Let's try again


All looking healthy and bright there mate.


Just a few shots nothing special. Uploading…


Yeah they look happy. Bright green tops you flipped ?


Looking good. You know the genetics?

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Surprisingly it’s seedsman on this run. Two amnesia autos and an Gelat OG.


Nice looking plants man!

Healthy green and bushy! Woo

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Nice wide leaves, looking good :thumbsup:

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Looking good man. When you switching over to 12/12?

Looking great fam I’m looking forward to seeing how that gelato goes I really wanna get my hands on some one day good luck with ur grow and welcome to og :blush:

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I’ll be interested how the Gelat OG comes out. I got a few with my last order.


Looking good dude got some big fat fan leaves on there you going to have some chunky nugs. What kind of lighting setup?


1000 w king led. Simple and sweet. Plug and play. I think it’s 185 true watts.

Yeah I bought a bestva 2000w. It draws around 400 ish from the wall. It’s an awesome veg light. I’m gonna flower in conjunction with the 600w hps. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks
I love it when they say is Chinese crap


If you take pictures with the flash on they won’t be as purple. Lol

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No I haven’t flipped them. I’m going to stick the biggest one outside.


The Flash is off I’ll have to cut my main light off and take a shot without though LED light on I got a T8 in there I’ll just angle…

Now you’re right where my bad I couldn’t figure out either how to get that purple out of there that’s all people are using filters LOL thanks for the tip though looks much better huh

Lol not really…ill have to shoot pics with just floros.


Its easiest to just switch off the Purple LED before the pictures. It will also help you see the true colors of the plant. They can look quite different under natural light.

I had one of those pairs of glasses that corrected the color. They were nice for working with the plants, and I could hold them up to the lens on my camera for pictures.


Yeah I do that. I was telling @Baltimore that he can keep the flash on to lessens the purple light. That’s all. I agree with you. You need to get the plants in good light to really see how they are doing. Blessings Jah