Karma System (aka pips) Explained

I have no problems with the :rage: emoji being added personally.


About Doug? No I don’t care for a yelp review of Doug.


Then no one would care about Doug having negative karma, that was my point, it would be wet gunpowder…


I don’t want to get into a big thing about it but i’d be more interested in who is leaving the reviews.


I think one big problem is some members dont take any kind of negativity well. Negativity can lead to anxiety which can make OG a bad place to come to. While I dont really have that issue personally, I do recognize it in others.


That’s a bummer to hear you were trolled like that.

How I imagine it working in a perfect world would be let’s say for example you post here on OG a nice welcome message to a new member and that post is trolled and negative reputation is left. Other members would be able to see that and not only leave you positive rep to counter but I’m sure they would negative rep the troll into oblivion as well as flag the post for moderation. New members have a month or so until their use of karma kicks in or something like that. It would really make it challenging for trolls to amass enough karma to really ding anyone and if/when they do it wouldn’t last long unless the community and moderations support it. That’s the beauty of the weighted karma, it represents the spirit of the forums.

To get enough karma where leaving positive or negative reputation actually dings other members would be hard for a troll because once they start trolling other members will notice and can immediately take action. It really doesn’t seem like it could be an ongoing thing unless it was being tolerated by both the active regular members of the forum and the moderation team.

Also, I like the idea to have a separate distinction between options of disliking a post where it doesn’t impact karma and leaving negative reputation where it does in fact impact karma. I like the idea of having both options.

A lot of times disagreeing with something that’s trivial will just create unnecessary drama when instead a dislike can show your feelings for other members to take into consideration when reading replies without adding to an already heated topic of discussion.

I see the negative reputation aspect different than a dislike option and I think it acts as a way to discourage negativity, not promote it. Anyone trolling or abusing the system won’t likely be able to gain enough karma to use for bad is how I see it. I think there’s enough members who embody the spirit of OG on here regularly enough to not let some trolls switch up what K+ really means. I’m a big believer in the duality of things. Hot needs cold to exist. Likes need dislikes to exist.

Sort of similarly, when I’m surfing the forums here sometimes I don’t have the mental capacity to reply thoroughly but I smash that like button on posts I agree with and want to show my support for. Sometimes there’s too many cooks in the conversation kitchen and the like helps, so too I think dislikes would help. I respect those with differing opinions on this matter. Many blessings and much love


We learned that lesson closing the Shark Tank and avoiding religion and politics, mods are not as active as before and those are good news, we are adults and a friendly community so negativity by contrast is quickly discovered and discarded.

Anyway we shouldn’t discuss about this matters, they are taken charge with reasonable results, a :rage: emoji is also a reasonable wish…


To me, in a perfect world, such rating systems are just unnecessary. We gain karma through interaction with each other. I dont feel it needs to be recorded. Just my opinion.


Pips are also a tool used by scammers to gain quick rep as they easy to aquire

Pips should only be valid for informative posts , not for everything

ie I think weed is great , bang 20 pips lol , says nothing really about the user who aquired them apart from he knows how to build pips easily , thus building a rep based on nothing , to scam later on


The pips are much better now IMO. It swithes to a bar and at that point you dont really see much difference in users accumulated likes. The bar does keep growing but its barely noticeable.

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@DougDawson s pips are show-ers not growers.

Mine too now that I think about it.

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On a (similar) side note, I wanted to bring up a concern with the “Respected” badge being quite misleading IMO.

When I started out I noticed it on member’s profiles and assumed it meant they were respected, senior members that held a good standing and/or had displayed a certain level of trust / reliability within the community.

It wasn’t until I was awarded the badge myself that I realised all it really represented was receiving “2 likes on 100 posts” and is quickly obtainable without having to demonstrate any “real” respectability.

Seems like something that could be easily exploited by potential scammers to give a false sense of “respectability” in order to garner gifts from the community.

Maybe a name change (if possible) could alleviate any potential confusion :man_shrugging:


“Somewhat respected.”


I was thinking more along the lines of : “Posted some stuff. It wasn’t egregious”


After the change I had a solid bar like the other with lots. Than It went away and now shows about 1/2 of what I had.

What happened @LemonadeJoe? I was up there with Doug, @Pigeonman, @Foreigner and the other old timers. I understood the solid bar. Why did it go back to single and lots less?


My pips look the same as they always have
A green blurry line , more than 5 but less than 10 …… ish


It was initially set at 28/29K Likes to migrate to a bar. It seems LJ has now updated that threshold to 80K (though in practice it seems more like 100K).

I’ve noticed a few members who temporarily gained a bar after the update, have now moved back to pips.


When I look it shows it goes to a bar between 110000 and 115000 likes. Then it goes to a bar. But it shows only 3 users with bars, everyone else has pips back.


There is clearly a glitch in the matrix because pips go all over the place now. Perhaps there were more criteria added?


It’s gotta be 115. If so some of the older cats are pretty close.