Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

They attach to the tent poles? I Use every bit of space at the bottom lol

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No unfortunately they don’t, but I can’t see why you couldn’t hang them from the roof of the tent though. If you check out Mr. Canucks Grow on YT you can see how he hangs them with light hangers

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I think I have a cpl extra ones somewhere. I have a couple fans I could use if I can find them lol thanks :blush:

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Welcome! :grin:

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Here are some pics from yesterday mornings fiasco :confounded: all pics of Ewok x CDLC.

The first pic u can see the mold. Second pic shows how the leaves were dry and crispy on the worst one.

This pic doesn’t do it justice, she’s so big for this one gallon fabric pot it’s ridiculous. Trying to carry her by her pot was a balancing act lol
For reference, her pot was 7” wide, the drip tray I was using to sit her on in this pic is 16” wide and the tiles are 13”.

She still had some white hairs that had been hanging around forever. The trichomes were about 10% clear, 5% amber, the rest cloudy. I guess we’ll see. It seems like the colas effected didn’t have as many fan leaves. And in the whole plant pic (the bottom of the pic) you can see the two I had to chop off bc the bright green buds under them were left on the plant. That side of the plant was against the back wall. That’s why I’m thinking it was an air flow issue.


I love those yellow buds!! :laughing: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: A bit too low on the thc side though!!

On another note… Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
@hollyho beans have landed!! Lady, you rock!!

I’ll thank you on the FSFC thread as well!! See you!


You’re welcome!! Glad they made it :blush:

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One day of drying so far. Thought I’d get a pic in :grin: this is a 2x4 tent. Anyone want to guess how much is here?


Ok here’s a quick update on the lipsmacker and her clone. Lipsmacker mom (not pollinated) on day 53F

Here’s her clone. Been pollinated about a week now. I see I missed a few hairs but it will be ok. I have another clone of her about to start throwing pistils any day now. I collected what I could and cut the reversed branches 2 days ago bc I didn’t want anything pollinated that wasn’t meant to be pollinated.

Is this a seed already? She swole up almost immediately after being dusted. Maybe she loves making seeds? Lol

Here’s the clone and her mom. Both Lipsmacker from seed are darker. But I think the clone is on her way


Sure as heck looks like a seed to my eyes. And a very large seed, at that. I’d almost bet a dollar that it’s a polyembryonic seed, and you get 2 tap roots popping out of it. Those Lip Smackers are looking really really good. They’ve definitely hit their stride.

I’m gonna say 10 oz, +/- 1 oz due to what counts as “larf” and what counts as “good”

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You would think! I’m going to stick w my first guess from our pm. 4-5. As it dries, it’s feeling pretty light :weary: but 4 is way better than having more mold ruin the whole crop and ending up w nothing. I guess. Man it still makes me sick that I had to chop it early and throw some of the biggest nuggets away. But it is what it is…


Update time. The Ewok had some more buds that looked sketchy so I had to throw them out. At least an oz of trash (I didn’t weigh it, just treated it like a plague) and maybe an oz of smaller stuff that will be used in butter or bubble hash. That leaves me with 6oz. Even though I’m still heartbroken over having to trash so much and chop early, I’m happy w what I got out of the 1gal coco. Even if it did take over 140 days.

Now that that’s out of the way, here are the Lipsmackers. I love them! So frosty! :cold_face:

Lipsmacker 4

Lipsmacker 5

Lipsmacker 5 clone (pregnant and turning darker like her mom)

Every pic except the last one was taken w a good camera. So u can click and zoom without all the blurriness.

Now I’m just waiting on the trichomes to mature. Ughhh… :joy:


These pictures make me wish shrink rays were a thing. I’d “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” myself down and just go live on a cannabis plant for awhile. Leave a note on the fridge that says I’ll be back in about 2 more weeks.

You picked a winners winner in #5. She (the mother) looks like she’s got it all going on for herself. Color, resin, and (probably) a really good yield from the looks of it. I can’t focus to keep typing because I keep going back to look at those pics. Good lord. :face_with_monocle: <----- The only emoji I could find that looks like it’s checking something out :sweat_smile:


Thank you! I got lucky bc my original plan was to reverse #4 but ended up w #5 instead. I had no idea how frosty these were going to get so I’m proud of what I have here. Plus I got plenty of pollen for later. Hopefully I can keep it viable.


I have a few bubba kush clones I have to throw away. When this round finishes (about 5 weeks) I have to take everything down for a while and have someone come and spray for termites.



Hey, as bad as it sucks, at least you’re being proactive and not reactive. Best to get ahead of the little buggers now rather than let your house cave in on top of you. Plus, even though you’ll be going crazy waiting to get back up and running, it’ll give you time to plan and organize, maybe do a deep cleaning in the area where you usually set up.


Thanks man. I’m really bummed. Bad stuff comes in 3s right? Bud rot, termites, and I have to go to the dentist. Hopefully this is it for this round of bad. Mannn…


Awesome work on those lipsmackers! Oh man the termites is a huge bummer, how long are you going to be down for?


Wouldn’t a hydrogen peroxide dip kill off the mold or would it destroy the tricomes?..or is it a total loss? I never had mold pop up in any of my runs. So I would like to know what to do when I have this issue.

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