Looking for mephisto genetic .... auto ethos or cross autoflowering

hi brothers i’m new but reading the various posts i would like to share too since where i am san marino there is nothing only online and usual things i am looking for autoflowering seeds created or mephisto genetics that are all off stok here in the various sites in exchange I offer either money for the purchase of seeds or exchange I have seeds dinafem quick gorilla femm … 1 dutch passion banana blaze autoflowering seed … two zamnesia white monster autoflowering seedsUploading: 16345656161955285991950991094079.jpg…


Hey bud, you may find a trade but we don’t sell seeds here on OG. Best of luck on your search.

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You’re in luck their Monday drop for Europe is active right now!


thanks brò I meant an exchange or a donation since I would need 3 or 4 mephisto seeds or ethos for myself … I know that seeds are not sold but some auctions also to help the site or paying at least the shipping costs it seems to me correct with the member posting this i meant i don’t like to take advantage of people bro especially now that i’m new here


Oh and keep in mind they give more seeds than they list in the pack, I don’t know why they do it this way but I believe

1 seed = 2,
3 seeds = 5,
7 seeds = 10


Fair enough, just wanted to give you a heads up is all.


brother I answer you now because I had the messages deactivated for 20 hours in any case I do not like to take advantage of people also because I have read that many users have been sent many seeds and have disappeared sincerely I see a horrible thing especially because those who donated them he did it with a big heart guys keep it up

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