Let’s see those old grow guides and collectibles!

The compleat psilocybin mushroom cultivators bible
Peter Vuchich, Hongero Press, 1975


Tricameral Sinsemilla
Mick Marlow, InSuFo, 2nd printing , exile edition, November 1996.


Bog Seeds strain menu, coasters and stickers.
Rest easy man.


These are so awesome I’ll have to pull some of my ones out too & figure out how to post a photo lol :laughing: keep them coming guys I love this stuff too! Some real gems


Glad you like the thread… post some stuff up, I love this stuff too :pray:

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Bonanza Of Green
Bushy Old Grower, B.O.G publishing, April 2005.
Bog signed this for me at the 2012 San Francisco Cannabis Cup. Rest his soul :pray:


So we’ll see if I can get this pic to upload


Ya that’s a white and sliver collectable, Pot leaf ash tray !!! 🫣🤗 what’s all think?


That’s a beautiful piece of handcrafted artwork there!


That’s right stay tuned for a new posting tomorrow if you like that one! I let you collect the books I’ll collect the Knick knacks.


You willing to part with the botany and ecology of cannabis you posted up there?

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Probably not, that one is in such good condition that I would like to have it professionally graded, but I do appreciate it, what do you think it’s worth? Just out of curiosity……:sunglasses:

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A lot of :money_mouth_face:, they were limited print, as that’s Robert Connell Clarks college thesis paper, and the first he printed under red-eye. If it’s a first edition than it’s In my eyes, priceless, I have never been able to track one down, and the one I’ve seen listed was beyond my spending limit.
Absolutely amazing collection you have there. Quite a haul, or quite the heirlooms to pass on. Lots of first editions I see, I have tried to track down many of those to no avail, if I ever come into a large sum of money I know you’re packing lol.
Plus never noticed ya around until this, and seems like many many a folk have known you a long time, which leads me to believe that your probably a cool cat to know.
Glad to have stumbled upon you and your thread here.


I have this book somewhere…good read about guerrilla grows around the Shuswap lake in B.C.


Wow, I really appreciate that man, but you are right about the priceless part, here’s a story about that book.
I posted that book up on eBay years ago for $4000.00, not to sell it…. Just throwing up a flag because I couldn’t find anyone else to even talk to about my hobby. About a week later I got a message that said “want it signed?”, turns out it’s Robert Connell Clark’s assistant, I wound up having a phone call with Robert, which was cool, but couldn’t make LA for a meet up unfortunately.


What a collection @buckaroobonsai, thank you so much for sharing it.


Oh ya… another thing, I won another copy of this off off eBay and all that arrived was an empty envelope, broke my heart, but I opened a case with the usps dead letter program so if it ever surfaces in their “system” They have pictures of it so I can have it returned to me, or finally delivered to me I guess I should say.


I’m glad you like them dude, I love them very much :heart:


Never had the chance to talk to him yet. Have talked to James aka Mel and Todd McCormick, he was the one to get me down the path of collecting these works. I scored a first edition copy of hashish from Clark, and a few other goodies. But I can see that price tag for sure being a low number. If I could ever find a copy I’d be a happy camper for sure.
I had the chance at a signed copy of DJ shorts book, but I’m a broke joke so I’ve gotten lucky off Amazon (people not knowing what they have) and eBay (again people just not knowing.).
Beyond my luck I’m glad to have a Dropbox filled with 1000’s of books and papers so I can at least peek at them.


Awesome :sunglasses: I have managed to run into or track down quite a few of these guru’s through the years including Mel Frank, Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes, Robert Clark, Stephen Gaskin, Bill Drake, Larry Todd, Greg Green, Bog, Jeff Mowta, Jeff Brown, John Stahl, Mr. Green…. I’m sure I’m forgetting some, stoners are a very cool group, the best kind of people.