Meesh's 2019 Outdoor Grow Show

Can you show pics of Buds it has trimmed???

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Iā€™ll have more autos ready in about 2 weeks Iā€™ll post some pics as I trim them in there. I was too busy yesterday and had Dad visiting and stuff.


I agree with @Sunvalley at this point even just laying a trellis over the top would help tremendously that way once the net gets stretched in one particular way weight is more evenly distributed and does a counter balance effect ā€¦ you could also start green taping and slightly pull branches down to help shape it more then maybe then trellis it then Iā€™d go with a 5x5 or 6x6 opening they come in like 30ā€™ lengths and about 6ā€™ wide looking to be monsters !


Alright so I completely trust your judgement @Sunvalley and @Tinytuttle. I called Dad cuz he will have to build something, but itā€™s hard to understand in words and Iā€™m not getting how a net will support weight. Anyone have any pics so I can get an idea to show Dad?

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Easiest would be to watch some MENDO dope vids they trellis their plants which is needed when your pulling in 20-25 lb plants ā€¦ in a way itā€™s how a scrog works as well just gives branches extra support


By throwing a big ā€œnetā€ over the entire plant, anchoring it at the ground, it WILL support the pant. Plant grows into it, stretchā€™s it tight, then it ā€œsupportsā€ the plants. The brosā€™ are right, IF you do NOT , your in for a MESS!!!

Many vids up on how it is doneā€¦You going Mendo Dope size??? Looks them up, pretty silly looking HUGE plants.


This is why some people cage there plants as well you see Jaligrownbudz not only using one cage but two the concept is used just like when we cage our tomatoes and such

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Yup had a friend out in the country in a somewhat enclosed area huge winds came up and broke off many branches they ended up tying up with fishing line to help finish out the year not the best option in my opinion but worked I guessā€¦ heavy rains will do the same thing!

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I generally finish a season on 3 fences per big plant ā€¦ but yours wouldnā€™t need that much. If you watch some of the Jorge Cervantes vids where he visits humboldt you can see how they do it there ā€¦ also yeah those mendo dope dudes show how they trellis but thatā€™s more planned. Like @Tinytuttle says youā€™ll just want to throw it over and let it do its thing naturallyā€¦ believe me they can hold quite a weight those nets




Ya those nets are strong as hell like the ones I make are very similar you could probably grown pumpkins on them no problem ! And they last for years depending harvest you may just have to cut the net anyways


Looks really healthy @Meeshā€¦:+1:

Might want to think of picking up a few(lol) flats of Mason Jars in the near future, if you donā€™t have them stockpiled already, youā€™ll probably need themā€¦ :smile: That would have been a good investment a year ago with all the legalization going on, sales of Mason Jars have probably gone up someā€¦


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Boy am I having one hell of a day! Both of my backyard hoses sprung leaks and lost pressure. One this morning while trying to fill my buckets then the other while trying to water the wilting plants. Been in the 80s the last few days. Ugh! Wasnā€™t expecting to drop a hundred on hoses this week.


Damn you have gold laced in those mother truckers?


Well I need two 50 footers and they are like 40 bucks plus 10% tax in Cali, so yeah, they may as well have gold in them!
I suppose I can check wallyworld but I doubt they are that much cheaper.


I have an idea


@Tinytuttle @Sunvalley I have this chicken wire. What if I lined this for example around the planters like a box with t-posts, then stretch net over and around the top? Do you think it would work?


Wire cages are meant real early in in the plants life branches actually grow through them like a tomato plant would not sure putting them on now would work well at this point Iā€™d probably just throw a net over them will probably take a step ladder to make things easier itā€™s kinda like how people throw netting over fruit trees to keep the damn birds from pecking at all the fruit .


I meant to tell you all how the bud bowl trimmer works. It comes with 2 blades, 1 like a razor blade to wet trim and one with serrated edges for dry trimming. It comes with 3 different spacers for the blades depending on how close you want to trim. You set the bud on top of the rack and those green rubber fingers roll the bud around and spin the blade as you turn the crank on the top. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I simply removed fan and bigger leaves, cut the buds off the stem and threw it in there. I got the 19" one to do lots of bud at once. It takes anywhere from 10 to 20 turns on the crank. Super easy you need zero elbow grease to turn it. I totally recommend it. All the bud trimmings fall into the bowl on the bottom for the peeps who do stuff with all the stuff from their plants.


Love those bud trimmers. I got one for Fatherā€™s Day this year and it has been amazing. :v: