Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Yeah, that’s why I’m not gonna water with it until week five, once the stretch is (probably) over. But what about an alfalfa tea once they’re done stretching? Like I said, this thought just popped into my head a couple weeks ago, Field of Dreams-style haha. I was just sitting on the couch playing The Show 21, not even thinking about anything grow-related. It really did just pop into my head. I wasn’t even high, I don’t think. Or maybe I was, I dunno.

Like I said, Coot advocated for it. And I only know that because when I had the thought, I immediately started re-researching alfalfa meal (did plenty of reading about it years and years ago) and came across some of his posts re: alfalfa. I think it’ll be okay. I probably wouldn’t have done it, but now that we’re talking about it so much, I’m definitely gonna do it. I wanna see what happens.


When I’m growing in a brand-new soil mix, I always top dress with a little fish bone, neem, kelp and MBP. Right now, I’m using a soil mix on its fourth cycle which was re-amended right before this grow, so I skipped all of that, except the MBP top dress. I figure if anything, I can water with a neem and kelp tea (which I just did a couple days ago) and everything’ll be fine.

Also, neem is higher in N than alfalfa and fish meal, too, so I really don’t think an alfalfa tea would be introducing higher levels of nitrogen than the plants’ll need or want at five weeks. One thing I always notice, right at week five or so, is that my leaves get a little crispy. No idea why (I mean, I kind of know why haha). And I’m not worried about it, either, just because the flowers always turn out stellar. But I do think that an alfalfa tea at week five or so might improve things. The thought popped into my head the other day, anyway, so I’m gonna listen to my, uh, head. Or brain. Or whatever haha!

It’s all a learning experience… It’s a journey… haha! And honestly, I’m not trying to impress anybody. I don’t give a shit what anybody thinks. If the plants get fried or grow weird because of the alfalfa, they get fried and grow weird. But I don’t think they will at all. If you check out the studies about the effects of alfalfa in farming, they all say it improves basically everything.

I’m gonna do it. I’ll be the guinea pig haha.


personally i wouldnt, but i try to basically use as little as possible in flowering especially late but im glad to see you experiment around… look great so far


Yeah, I’m definitely an adherent to the whole “less is more” school of thought, but I just wanna see what an alfalfa tea at week five will do. Like I said, the more we’re talking about it, the more I feel like I should do it. Honestly, I don’t think it’ll make a difference one way or the other, good or bad, but let’s see what happens. For educational purposes haha.


I’m telling you from experience. Do what you would like. High levels of nitrogen lower THC levels and over all bud size. :v:


That’s what I’m talking about! :grin::pray:




The nitrogen in the neem releases much more slowly than the nitrogen in alfalfa. When you add the alfalfa it’s giving out most of that N right away, with the neem it’s more of a trickle effect over time.

There is also the issue of the hormones, which I don’t know too much about, but from what I understand you would prefer to be boosting the plants cytokines(present in coconut water, corn SST) at that point rather than triacontanol.

The result will likely be along the lines of light leak stress or the plant looking like it’s reverting to veg cycle, although if just a one time feeding probably won’t be too severe I wouldn’t think. Probably some extra leaf in the buds though, maybe less dense buds as well.

Whatever you ultimately decide on, best if luck,
looking forward to learning from it.


Also, I’m sure Coot has forgotten more about growing plants than I will probably ever know, so if he is a proponent there is likely something to it, but I would imagine too high of a dose and the risks would out weigh the rewards.

Again best of luck, excited to follow


Yeah, when I woke up this morning, my very first thought was,”Fuck the alfalfa tea. I’m not gonna do it,” haha!

As a top dress, though, right? Or when it’s mixed into your soil? A neem tea would make the nitrogen available pretty quickly, wouldn’t it? I only ask that because of that recommended watering regimen thing on the no till thread at grasscity, where Mountain suggests a neem and kelp tea once every twelve days. Personally, I barely ever use those, most grows I don’t use them at all, although I did water with one a couple days ago. Probably be the last time I do that this grow.

Anyway, yeah, fuck the alfalfa tea. And fuck that watering schedule on the no till thread haha. I dunno why I keep going back to that. I followed it once a few years ago and my plants did not dig it, but for whatever reason, I keep going back to it. Usually, I’ll spread it out over a month, as opposed to the twelve day thing, but it still seems like overkill.


I’ve tried that watering schedule too. Invariably I end up pushing out the teas or skipping extra days between waterings…though my most recent grow is definitely not a good example of whether or not that worked.

I added a couple new containers and mixed my soil waaaayyy wrong and didn’t realize it until 3-4 weeks into flower. Only had about 1/2 of the neem, kelp, etc to go along with the compost/peat moss/aeration.

Edit: missed punctuation


Well, that’s kind of an easy fix for now, isn’t it? Couldn’t you just top dress with a little neem and kelp and whatever else for the time being? And then, after harvest, just re-amend when you recycle?

