Kaua’i What to See

I am heading to Kaua’i next month to celebrate number 6-0 and wanted to get some ideas of things to do, sights to see and places to eat. We’ll have a car and will be staying on the East side of the island, Coconut coast. Thanks


Me!.. in the passenger seat!

I have dreams of moving to Maui for a few months every year… a guy’s gotta have a dream right. Have a great time!..


lived in keneoe or who its spelled when i was a youngen to bad i wasnt of the cannabis age :upside_down_face: north side of oahu

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Hi @Tejas … 3 weeks surfing in Kauai back in 83

Some pins

Wailua river up to the Fern Grotto
Haena State park
Napali Coast Helicopter tour > iflykauai.com

Film locations > Indiana Jurassic Kong Pirates

Sometimes it`s rainy on one side and sunny at the odder

Got some Electric at Princeville gas station lol




Kalalau lookout is a nice drive up and great scenery as long as its clear. Pu’u okila lookout is nearby too and has some hiking you can do for better views. There is also a trail leading down the ridge from kalalau lookout but its a bit exposed if you aren’t used to hiking nearby cliffs etc.


Great, got those on our list.


@Ronsonmatsuo4 :call_me_hand: please help dis haole :world_map::man_shrugging:



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Went this year for our honeymoon.

We did a good mix of outdoor activities and chilling and eat’n and drinking haha.

Nápali coast and Mount Waialeale are must see in my opinion. Lots of cool tours available from biking to zip line, kayak, scuba /snorkel you name it.

Rob’s good time grill for a great mix of local food and live music that won’t break the bank.

Gaylord’s plantation had the best cocktails and higher end food from what we tried and it’s right next to the Koloa rum tasting room which is worth a stop.

We really enjoyed checking out some local places and doing hikes/walks and just taking in the scenery. :call_me_hand:


Thanks, I do want to check out the distilleries on the island. We have a week to get to know the island.


@cannabissequoia garanteed am I allowed to give a phone number on here?

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@Tejas aloha bro where in Kauai you staying at? You are more than welcomed to spin by my house or work. Dm for phone number


I would use a private msg for phone or other personal info— og is public & googleable :wink:


I only know Big Island & couldn’t begin to help @Tejas


Now THAT’S the spirit of OG!!! Props extended, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am staying in a Airbnb on the East coast. Shoot me your number again, I mistakenly deleted it. We can certainly hookup while we are there. How long have you lived on the island?


Been here for two years. My wife is from here so we moved here so she could be close to her family.

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Sorry so brief og family at work atm. I’m off at 7 pm

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Pulled up your home, beautiful.

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Got back after spending a week on the island. Drove the island and saw some wonderful locations and met some great people. Hooked up with @Ronsonmatsuo4 and his wife, they turned us on to a luau which was a blast. Got to try an island delicacy opihi, which tastes like abalone. Mahalo


right on i lived on oahu wheni was young like 1st grade ill get back some day


Well done! Good to see you had a fantastic trip… cherish the memories.