Little white lies by light companies

Awesome I’m glad this has started some good communication. I was in no way saying this is truth by there is some truth in it. Most manufacturers will use data however manipulated to help promote their says. Like @Foreigner said I consider the source. They have 6 other little white lies that bend to their sales pitch but it helps me to look up other info to find what the truths are by others not trying to sell a product. There is a nute company that talks about nutrient friction :thinking: obviously a term they invented to make their product seem better. Love hearing knowledgeable people with experience pointing out good and bad with the info. Thanks guys!


Ok gents.
I have to come clean.
This will surprise many.

I have never given LEDs a try.


Any particular reason?

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The main one is im a cheap bastard with stockpiles of ancient tech.

Second is 10 years ago dudes from my crew were going aspergers on led and it turned me off completely.

Third is my setups are so dialed the learning curve would be more costly than the benefits.


Fair reasons.

I haven’t used an HPS in 20 years.

I happen to like them, they suit me.

There is a cost savings but upfront it’s pretty expensive.


20 years ? What did you roll with 15-20 years ago?

I almost pulled the trigger on a few adjust a wings leds but see reason #1 lol

Strictly personal opinion here… but having sampled the same cut from a bunch of led setups, my buds from that cut still destroy all but one grower. Not entirely sure about volume tho


I have usually had to deal with very small spaces. With the exception of outdoor my footprint now is the biggest it’s ever been, and it’s still pretty small.

I got on the LED bandwagon immediately. My first was $300USD for 28 watts. I crammed it in a retrofitted lectern and was able to grow an ounce with it. But it was a POS with diodes the size of pencil erasers poorly hand soldered.

I have watched the technology improve to where I think it’s a very good choice.

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Yeah i can see how in your case the switch may have been smoother.

Without saying too much and i know youre a smart man and you will understand…

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Yes the upfront costs would be very high.

Im but a lonely carpenter :grin:

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Ofc. I got no hate for leds… i see guys around me and on the forums almost impress me with leds haha and its a beautiful thing.

Thing is i still run way too many t5s lol amd happy with them.

Honestly id buy a used adjust a wing led to try it, i know ill hate the learning curve.

The older i get the more i lean toward a single outdoor grow and be done with it… i might never led lol


Up until it died recently I was running a t12 for smaller things. Worked fine and for the small part it played I didn’t even consider switching.

For my tent though it just makes sense.

If my balcony were functional we’d be playing a whole different ball game.


For the price of a few leds i can get a kubota eh :wink:


Yes but you could use it to dig a bunker and outfit it with LEDs :rofl:


No lie, we all at one point dreamt of a super secret bunker grow haha.

This place has a 30x20 terrace on the third floor… i might try beds sog next summer. The previous owner had a couple 5-6ft plants in full view like it was nothing so…


Third floor open terrace? Dude that’s awesome. Much less pest and insect pressure up there! Stoked for you on that idea. Sounds like a winner. Many blessings and much love


Terrace and spiral staircase to the master bedroom were what caught my eyes first :wink:

My nextdoor neighbor is growing rows of corn on his… he definitely tokes lol


So true so true!