Magic Spirit Seed Company Mexican Melon, Bodhi Black Triangle and Lucky Dog Chem Fuego

Looking good !

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Don’t be sorry, dude, it was supposed to be funny. Sometimes I just get really sick of typing “haha” or whatever after everything that’s meant to be a joke. None of my favorite authors ever had to type “haha” after a funny sentence; I just knew they were being funny.


Yeah, for sure. It’s just the way my room is set up, it’s easier to take pictures on the table I water the plants on or the bucket I set them on after I water them so I can make room for unwatered plants on the table. I mean, I could zip up the tent and put the plant on a bucket in front of the tent every time I want to snap some pics, but then I’d have to open the tent again, take a plant out, water it, close the tent, take some pics, open the tent again, take a plant out, water it, close the tent, take pictures etc etc etc. I’m not gonna do all that.


Can I ask a question? Anybody can chime in. If I start feeding alfalfa tea late-veg to early-flower, will it only cause stretch in the internodes… or is there a way to manipulate the plants to develop more flower sites with the added elongation? :thinking:

I grow in a SOG style with many smaller untrained plants. Added stretch to improve yields sounds like a dream.


Sorry to hear about the MM#1, it can be frustrating but I always admire how tough these little plants are.
MM#2 is a real looker for sure, she has a beautiful structure to her.
Loving the CF too, I have some there Chasca to pop soon.
Great work man.


I caught this one right in the feels. :persevere:


Been there on the training. For me it’s usually those big knuckles that come off the main stem. I’ve had good success taping it up.

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My understanding was that the hormones you want for creating bud sites are cytokines (found in coconut water and corn SST). My knowledge of the plant hormones is pretty limited, but my understanding is If you are going to boost them that starting with triacontonol through vegetative growth, both triacontonol and cytokines during the transition period, and the cytokines through early flower.

I believe there are also certain hormones in FFJs that can be beneficial to getting the plant to finish up ripening at the very end of the cycle, I don’t really have more information about this, but I heard it on something from either Drake or Chris Trump(KNF teachers).

If anybody want to elaborate on the plant hormones and their use in cannabis growth, any more info or corrections are much appreciated.


Story of my life. Often forget my bone-dry sarcasm and humor doesn’t come through text without an emoji or an “lol” or a “haha.” Kinda annoying.

My condolences on the snap. I’ve been there before. Feels like a part of you dies a little when they break. Then, you find yourself obsessively staring at it way too much to discern if your emergency surgery will save it. At least that’s been the case with me.


Are you gonna log that here? If you do and you remember, will you tag me, please? I have a pack of that one, too. Got a lot of Skunk VA’s stuff, actually. And several of Bodhi’s Chem crosses. And two packs of Doc D’s SHADYNASTY, which is a cross of Big Wyrm’s ‘91 Chem. I don’t know anything about that cut, but the review of that cross on higherthought was so glowing, I bought a couple packs haha.

But I’m really interested in the Chasca. The only pics I’ve seen of it were on Skunk Va’s IG. I wanna see how it does for other people, too.

Yeah, it worked for that Starkiller that I broke. The only thing with that one was the nugs and even the leaves were like super-eggplant colored, almost black, by the time she was finished. I don’t know if that had anything to do with her breaking in half or not, but the other Starkiller I was growing at the time didn’t look like that at all.

Anyway, we’ll see. I have to leave the tent open during lights on, just because it gets so hot out here, and when I went in five minutes before lights off to turn off the humidifiers and zip the tent up and shit, the MM#1 had basically almost fallen over. I didn’t have time to take her out of the tent and stake and tie her, but she absolutely needs to staked. Gonna do that today.

I really can’t stand troublesome plants haha.


I don’t know about FFJ’s (what are those?), but Coot actually said that the MBP top-dresses got his plants to finish up like a week or two earlier than normal. I don’t usually do those regularly enough to verify that, although one time I did, when I stuck to that watering schedule recommended by Mountain Organics in the no till thread on grasscity, MBP top dress every twelve days. I was growing testers for Bodhi, Mendo Purps x SSDD and Big Sur Nigerian x NL2. The Mendo Purps cross finished REALLY fast, only took six weeks before they were done (although I let a couple of them go another week, just because six weeks is freakishly fast haha). The Nigerian/NL2 cross also finished faster than I thought they would, think I chopped them at day 70 or so.

