Lucky dog seeds

Issue with licensing has Lucky Dog closing their doors temporarily… you can read about it here.

Wishing the gang good vibes till they get reopen…


Sad news :disappointed:


damn! fuck!


I checked ig, no mention of this yet. I was looking for a bit more detail as to what this means…

Can he still cultivate? What’s it mean for bean sales?

I’m so glad i have been able to save an eigth of the Chemdog for the holidays. I was considering putting out a feeler to see if anyone in or visiting Bozeman could do me a solid.

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In other words: the state is extorting Skunk VA for even more money than he already pays.

I’m getting pretty fucking sick of hearing about people all across the country (in legal states) constantly getting hammered with fees and taxes and shit. I mean, here in CA, if you’re a simple consumer who isn’t interested in growing either for personal use or for distribution and you just go to your local dispensary for an eighth, the taxes on that weed total 35%. Thirty-fucking-five percent! What other product can local and state governments just slap arbitrary taxes on the way they do cannabis and expect people to pay it? It’s fucking bullshit. And they’re squeezing out all the small-time growers who used to vend to dispensaries, too. It’s why you only see the same ten strains in every fucking dispensary in CA now, even though, 10/12/15 years ago, CA was a mecca and there were just dozens and dozens and dozens of strains available, all the time, everywhere.

I grow my own (duh! Haha), so that’s not something I have to deal with, but nobody should have to deal with it. Nobody should tolerate it. If you went to the store to get a six-pack and the taxes on it were almost half of what the six-pack cost, you’d be like,”WTF???” There’d be riots in the streets haha…


That IS ridiculous, just a bunch of money hungry politicians turning what should be a positive experience negative. I think when I was vacationing in Seattle the taxes on alcohol were just as bad. Turned a 25 dollar bottle to almost 40 I think. Made me sick just to pay it


I mean, I’m fine with the “regular” sales tax on all products, which here in LA is like 10 or 11 percent. How else are we gonna maintain roads and fund fire departments and schools and shit? But paying a 35% tax on anything is fucking insane. And totally arbitrary. It’s the government’s way of saying,”Okay, y’all wanna grow and smoke weed and not go to jail for it? Fine. But you’re gonna pay out the ass.”

What it is is them finding a way to continue to get a shitload of money from weed smokers even though it’s now legal. Used to be, they’d get that money in the form of court costs and fines and “supervised” probation fees from people who got arrested for weed. Not to mention the free labor they got from the community service you’d have to do as part of your sentencing, thus eliminating the need to actually, you know, hire and pay people to do that work.

Skunk VA lives in Montana, so this isn’t a “California” thing. It isn’t a “Seattle” thing. It’s not a “West Coast” thing. It’s a “money grab” thing. And it’s bullshit.


Yeah I agree. Then I see California talking about how the black market is still as strong as before legalization and they can’t figure out why. Because the dealers are charging actually reasonable prices! I doubt they will ever lower the taxes though, they count on sucking the money out of each and every stoner they can to keep their budget wallet fat.


But honestly on the other hand, if I lived in a legal state I would pay the extra money for the convenience. No matter what it is awesome there are legit businesses that one can go in and come out with a bag, with no reprocussions! Me as well as everyone else is hoping they change the federal laws about cannabis asap


Again, this isn’t a “California” thing; we’re just the only ones who actually talk about it. You think the black market isn’t thriving in any other state?

It’s all by design: squeeze out the small-time growers and only make it possible for people with deep, deep pockets (who, btw, contribute heavily to politicians’ campaigns) to grow and make money legally.

It’s not hard to figure out. This isn’t rocket science haha…


Just wait until all the little growers are gone. The price can climb.
This is especially true if there is no good breeding material around (males).

Thank God OG is here to keep that from happening!


Guerilla fume f2 coming along


Hunza valley 91


Looking killer what smells does she give off? @Hapi


Tennis balls, slight musky, slight chard garlic so far, not very loud though


Very nice looking plant, can’t wait to grow mine, should be starting soon!


i’m in Oklahoma and pipe tobacco is taxed at 80%. Pathetic. Cigars? 0%.


i started buying all my tobacco on wholeleaftobacco it’s real good stuff you gotta figure out your favorite blend, extreemly cheap it’s like $20 a pound

i’m so stoked to see these grown out, looks good


Gf f2 looking nice and green


Pssst… pssst… pssssstttttt…

Headie Gardens has restocked…