Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

1 gallon pots with some pruning of the side branches and a short veg or 12/12 from seed should work.

These were done like that but they’re autos and LSTed. Wouldn’t want to go much bigger hand watering I think.


I’ve been using 1 gallon recently and I can’t fit more than probably 8, they still get huge. Look at your pic lol those are beasts. One gallon right? I was hoping I could do some bottom feeding (idk how else to word it or I would lol) with a bunch of solo cups lol

Soil or coco w the ones in your pic? How often do you have to water those?

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1 gal coco hand watered Megacrop once a day.

Bottom watering solos or yogurt containers should work as long as they’re not drowning all the time, might have to top water occasionally to keep the top layer from getting too harsh.

Ebb & flow might be easier to manage for this kind of thing, just saying. VaderOG on Youtube does it in coco.


You can bottom/tray water as for size go bigger than a solo I’d say at least a liter/quart reason being is there is more buffer room for watering the plants as they will only get so big depending on your watering schedule .

My little pots are in the solo range and can yield decently but I have auto waters and consider come about 2.5 to 3 weeks in they are already slowing up from limited root space, sure you can geneo hunt and I do but I still feel like I’m not getting an accurate representation especially if they are crammed together as then they fight for space.

Consider hand watering you could probably get away with 1plant a sqft in liter containers and double that with solos if running them out.

The bigger thing though is making early selections and living with the choices which allows you to start with more plants to choose from. I’m rather ruthless in my own endeavors due to lack of space.


Rised beds like the ones Bassman5420 or ReikoX uses…
But if you choose the keeper(s) you may want to cull the rest to avoid undesirable seeds…


I’m absolutely in love w this strain. I’ll be using my remaining seeds still in breeder package to make f2 regs of these beauties! These are the densest nugs I’ve grown personally and I’m super proud of them. Both phenos are just delicious. One gassy and rotten fruit, the other gassy and strawberry soda. Both heavier on the gas. Although they’re hard and heavy, they’re still sticky. Gives a gooey vibe. Like if you were to take it outside in the heat, the nugs would just melt lol Exotic genetix - I see you! :joy:

Lipsmacker 5 is throwing some pinkish hues. This was taken w flash since it’s dark af in here atm. But irl it still has a very light pinkish grey look.


Hi @hollyho Confused, you mean the Lipsmacker 5 or another strain!? Anyhow, it looks incredibly frosty! Beauty!! Congrats!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thinking:

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Might as well show off Lipsmacker 4 too. She’s a little darker.


The first pics were Lipsmacker 5. I grew out 6 and she was #5. Kept calling it by #5 for the sake of the thread but these are both from exotic genetix - lip smacker strain. :heart_eyes:


Same difference! Beauty too!! :astonished: :laughing: :green_heart:
You rock!"!!

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Thanks! I need more of these! :joy:

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If you have a pack of ((Dg x 3bog) x CDLC) x blackstrap from me. Here’s mine. She smells nasty :face_vomiting: like dirty dish water. Old meat, a hint of onion, pair of new shoes all mixed together. Gross. Idk if I like it. I keep going back to smell again and immediately turn my head away from the smell… then I want to smell it again lol I can’t pin it down… like what is this??! :sweat_smile: It’s just disgusting lol you can’t really tell in the pics but she’s super fat. And has pastel purple (I’m guessing from the blackstrap mom) here and there. She also has the leaves of the blackstrap. She’s definitely wild. I can’t wait to see what you guys find in yours.


Last post I swear…

This is the pregnant Lipsmacker 5 clone. Starting week 5 since pollination. 2 more weeks. Those seeds peeking out are starting to color up now.

May 15

Today… June 4


Hi everyone! For the ones who had not seen it on the FSFC grow show thread, I would like to show you a new member of the house and OG! An auto Mixed Blackstrap cross fem!!

A shout out to my dear friend @hollyho who not only had gifted me this baby, but also a ton of other OGers out here!! Lady, you rock!! Hats off!! :pray: :hugs:


Great pic! I can’t wait to see her in a few weeks :heart_eyes: good luck buddy!

@HeadyBearAdventures has a couple of these going if you want to check out their thread also.


True, but I manhandled them, so I haven’t updated recently (the shame!).
I’ll snap some pics this afternoon


I’ve been spending time w family so I don’t have much time for OG. I’ve been trying to jump on here and there and like stuff so you guys know im still here lol

Anyway, I have about 10-11 days until I harvest seeds. Then everything’s coming down for a while.

It’s been nice seeing everyone get their letters from me! I can’t wait to see them all grow!

Im here off and on but as soon as I start to type, I get yelled at lol I’ll talk to you guys later :grin:


That Lipsmaker sure has me drooling whenever I see it :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Thought I’d try another seed bank lol

Brotanical gardens. Not too great about communication. They will email back, but it takes them a while. It took them a little bit to “build” my order too, which was one pack of pkbr lol BUT once they got it together and dropped it off, it only took 2 days. Original breeder packaging in a bubble mailer. No obvious name on the envelope. Plus I used a code they gave me a while back when I missed the 420 sale and their site allowed me to use it when these were already on sale for Memorial Day. So with shipping (I used the cheap one) and everything I paid something like 108. Plus got 2 free in house seeds. Overall, great experience and would definitely order from them again. They have a huge in house selection :ok_hand:

From order to mailbox was about a week and a half. They have a lot of ethos white label stuff too (da skreets I think)if anyone wants to try ethos with a smaller price tag :woman_shrugging:

Also, not sure why I got the elev8 sticker lol I didn’t get any elev8 genetics :sweat_smile:

Oh and they take debit/credit cards directly on their site :ok_hand:


Since I’m here, I might as well update a little bit…

  • Ewok x CDLC (seeded) - burnt tips but seeds getting mature :woman_shrugging:

  • Ewok x CDLC (clone off the same plant as above, same age, not seeded)

  • Lipsmacker

  • Bubba kush

All pollinated with Lipsmacker 5 pollen. Idk why the bk and Ewok x CDLC’s tips are so burned. They’re all getting fed the same thing. Only difference is that those are under a different light. Or maybe bc I’m not feeding the right ratio for seeded plants. Idk. In any case, they have about a week from tomorrow. More or less, we’ll see.

Hope everyone is having a great day :grin: