Dino Party's Giant Fucking Mess

Hiya everybody! (everybody-“Hi Dr. Dino!”

My name Is Dino, some of you may know me as Really Big Jesus Freak from the Rollitup forums before they took my ball away and sent me packing. You can also find me on the newer, smaller forum phenohunters dot org. but anyways.

I decided that I should probably just start a thread here for me to dump photos and info about my past, current, and upcoming projects, as well as my strange “art” and just a place to have conversations with y’all about plants, life, fried chicken.

So a little bit about me, i’m a younger (early 30’s) cat thats been doing this for about 7 years now, chucking for 4 of them. We just went legal in my state of Minnesota this past August, although that doesnt really change much of anything for me. I got into growing as I’ve always been a very hands on, DIY person who likes to make as much of everything they can themselves. I fell in love with it right away and have been going none stop pretty much ever since.

My favorite parts of this include working with others and collaborating on projects. I like seeing seeds and cuts that friends have made, supporting them and growing their stuff out, incorporating it into my own work. I think that there is room for everybody at the table, and that everybody should be able to do this. If you’re here to make money first off, or to get rich, we are not in this for the same reasons.

I built a site some years ago where you can see pretty much everything i’ve created and brought to market, i’ve included as much info as i can so its a good place to go and review some of the older stuff I havent grown in a couple years now.

Now that I have this page started, I’m going to be going back and just dumping some photos and information in here now.

Have a great day everybody and feel free to ask me any questions!
oh yeah my insta is @dino_party_chucks if anybody was curious.


Pulling up a chair and happy to see you around brother ! @dinopartychucks

I came from RIU as well and several others on here did too.

Hopefully before long, I can grab a couple packs of your stuff to try out.



Good to see you here man!


Stoked to have you over here as I said before! Always enjoy your work and your plants and pics are always gorgeous and entertaining! Welcome brother!


All I’m going to say is I LOVE the names of your strains! Also I’ll just set my beanbag up in a back corner to watch.


Nice to meet you brother!
I’m pulling up a chair to watch the show you have in store. Positive vibes and best of luck to you and your grows. :pray:


Welcome bro and I came from RIU as well! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:, you will love this place and never look :eyes: back! :wink::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:


Awesome :sunglasses: been following you on PH forum. My buddy even gave me a slap you sent him

Everyone around here probably just thinks I’m a porn freak, until they google “Dino Party” :rofl::metal::skull::skull::skull:


Huge to see you here doggie! I just put two each of your Hashtastrophe and Black Light Bubba S1s into Root Riots last night


I love the slap! I’d stick one on my R6


Welcome dude! I perused RIU for a bit before finding OG and am familiar with your old screen name there. Also, congrats on legalization! Recently went legal here myself.


I grew his Blobby Hill outside this season, very nice. Good structure, vigor, and smelled great. 2 put of 3 turned purple, once the cure is done I get to try it out!


Good to see you here brother!
RIU has gone downhill for sure.
What strains would you recommend for the PNW? (cold & wet September)


You’re not a stranger… :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: WELCOME!! :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks: Looking forward to seeing your creations’ progress. I’ll just slide over to that far right corner, take out my Notepad, and try to keep up. Continued success, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I remember your posts on RIU. Welcome to OG. I normally rag on guys who put out pollen chucks while pretending to be a breeder.
But you keep it 100 and have never claimed to be someone you’re not, I can appreciate that.


Man they’ll let anyone in here these days. :joy:

Good to see you here. It’s like a cooler, less troll-y RIU.


Welcome @dinopartychucks !!


You will fit in just fine around here @dinopartychucks
We are glad to have you!


Welcome to OG @dinopartychucks :v:


Always liked seeing your posts in the B thread on RIU, glad to see you posting here.