The Not Fridge - nothing to see here 👀

New here on Overgrow, never made a journal before, should be a hoot :grin:
Im hoping to start a 2 plant grow soon (if these beans would just cooperate).
Tried shot glass method 2x and now we’re on day 2 of an attempt in root riot plugs. Fingers crossed :sweat_smile:

Strains will be (should the stars align): Cream Caramel CBD from sweet seeds and Betty White OG from evil jester genetics. I name all my plant babies 🪴, so their names will be Sophia and Rose (my hopefully golden girls).

They will spend their lives in this not-fridge, spared from the dump when it kicked the bucket, because, while i liked my previous 2x4 tent, zippering and unzippering and velcro etc etc was annoying and loud and real… tentish for my taste. Every day i’d look at that fridge and think of the fine grow box it would make someday. That someday was last fall :partying_face:

I was looking to make it as unassuming as possible, so i tried to keep a low key exterior. With lights on though, its got toasty AF inside (upper 80s at times) so i added extra intakes on the front, but still kept the vents low key.
(Spoiler alert, they do work, a little. Still mid 80s typically)

Inside is where the magic happens 🥹.
This was my last “big” plant, Monty. The Church CBD, a fantastic 1:1 strain that (when properly dried and cured) is like a lemony diesel smile punch to the grill. I say that because i botched the dry and wrecked the flavor. Good thing i also cloned off two babies and did them up right (Python and Lenore).

double mainlined on two chopsticks (never again, what a huge pain in the ass)

I also grow other stuff :slight_smile: tazmanian chocolate tomatoes, numex suave orange peppers and cilantro in the freezer.

Lights and blowers by Supergreenlab as well as the controller, which has an app that runs everything from my ipad, which is pretty cool i think :sunglasses:
Ive also run this kit in a small tent, and two cabinets under an entertainment center, with (to me) great success.

Ive usually gotten around an ounce per plant, using gallon fabric pots of happy :frog: and using mega crop + liquid / dry koolbloom on a loose (and diluted) schedule. This run though, im trying something a little different.

Hoping these little guys will take me on a happy little adventure out of my comfort zone, and into a brave new tomorrow :brown_square:🪴:herb::sparkles: just gotta pop these beans and i’m in business. (Fingers crossed)


Your fridge is awesome. Just awesome.



Hey thanks :grin:


Could you easily remove the door insert to buy yourself a few inches?

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Your Not Fridge is badass! I like the way you think.:+1::grin::green_heart:


Awesome stuff, gotta grow some gelato or ice cream strains in that bad boy, maybe even some cheese… The puns would be endless :laughing:


Probably not easily, though i never really thought about that. I like the shelf to put clippers and wires and whatnot on when im working on a plant in there… but taking that out would get me access to the door insulation, which i could see removing at least half of it to keep the temps down a bit… ill have to think about that. Im cautious around this beast though. The last time i tore into that door i got 16 stitches :rofl:


Damn dude - the good humor :icecream:now i gotta go shopping


18w each. I got them in a kit from

Small but mighty :bulb:
And plug and play with their controller, which runs everything except the circulation fans (which it could also do).


Really sweet setup! I feel the need for a late snack!


This is a really sweet setup! Love the idea of making things look as “normal” as possible, as random tents in the room aren’t going to have that same effect :sunglasses:


Your fridge is awesome! I’ve always wanted to make a stealth cabinet like this.


I checked those lights out and they look pretty sweet. I’ve got something similar that’s 96 watts but I’ve been bitching about how it would be better if the boards were bigger and I could spread it out more.


Very cool @Not-Notjosh


Its nice to be able to spread them around as needed.
They are designed for tiny stealth boxes, so you can put them on the side and on top and move them around a little cabinet as your plant grows. I started out in a side section of a little entertainment center and 3 panels, with plastic rail arm things to put light where needed for such a nano grow.

Things kinda grew from there lol


This is an awesome set up!
I’m definitely keeping an eye in this one.

I’ve grown in some small spaces before with homemade led etc, but never anything this clean. Nice job!



Thanks :blush:
Back then it was always “i hope they dont get much bigger” lol

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Guess Sophia is ready to say hi!

Getting pumped, but staying cool (or at least trying!) Woot!!!


Verdy verdy interesting :sunglasses:


do you use any of the environmental controls (or the stackable carbon filter) from them? looks like youve got their board for a smart hub in there.
these look really cool, thanks for sharing.