Lights, hps vs led, who's using them

I’m curious about how many people are using the newer led lights, especially for flowering, instead of hps. Especially for flowering.
And if you’re using led’s are you getting the same yields you got with hps…?
I’ve been looking at the newer led lights, but have been reluctant to put out the money since I’ve already got 1k hps lights that do fine.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it IMHO. I run all LED, seed to flower but this is fairly new to me having come from HPS/CMH world previously. DE 1Ks are still the standard that all modern LEDs are compared to, some do well, some fall waaaay short.

  • Are there directly comparable units? Yes
  • Will you have to adjust your environment and/or feeding regimes to accomodate? Likely Yes
  • Will this take time and resources away from something that is already working for you? DefinitelyYes

When something breaks down or it’s time to expand it then might be worth evaluating the cost/benefit relationship here.

Just my 2 cents :v:


I have HLG leds in veg and flower tents, less heat and cheaper electricity bill. Also using now the old HPS lamp to heat the tent, no need to throw it away … :sunglasses:


There are good and bad points to both. My 1000 watt MH/HPS light is now in a box as a backup and was replaced with an HLG 600 Rspec. I also have an HLG UV bar attachment for it that runs 12/12 during flower. I switched after I went on holidays twice last year and both times my son somehow knocked a vent hose off that was cooling the light. What I found is you have to adjust some stuff. I am feeding twice the nutes I fed with under HPS, seems the LED makes them gluttons. I use less power and don’t have bulbs to replace so over time it will help justify the initial spend. The fact is that either HPS or good LED will get you there.


I use my I know the cost is greater but I’m off grid with solar I have used led and don’t really see any difference

Peace out and stay safe


I personally run flourescent in my mother/clone room i have a mars hydro ts3000 in my 4x4 flower tent and a 600-1000w hps in my 5x5 tent… The led puts out about as much nugs as the hps set at 600-750w a lil denser towards the top but only has about half the stretch that hps do, so its better for the taller gangly strains. During the summer the led is awesome dont have to worry about heat at all. I was always way for hps because of yield but leds have gotten good enough for me to start phasing the hps out for safety reasons ie ive had bulbs burst and start fires 1 too many times… 1 time was enough :joy:


If your having issues with heat, then definitely. Otherwise yes LEDs use less power, but if you already have something that your dialed in with, and your not expanding or needing a new fixture, then save the money for when you need it.
Unless you just really want something new :laughing:. I personally love LEDs, but I’m not using one of those fancy prebuilt units, or really building my own. I just use screw in household LED bulbs, I just take the diffuser dome off. I have bathroom vanity light fixtures on strips of wood. I do love the even coverage and options to change the bulbs out for different spectrums


How many lumens do those screw ins put out?
I was thinking of converting a small closet as a budding room using a combination of those screw in LEDs and these garage LEDs…



Sorry bud, I don’t want to be a bad guy and I am new here but those plants looks staved for light.

What makes you say that?!? They are foxtailing from the brightness… the color on the leaves is from being late in bloom. Love the AV btw, my kids love trolls, and I have to admit, I had the biggest crush on Anna K. when we were in elementary school :slight_smile:

@PhilCuisine The box says 1600 lumens for the 100w equivalent (15w draw).


I can tell you that my 300w LED is twice the light my old 250HPS was.

Best yield was a pound in a 2x4 so I’d say that’s pretty good. It’s not even the best LED out there.

As was said, if your old gear is still kicking and working well for you then keep using it. But if you need to start buying new stuff I’d recommend at least looking at the LEDs

All the best


in my flower tent i was running 3 315 cmh this last run I ran one 315 cmh and leds about the same watt out of the wall as before.

Everything took longer in flower by at least 2 weeks, was only that one run, likeing the heat reduction although it isnt nearly as much as stated.

there full spectrun
QB’s using samsung 301b’s mostly, the ir and reds are cree or others

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If your using the same wattage then it’ll still have as much heat. But the thing with LEDs is you need less watts per sq.ft, that’s where the energy saving and heat difference comes from. All the light from a led goes in the right direction, while all the other lights have half the energy going in the wrong direction and need to be reflected back down.


Check this out, just saw this…


I was running a 1000w hps and swapped to a home built light with bridgelux strips. I’ve noticed much larger tighter buds, more color expression because I can keep it cooler. I have noticed they become calmag whores under led for some reason. I get much faster growth and they seem happier.

I’ve got one of these small led lights that I use over my staged plants that are vegging. Works great

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I used mh and hps when I started growing 10 years ago. I was an early adopter of blurple ufos from HTG. I would combine them with t5’s and get great plants. Now I use ts1000’s and a few cobs and love what they yield.

Turned on the t5’s hanging in storage for the cool pic

300w of ts1000 and 100w of cob yielded around 350g. Im not quite dialed in on using the ts1000’s yet, I think I actually had them too close last grow.


I mean LEDs are so cheap now its not even the price point.

My 720w LED build cost about $400

1000w HID setup is $250. Factor a few bulb changes and bam already at the $400. ROI is a lot sooner with the cheaper LED tech.


I have 1 philizon 1000 watt led which is only 100 watts from the wall and I have a hlg 100 Rspec in my 2.5X2.5 and it seems to be working fine. The blurples are no good but if your gonna go led I suggest to go with the hlgs. I plan on getting a 3X3 gorilla grow tent and putting a hlg 260 rspec in there but this is my setup now


I got 6 1/2 oz my first grow using a 7 gallon pot and at that time I had blurples. Hopefully I get 4 girls and I can pull around a pound this time around. Just thinking positive