Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

@BasementBeans idk yet. I’m not popping anything new for now. I’m going to let these finish and take the tents down and get everything put up then cal the guy and have him come and spray. Idk if it’s termites or carpenter ants but I want them gone. When he gets it sprayed, I’ll get everything back up and running. Maybe 2 weeks of downtime? But I’ll be starting all over basically. It’s going to mess up my perpetual.

@Hashton_Kusha some people use hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, baking soda rinses. I have used the hp rinse when growing outdoors to wash off dirt, bugs, and whatnot but for bud rot I just won’t chance it. Even after it’s dry, it’s brown where the rot was. Looks gross. One of the main reasons I love growing my own is bc I know what’s on it and in it. Maybe someone can get in here and tell us more about it?


Do you guys know or know someone who does? About the bud rot. Is there a way to save it? It just looks dangerous to me.


AFAIK there’s no way to save it. If you google “botrytis in cannabis” you should get some good articles/info.


I have seen folks that say to make hash or butter out of it. Personally I don’t mess around with mold and rot. If it’s got either it goes to the bin. It’s a hard hit to take but not as hard as getting a lung problem because I didn’t want to throw away some bud.


Agree :100: not worth the health risks IMO.


Like @DougDawson said cuz, that’s a hard hit… I’ve not personally had this particular issue, but I wouldn’t trust it in any form…just MHO

edit… After thinking about it, lol I did have a couple buds get rot outdoors last year. i just cut the bud off and tossed em in the trash. It was only a couple and very minor, so I had forgotten about em


I completely agree. It changes the smell too. We have senses to protect us and it smells weird. Looks brown. I get accused of being too particular with things so I just wanted to see what u guys thought. I didn’t want to give them bad info. I have only had bud rot one other time and it was outside. So this time was a surprise. I trashed anything with mold and anything around it. Just in case spores got to it and wanted to infect the other buds while i was trying to dry and cure. So shitty. Thanks for the input guys :blush:


I’m gonna have to agree with the practices discussed above. Best to seal it up and get it as far away from the rest of your cannabis as possible, living plants and dried product. That stuff is a nightmare scenario and I’m praying I dealt with my own little bout of it well enough to not see this issue again. Trashing even a small amount of cannabis blows, especially right off the plant.

I will say that if you’re hell bent on using the infected bits, there is always using it for edibles. You’ll need to get it above a certain temperature to kill off the mold spores and any other nasty organic bits, I wanna say 165° F is the magic number for that, but definitely double check first. You might be able to achieve that during the decarb process, and if not them definitely during the infusion process. A healthy HP wash before any part of the process is recommended, and sterilize your equipment before and twice after. Wear some sort of rated breathing apparatus when you handle the dried material, and gloves, and make sure there is no moving air when you work with it.

Does that all seem like something you wanna do to save a few grams of material? Hopefully it’s enough to talk you out of it if you’re still thinking about it. Just let it go. It sucks, yes. But we’ve all been there, and I’m telling you, you’ll get past it. It coulda come from anywhere. Literally someone coulda tracked it in on their shoes. The associated health risks aren’t worth some edibles, trust these incredibly knowledgeable people who chimed in before I saw your tag.


I don’t think that’s the case here bud. I have had buddies ask me if they could have my weed that got some mold on it, one was like “I’d smoke the shit out of that”. I won’t risk their health either so I just say no. Mold can do all sorts of nasty things to a human being and I just don’t see why folks would chance it.


@Banquo im too scared to mess w it myself. I was just asking for more detail for the other OGer.

@DougDawson my conscious would never let me give away anything w mold on it either. If anything ever happened, I would blame myself. I’m sure that brick weed I was smoking as a teenager wasn’t the healthiest but at least we have better options now.

I’ve never been to a dispensary but since they’re money driven, that kinda scares me too. Everyone should be able to grow their own beautiful plants, learn about them, smoke them, eat them, clip them and stick them in their hair if they want :rofl:


Considering there are many wines that they encourage botrytis with and people drink them all the time, it’s probably safe to consume in some way as long as there has been a kill step, such as heat. Not suggesting it, just saying…

Sorry to hear about the termites, hope it all goes smoothly!


Dropping in really quick to show my pregnant clones :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: on week 3 since pollination. But I just dusted the LS clones and BK again bc I need to get as many as possible before I have to take everything down for a while. There’s another clone of the Lipsmacker I pollinated also but she hasn’t even started swelling yet.

Lipsmacker clone. Won’t have as many of these but I’ll be happy with whatever I get. (Taken w camera except for the first one- you can zoom these if you click on them first but for some reason when I upload them, it takes away some of the quality?)