I can’t say whether or not regularly top-dressing with MBP had anything to do with that or not, but it was definitely something I noticed.


FFJ is a Fermented Fruit Juice, it’s a KNF (Korean Natural Farming) preparation. KNF is a whole system that relies on using mostly what is around you and making various ferments with that and sugar and using that to feed your plants. It’s supposed to be really tuned into giving them just what they need, when they need it and no more.

As a system of agriculture it really is interesting. I haven’t played with it too much, but I love fermenting things so I have made a few of the preparations and played with them a bit. The FFJ can be pretty delicious too, depending on what fruit you make it from.


Okay, yeah, I figured it was “fermented something something,” haha. I’ve read about the KNF stuff, it sounds interesting for sure, but ultimately, a little more work than I wanna do.


Yeah, that’s why I haven’t dove into it too much. I compost and like I said I like fermenting things, and with the FFJ I figured it would taste good too. And it’s easier/lazier/more energy efficient for me than turning the fruit into something else sometimes if it’s past it’s prime.

For the most part I try to keep the gardening pretty lazy. Top dress, occasionally put a little aloe/coconut/whatever in the water and call it a day


i think it does, i went kinda heavy with the barley, probably every other week in flower, no other topdress aside from fishbone and everything that was usually 8 weeks was done in 7… i was rounding 6 1/2 weeks like wtf?

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i did spray some coconut and aloe early in flower as well, i have used fpj and ffj a lot in the past, mostly fpj from my yard (nettles, lambsquarters, burdock, etc) but i started using some ffj (mango, banana, etc) mostly indoor i would water them in tiny concentrations, this year im kinda relaxing my regiments a little seeing how little i can get away with, laissez faire coots style topdress and run… i think i see a little slower veg growth so possibly the foliar feedings with ffj and fpj were increasing metalbolism… maybe ill give em a little one since its sitting in the fridge, i think lambsquarters has a high phosphorous contents, gotta double check

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In my experience, the malted barley tends to reduce flowering by about 10%. Coots only grows one cultivar, TheOne and it is a 10 week variety. So 10% of 70 days is 7 days. With a 56 day variety they are more like 5 days faster. With autos that that only flower for 5-6 weeks, it ends up only being 3-4 days faster.

Using far red is also supposed to shorten flowering, but in my experience, these do not stack…


So, uh, this really kinda blows:

I went to stake and tie the Mexican Melon #1 yesterday and as I was moving her the few short feet from the tent to the table, it was just like,“Timberrrrrrr!!!” Nothing I could do to stop it, since both of my hands were on the bottom of the pot. It was just torn up, too. I maybe could have tried to do some kind of serious hard-core taping up, but growing is supposed to be a source of joy for me. And trying to deal with a plant that doesn’t want to grow properly is annoying as shit.

So this is what we’re left with:

Hahaha!!! Plus-side, the canopy is much more even now, so there’s that…

We’ll see how the remnants do haha.


aggressive topping style… ive had to cut some borers out that were basically a few nodes up in the main stalk and it looked like that, but as it turned out recovered pretty well…


I absolutely agree. Lol, ROFLMAO, hahahahaha, IMHO. :rofl::joy::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:

It gets annoying. I just try to fit in.





Alright, flower day 40 today.

Mexican Melon #1:

She’s actually doing pretty good, considering 4/5 of her snapped off a couple weeks ago.

Mexican Melon #2:

Pretty sure the MM#2 is gonna take at least twelve weeks, which is fine. I was expecting about that long, if not longer.

Black Triangle #1:

And the Black Triangle #2:

I’ve really had to do a lot of staking and tying the last week or so, but the Black Triangles have been pretty sturdy. I have a feeling that I’m gonna have to tie them up at some point before I chop, but at least they haven’t been flopping like a lot of the other plants in the tent yet.

Chem Fuego #1:

Here’s the Chem Fuego #2:

And the Chem Fuego #4:

The #4’s been fading pretty fast, started about a week ago. Been pulling a lot of dead leaves off of her, I dunno what’s up with that. All three of the Fuegos smell REALLY fucking good, though. More of a “Headband”-type smell right now, hopefully it stays that way.

Anyway, so yeah, flower day 40. I’m thinking everything but the Mexican Melons will probably be coming down in three or four weeks (four weeks at the most), which is exciting. Little faster than I thought they’d take, but not by much. We’ll see.