Mars Hydro Father's day Giveaway-- Looking For A Tester For TS1000

I hang upside down in mine and sleep
I have to be very careful about light leaks
It burn LOL
I ordered 2 lights last week from you


No thanks, i have my d.i.y. lights! :wink:

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Whoa, a 4ft heat mat? Didn’t know they offered these… Sounds like a good way to put some large reptile in a tent! :rofl: Think @MarsHydro would sponsor a reptile-enclosure tent journal?! Saw highdrogro published some large reptile in a tent on their instagram…

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I love the 4x8 grow tent personally. America baby! @CanuckistanPete @Elpolloloco you guys need to get in on this :wink:


I love my old school TS1000, I’d love to get my hands on one of these new models. My dad has been wanting to get into indoor growing for a while now & this would be great for him!

Canada :smiley:

I honestly don’t have friends on here so I tagged 2 randoms :’)

@Gaz29 @tresbundles


Good choice in randoms :wink:


Get on here more often and jump in there with what you got to say and the friends will come! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I must shout out the tent fans - MARS HYDRO 6 INCH GROW TENT CLIP FAN AUTO-OSCILLATING FAN - they have a round clamp that actually attaches to tent posts!

My dad doesn’t have to listen to me complain about the other guys fans with flat clips that fall off the round posts :joy:

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads, thanks Mara Hydro, and thanks @HumblePie420 for the heads up! @Upstate could possibly use another light for all those sativas?

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Stick around OG and friendships will soon come. Welcome back.
@YoBigdaddy and @Guitarzan


I like the fc4800 light the best, but I would love to try this one!
@Big_Yeloe @Hapi
USA :us:

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Well I’m teaching my daughter how to grow things
She’s a quick learner! And she has a passion for it
I decided to make a cross and name it for her

I’ve used the old style mars green reflector series had 2 side by side in a 4 x 4 tent they were amazing
They worked 24/7 for 6 years with no break in the action

I’m a big fan of the new line and the new design ! since the new run has just started I’d be doing a test grow at that minute it arrives !
It’s perfect for my 24 x24 tent !!!
Or the mom tent the girls will love it

And I’d be happy to use this new light to teach my new apprentice the right equipment makes a big difference

Thanks for the opportunity
4 x 4 tent favorite item other them light

@santero @neogitus



Big Daddy needs a new light for Father’s Day and this Mars hydro ts1000 looks like a pretty decent light, I’m a huge fan of your grow tents haven’t tried your lights yet this would be great opportunity to show the community what great quality lights you have. I’m in the US thanks for the opportunity.


Thank you for the opportunity @MarsHydro
I haven’t used a Mars Hydro product before, but would certainly love to! Plus, the TS1000 light performance is way better than my super old blurple leds
@Maddawg @Tracker

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The TSW 2000 is my pops fav. I’m in the USA. Hey how about @carty @Mrgreenthumb. I love sharing my grows so that’s not a problem! Thanks for the chance.

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@FeloniousMonk @Adventuretime86 @OriginalDankmaster96 check it

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@CanuckistanPete @Maddawg I thought you would try and defend yourselves at least a little. LOL
Don’t miss out on this one.


@lefthandseeds @BasementBeans @PineTarBastard @middleman tag! I think there’s at least a couple dad’s in that group

I’ve always known Mars Hydro to be a dependable, efficient and good-looking grow light. I actually just helped a buddy of mine set up a 300 watt Mars Hydro light to replace the old florescent he had that was looking pretty sad. His veg room is going absolutely ballistic now. Highly recommend!


Sponsored by MARS HYDRO and am testing the TSW-2000 for them and I love it…


Holy shit that’s an advertisement if ever I saw one…

I keep trying to upload the gif of the wolf cartoon going like Aaaooogaaa!! Hubba hubba!! Boioioioioing! but the file size is too big…

What are you running it in? I am throwing 2 in a 5x5…