airflow in the drying area, but ideally just a ‘trickle’.

Once they’re dry enough that it will just barely burn in a bowl (still pretty wet maybe like 5 days) i put them in bulk into closed paper lunch bags. They’re perfect because the buds do continue to dry, just way more slowly.

I used to wait until stems snapped before jarring, but thats too dry imo. Now if the tiny stem of a sugar leaf will snap is around what i consider ideal.


I have 15 of them :rofl:

I recommend them because they are accurate and they all maintain a reading within 1% of each other. The only downside is the batteries don’t last long because they are active before you get them.

In the past I’ve use the stem snap technique but like you I would use the very small stems as my guide. It worked pretty well.


I guess this still has some drying to do.
I just tried bagging try that method

Been hanging since June 18 in a tent! Trimmed dry leaves yesterday.
Reader in bag after few minutes reads 72.

Just hung it back up. Might try the Paper bag Fromm here’.

My Jared stuff From June 08 that I dried is reading 65 %. That’ is not too bad hey? Should be a little less? I’ve been leaving the lid off about 1/2 the day that’s the majority of my 9lb hammer chop.

My other jar is is 63 From the very first cut of all the lower branxhes.

I’ve stil got this batch hanging, really getting antsy , don’t want to over dry it .
It’s looking really nice though!


72 is too high for my tastes. 63 is about right.

Something I’ve done in the past is empty out the jar and just leave it on newspaper for the afternoon. It’s just more work is all. Paper bag is probably a fine idea too but Ive never done it.


I agree it’s too high. I was just trying out that ziplock bag method for a test ! I am glad I did it. Its a quick way to get an accurate read .

Thanks !


You’re very welcome. Glad it helped.

I should add that my meters take awhile to adjust to the proper reading. But they are the super cheap ones.