Bubba Kush - the mom threw a few balls and I wasn’t going to breed w her but her clone was fine so I think maybe I jumped the gun on chopping the mom lol I went ahead and pollinated the clone and I’m stoked about these too. This BK isn’t the one with mutations. That one is in flower, not pregnant. This one is actually better imo. (Taken w phone so may be a little blurry)

And here are the Ewok x CDLC clones really putting in work in another tent. Pregnant af :joy: I should have plenty of these. These have not been dusted again. So they have a 3-4 weeks left and should be done.

All of these have been pollinated with Lipsmacker 5 pollen including the Lipsmacker 5 clone (s1). Here’s the mom again if someone catches this and can’t find it:


How much do you need per month in rent for me to set up a cot somewhere in this thread? I’ll pay extra, if need be, for a space next to a picture post.

All kidding aside, gorgeous pics as usual. You should consider making a semi-professional career out of cannabis photography, like as a hobby or something. I can’t stop looking at those LS #5 pics. OMFG :weary:


Lol! If I had the space, I’d have lots more pics! Getting everything out and putting it back gets old so I only mess w it every now and then but if I had a bigger place, I’d have a room setup with lights, filters, and backdrops just for my frostiest girls. One can only dream :joy:

Let me see how many beans that Lipsmacker gives me, I’ll send you a few and let you try them out. I’ll be running your pbb and pm soon! After the shut down period is over, that is. I have an empty tent that’s been haunting me on a daily basis so I moved a few seeded clones over there until the Lipsmackers are finished. Any time now btw. I’ll get a cpl final pics before I chop them. It’s easier when they’re out of the tent.


A bottom bud I took off of the Lipsmacker 4
(Click and zoom :wink:)

Still has a little bit to go bc I pollinated one of the other bottom buds w the Lipsmacker 5 pollen pretty late in the game and it took. She has some little green seeds peeking out. I really want them so I may take her tops off tomorrow and let her go the remaining 3 or so weeks.

I took the Lipsmacker 5 out of the big tent and put all the seeded clones (small tent) back in the big tent. Didn’t water her today. Now #5 has the little tent all to herself and she’s going to just rest up in the dark until I chop her late tonight or early tomorrow which will be day 70. Breeder suggested 56-63 days. I gave her another week. She stopped swelling weeks ago but the trichs just weren’t there. I think they’re as good as they will get.

I’ve edited this post 4 times now bc I kept forgetting things or leaving a word out. Sorry. I do this a lot.


Chopped both Lipsmacker today. I was going to wait on the #4 bc I pollinated a bottom bud site but I was checking her earlier and noticed 2 nanners :triumph: so I don’t want those seeds anyway.

Here’s the Lipsmacker 5





Very nice. Both the plants and the photos. The black background makes it look professional. Sorry about the nanners. They seem to be all too common.


Also here are some snapshots I took yesterday just to show the difference between the 2 phenos.



One more of #5 bc I don’t want to post again lol I took this a few days ago in the tent. Just turned the lights down. All the other pics I posted today have some sort of light directed at it so that light then bounces off the trichs and causes it to look damn near white. Now this one could have used a little more light but I love how it turned out and wanted to share with you guys. This also goes to show how the same plant can look so different with just a different light set up. This is why our plants don’t always look like the breeders pics :joy:



And no, that’s not a banana on these last pics lol it was white hair/s that had come out but but got stuck in a loop. And I tried to pinch it off for the pic :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile: And the way my camera was pointed at it. But anyways. These LS are down now, just waiting on the rest. I only have a bubba kush, ((Dg x 3bog) x CDLC) x blackstrap auto, and an Ewok x CDLC clone. The rest are seeded clones: (2)Lipsmacker 5, (2)Ewok x CDLC, and bubba2.


I posted this is the chat room but not sure if I’ll get any help there. It will probably get buried lol

Does anyone have any advice on how I should go about this:

I’m wanting to pheno hunt through some of my strains. I have a 2.7x5 tent and a 2x4. I was thinking I could use the 2x4 for clones. I usually use coco with jacks and hand water. But I need to fit as many as I can in the bigger tent. I’m needing the smallest container recommended (by u guys) but I also don’t want to have to water 100 times a day. I don’t have an automated setup. Is there a way I could maybe keep them in solo cups and water/feed from the bottom?


I’m curious to see the responses, but to clarify for your pheno hunt, are you just looking at smoke quality/flavors, or are you trying to also look at the growth pattern?

50 solo cups sounds like a nightmare haha


@hollyho Beautiful buds!! Congrats!! Awesome! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Dropped a Blackstrap cross in soil! Fingers crossed!! Thanks!