I always water every other day, without fail, but yeah, when I’ve tried that no till watering schedule, I’ve usually stretched it out and not done the twelve day thing. Usually, I’ll do the MBP top dress/aloe/fulvic thing, then plain water for two or three waterings, then do the neem/kelp tea, then plain water again for two or three waterings etc etc. But a lot of grows, I won’t do any of that. Honestly, I haven’t noticed a difference either way, except the one time I stuck to that twelve-day no till schedule thing. My plants got fried when I “fed” them every other watering.

I just need to stick to water-only (this is becoming a running theme in my grow logs haha). I don’t think all that other shit is necessary, except maybe once or twice a grow. I’m just so boooorrrred haha. Seriously, I really have nothing to do and I don’t mean just grow-related. I used to think to myself,”Man, I can’t wait until I retire…” But now that I’m basically retired (not by choice; nobody wants to hire me; I’ve aged out of my chosen profession at 46 years old haha!), I’m really starting to understand why old people start golfing and shit haha!

Do you have a log here, @SmackyMcSmackers? I haven’t seen it if you do.


Yeah, just makes for a sad few weeks while the plants struggle to finish. I’m probably going to dump the problem container’s soil into my compost and remix them from scratch, though.

I don’t yet…mostly because I’m literally the worst at remembering to take pics and post updates on my own stuff. Like I’ve been meaning to post updated pics on my IG for like 10 weeks now… :sweat_smile:


Do you mix up the soil for your pots individually? Like, as opposed to putting everything in a 65 gallon Rubbermaid or whatever and mixing big batches all at once? Just curious, obviously. I’ve seen somebody, think it was greenhighlander, do it that way and it always intrigued me. Makes sense, anyway.


I’ve mixed in a kiddie pool in the basement (wife approval factor was dangerously low on that one), on a tarp in the garage, in a 65 gallon Rubbermaid, and in a 3.5 cu ft Harbor Freight concrete mixer.

Both the kiddie pool and the tarp were “full” batches, meaning I mixed up everything based on 1 cu ft each of compost/peat moss/aeration, with no calculation needed to cut down amendment amounts.

Every batch I mixed in that 65 gal Rubbermaid was faulty since I made and followed a spreadsheet calculation to reduce the size of the batch, which ended up being my problem.

The concrete mixer is by far the easiest on my back in terms of mixing soil. It also pointed out very quickly where my calculations went wrong in my spreadsheet. Having the mixer is also the reason I’m not nearly as concerned with amending the current containers versus mixing fresh soil. TBH, if I wasn’t concerned about the welfare of the worms in my containers, I’d dump the soil from the containers into the mixer and mix in the extra amendments.

BTW, a Coots-type mix works really well in the veggie garden too. :grin:


Okay, yeah, I always just do the Rubbermaid thing. Drill a bunch of holes in a 65 gallon container and then mix the batch in there, fifteen gallons at a time. Fill a five gallon bucket with peat, fill it again with EWC and again with pumice and then amend accordingly. Then mix all that up by hand for like a half-hour. Rinse and repeat until the Rubbermaid’s filled up. It’s a bitch, but luckily I only do that every three years or so. I’ve got two sitting in my garage filled with soil right now and an empty one that I’ll use to recycle the current grow. They’re kind of all on a rotation.

Every time I mix up new soil, I consider renting a concrete mixer haha. It really is just such a bitch doing it all by hand and very time-consuming, too. Still, I kind of like doing it by hand. I dunno.

Oh, yeah. No doubt. I’ve grown multiple different herbs and shit in that mix, they’ve done great. I can’t do a veggie garden out here, even though I want to. It’s just too hot and our backyard gets blasted with scorching sun from like June until October. We’ve got a big planter in our backyard that I planted some stuff in the first year we moved to this house; everything was just fried, completely dead, by the middle of July.


Those Sour Creme and Sour 2018 have always intrigued me. I missed out on JJ’s Sour GOAT (Chem D x Sour Diesel Bx3) recently, but I was quick enough to pick up some of his Sour Diesel Bx4 to look through ASAP.

On the subject of the russet mites, I was fully shut down for 3+ months. I recently started quite a few cultivars and I will be scoping them in a few weeks. The russet mites haven’t had a food source for 3+ months, but if they are still present, I figure it will be easier to treat one full room of vegging plants than 3 rooms plus the walk-in closet. I really hope the little fuckers are just gone. I really don’t feel fulfilled when I do not have cannabis plants to play with and make seeds. Time will tell. Positive vibes…



Well, at least you’re back to growing again, I guess. That’s always a good thing.

How do people even know when and where to find those? I fucking hate that shit, where everything sells out in three minutes. I wasn’t even aware of those until I logged on to IG (which I only do maybe once a week, can’t stand IG) and saw JJ mention something about them. But by then, I was way too late. Really annoying.


I wish you the best of luck brother. What is your solution?


Yet to hear a definitive answer. Lol I know that’s not possible.

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Alright, flower day 27 today.

If I seem like I’m in a seriously pissy mood in this post, it’s because I was in the room watering and taking pictures and shit and decided the Mexican Melon #1 needed to be tied down. A couple grows ago, one of my Starkillers really stretched out of control, so I tied down her tops and she split right in half. And I was real careful when I was tying her down. I really don’t like doing any kind of training, so when I do, I’m always very careful.

