Kill Bill - Warlock - Amnesia Haze - Agent Orange

Strain: Kill Bill
Light: 250W HPS
Fertilizers: Advanced Hydroponics
Medium: Coco

Strain: Warlock
Light: 250W HPS
Fertilizers: Advanced Hydroponics
Medium: Soil

Strain: Amnesia Haze
Light: 600W HPS
Fertilizers: Atami B-Cuzz A+B, Plagron Alga Bloom, PK 13-14
Medium: Coco

Strain: Agent Orange
Light: 600W HPS
Fertilizers: Atami B-Cuzz A+B, Plagron Alga Bloom, PK 13-14
Medium: Coco


Awesome buds! Just out of curiosity, could you please compare them yield-wise or according to time needed to ripe flower? :cactus: