Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Update time…

Ewok x CDLC day 52 of flower

Lipsmacker 4 day 39F (reminds me of a swirly ice cream cone :icecream:)

Lipsmacker 5

Lipsmacker 5 clone (pics of reversed branches)


The bubba kush has had something growing on it for a while now. I can’t find anything on google. It’s like wax.

Is this genetics? It started early on the stems. Now it’s on a few of the leaves. This plant also started out with lime green patches (I think someone said variegation) and 3 leaves.

It’s not on any of the other plants so I’m hoping it’s something that won’t spread. If you have experience w this, please let me know what’s up :ok_hand:


Is it kind of crystally? Look up plant edema in peppers and let me know if that looks similar. There would probably be more of it on the undersides of the leaves. If that’s what it is, it doesn’t spread.

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It’s not splotchy like that. Looks like dripping wax. It’s hard. I plucked a few leaves and saw some on the bottoms of a cpl leaves too tho

I got an order from Terpy’s seeds today. They’re a little slower than hembra or nasc. By about 2-3 days but I still got my stuff and for a great price. I paid $45 for a pack of truffle shuffle from fresh coast. Cool slaps. BUT they gave me 3 freebies with no label whatsoever :joy: I have no idea what they are. I emailed them but it takes them a day or so to respond so I won’t know anything soon unless they surprise me. When I first ordered, it took a cpl days to even get a confirmation. So I emailed them and finally got a response. They said they’re a smaller seed bank and to be patient bc sometimes it takes them a little longer.

Their prices are outstanding. I was sure I was getting ripped off.

I guess I should make a thread and review the seed banks there lol


The Lipsmacker clone has some pollen! I plucked a cpl that looked like they were about to open. Wanted to see if they were empty. They had the smallest amount of pollen that came out. I’m stoked! I’ve turned the fans and exhaust off. Hopefully there will be a lot more tomorrow or the next day. I’ll get pictures then. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I went ahead and snapped a few pics before lights out. I had to turn the exhaust back on bc it got way too hot in there.


Finally, plant porn :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

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Outmotherfuckingstanding, my friend :+1:t4:


Thanks guys! Those balls are showing some purple but the mom is not purple. She has some color but it’s a very light baby blue/grey. We will see. I’m not after any more purple right now lol

Since I ended up with only one Lipsmacker plant to clone and reverse, I will go ahead and make my s1, hit the bubba kush, and the Ewok x CDLC. Then I’m going to store the rest of the pollen and pop the rest of the Lipsmacker pack. I may take clones of them and hit the female clones w the stored fem pollen and hit those moms w a boy so I’ll have some f2 regs for later use also. I’ll have to wait and see if there’s anything good in there :ok_hand:


Quick update: pollen sacs have started to open! I’m watching movies w my daughter today (guardians of the galaxy atm) but I wanted to get these uploaded. I’ll get better pics soon.


Got another insane seeds order today. I was super happy when I first got the package. They threw in some awesome freebies! In house and sunken treasure??! But then when opening one of the Masonrie packages to make sure they were in there, I noticed the daifuku was open at the top and had been taped shut. I’m a little sketched out and sent an email asking them about it. I’m trying to rationalize it with “maybe they received it like that and just taped it to make sure they didn’t fall out” and “if they wanted to swap out seeds, looks like they would have been more sneaky about it” I got these for $30 a pc for 10 seeds in each. They only had one pack of each of these. Got 6 kosher kush x Mac stomper by sts and 2 sticky glue by in house. Pretty badass (if that’s what they are :joy:)


I’ve been pulling the sacs off and pollinating buds for the last couple days. It’s starting to show already :heart_eyes:

Sorry about the blurple lights. I’ll continue this until I feel everything is pollinated and I have enough to put up for later use. Then idk what to do with the reversed branches lol there are still bracts that will be pollinated and I can’t stand the thought of throwing away what could amount to 40 (give or take) seeds. But I had planned on moving these to the big tent in a week or so and I don’t want to pollinate my sinsemilla buds. Still trying to figure that out… I may have to just leave that one in the small tent.


Wanted to say thank you here before I hit the free seeds thread to do the same. I think I asked for like, 1 or maybe 2 of these crosses, and she sends them all. That’s LOVE. I can’t believe I got 57 fem auto gems in the mail today. WTF?!?!? Best surprise this year, I promise. Thank you so so SO much @hollyho :green_heart:


I consider you my best OG friend. Always there to chat and help if needed. Plus even when you’ve only had a few of a strain I wanted, you’ve sent me some lol peanut butter breath (and crosses) and pure Michigan (plus pm crosses)?? I just wanted you to feel the love also! I appreciate you! Glad it made you happy :blush:




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:smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: :v:t4:


Lmfao!! Exactly! Dirty bananas :smiling_imp::banana:


Bad news… had to go ahead and take the Ewok x CDLC (mom) down today - day 143/66F. Last week I had to trash a cola bc bud rot was starting. The white cotton candy bud. Well, this morning 2 more, so I got frustrated and chopped it. Bc at this point I was just leaving it to grow mold. I guess the colas were just too thick and those little fans weren’t doing the job. The environment was staying around 78f and 50rh. I HAVE to get bigger fans. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I felt so defeated this morning. I’m back tho. And focused on getting the necessary equipment so this doesn’t happen again.


What a bummer. I use Vornado fans they can really move air

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