Today, when I went to tie down the Mexican Melon #1, I was even more extra-extra-careful super-special careful haha. I didn’t even spread her out too much, just enough to lower the tops maybe four inches, because anything’s better than nothing. Anyway, I tied down her first top, very gently, turned my back to grab the floral tape to tie down the second top and heard a loud,“SNAP!” and she’d straight broken in half. I’m super-fucking-sad right now. That plant’s been getting on my nerves for a while. I don’t mind the stretching, I fully expected her and the MM#2 to stretch. But it seems like her root development wasn’t really that great after I got her into the seven gallon pots, either. She’s been kind of leaning hard-core at the base for days now, almost like she just gonna rips all of the roots out and fall right over. And, I mean, sometimes that happens when flower development is nearing the end and shit starts swelling and stuff. I can understand that. It’s why I’ll stake and tie sometimes. But this early? I don’t know.

Anyway, I measured them all today, too. Plant height will be in parentheses next to each strain name.

Mexican Melon #1 (41"):

You’ll notice that the two tops are very close together; that’s because I took these pictures after she had snapped in half and I had taped her together where she snapped. But I measured her BEFORE she had snapped, so the height is accurate. Forty-one inches isn’t too bad. She seemed to reeeealllyyy stretch super-fast and then just stopped around day 19 or so. Which is great for me. I was afraid she was gonna end up six feet tall.

Couple close-ups of the MM#1:

Here’s the Mexican Melon #2 (37")(my favorite! lots of pics):

There’s just so. Many. Budsites… haha! Both she and the MM#1 look like they’re gonna take longer than the ones Doc D was running, which he said finished in “just under ten weeks.” And that’s fine. I don’t mind. I was a little skeptical of that ten-week finishing time when he mentioned that, but you never know! Maybe they will finish that quickly. If they don’t, though, I won’t be mad. I’ll actually be super-happy haha. I don’t want to grow any kind of Mexican cross that finishes in only 67 days.

Anyway, as far as the stretch is concerned, both only stretched about 125%, which isn’t bad at all. The MM#1 was 17.5" the day I flipped and ended up at 41"; the #2 was 16" and ended up at 37". That’s totally acceptable.

Here’s the Black Triangle #1 (20 inches! Shit!):

I wasn’t able to get vey many good pictures of the BT#1, I guess.

And the Black Triangle #2 (26.5”):

Trichome development on these two has been kind of slow. Usually by week four, with almost everything of Bodhi’s that I’ve grown, there’s frost all over the fan leaves and shit, looking very good. These look okay, but not nearly as frosty at this point as usual. Still a long way to go, though.

The Black Triangle #2 stretched a little more than 100%, from 12" to 26.5". That Black Triangle #1 though, didn’t even stretch 50%, from 14" to 20". She’s killing my canopy! Haha. Seriously, if it wasn’t for that plant, I wouldn’t have even messed with the MM#1. As it is, I guess I’ll stick the Black Triangle #1 on a five-gallon bucket or something. Fucking short plants… Can’t stand 'em haha.

Also, I dunno if anybody noticed, but there’s already some brown pistils showing up on the Black Triangles and also on the Chem Fuegos that I’ll post pictures of here in a second. I think it’s because of my humidifiers, running five right now and some of the mist gets on the plants, even though I try to keep the humidifiers pretty far from the front of the tent. But yeah, I dunno why some of the plants are starting to develop brown pistils already. But that’s happened before, my last few grows. That’s actually why I think it has something to do with the humidifiers, simply because running five humidifiers is a relatively new thing for my grows. It’s so fucking DRY out here. I used to only have to run one at our old house.

Anyway, here’s the Chem Fuego #1 (29"):

I took like twenty close-ups of her and didn’t get a single good one. I may have taken pictures of her after the Mexican Melon #1 had snapped, when I was shaking with rage haha! Maybe that was the problem…

Chem Fuego #2 (32"):

And the Chem Fuego #4 (30"):

The Chem Fuegos #2 and #4 stretched exactly 100%, which is kind of cool. #2 stretched from 16" to 32" and the #4 stretched from 15" to 30". The Chem Fuego #1 only stretched one inch above 100%, from 14" to 29". Damn close to being uniform, really.

SO alright, there we go. Day 27 of flower today. Hopefully that Mexican Melon #1 will pull through and be okay. I taped the shit out of her right where she split, probably take the tape off of her in two weeks or so and see what’s up. She should heal fine, I think, but the way she’s taped up, both tops are really close together. That’s okay for now, while there’s barely any flower development, but once they start getting fatter, I want the tops further away from each other. So, we’ll see… It’s just such a goddamn bummer haha. I was actually thinking to myself today, when I was watering and checking her out,“Naaahhhhh, dude, it’s okay, don’t tie them down,” and then decided to anyway. Shoulda listened to myself.

This is why I never train my plants!!! haha.


I’m sorry I laughed way too hard at that “shaking with rage” part.
On a serious note the pictures do look fine and the plants look stellar. I’m no photographer but I do find I take better pictures with a darker background, i.e no white walls.