Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

:pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :green_heart:
@hollyho Have a great weekend!!

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Job well done. Nice and frosty

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That Lipsmaker looks great! :+1:

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Some great looking buddage right there!

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Nice work with those plants friend.
Gonna be some tasty buds! Where’d you get that lipsmacker cut from? It’s getting frosty.

I was gonna plant some of that 3bog x cdlcx black strap cross. I’m gonna wait a bit now. I have one plant that already is putting off a funk, and I don’t think I like it at all. We’ll see what curing does though. Tends to help smooth things out.

If you have anymore of those black strap S1s I’d love to grow some up

Keep up the good work!


@Rhino_buddy yes, I’ll send you a pack. Just pm me your info. - Last pack of these going out for a while. I don’t even know how many I’ll have left after this round lol

And everyone else, thanks! Such a pleasure to grow!! Just beautiful, dense, and smells so good. I’m pretty sure this is the most photogenic plant I’ve grown.

And this came from exotic genetix! I still have 5. I’m definitely running these again and making some f2 regs and have some pollen in the freezer that I plan to use on some clones to get more feminized. After my down time, that is. They’re definitely worth the grow.


Idk why it doubled my post. Deleted now lol

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Top left that didn’t make it in the pic, another pregnant Ewok CDLC.

You can tell that Lipsmacker out of the line up for sure.

Close up of the pregnant Lipsmacker

Close up of one of the pregnant Ewok x CDLCs. Seems like every calyx surrounding a mature seed has turned brown. In this pic, there are 2 seeds in the one calyx. Hope they’re alright lol I haven’t messed w it too much so idk if they’re attached or just close to each other.

Supposed to have 5 days left out of the 42 on the seeded plants. I popped a seed out of one of the Ewok x CDLC earlier and it looks good. I may take those down soon.


That lipsmacker does stick out.


Love that color still.

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That Bubba Kush 1 is starting to darken up too. The buds aren’t very dense on that one. I let it grow bc someone wanted to try it. But the Lipsmacker leaves start turning the last few weeks of flower. The smaller Lipsmacker in front of that one is just starting to show a slight tint to the leaves. In a couple weeks that one will be just as dark.


Ok the Ewok x CDLC pictured above with the twin seeds- I put her in the dark and will chop her in the morning. I still have another one that’s seeded also that I’m leaving alone for the moment. I may even start shucking the seeds out when I chop her so I can see what I’ve got. I’ll update tomorrow.

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Yes, sad but true. I think I underestimate my lights a little bit :joy: that could be part of it. Hell, who knows :woman_shrugging: And thanks for compliment. I love a good bud shot :heart_eyes:

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Ok guys, I have a question that you will probably think is silly but here goes…

I took a few clones off an Ewok x CDLC. All came off the same plant. I pollinated 2 of the clones with Lipsmacker 5’s pollen. My problem is of the ocd kind. Should I just shuck both of those Ewok x CDLCs and put the seeds together? Or do an “Ewok1 x lipsmacker” and “Ewok2 x lipsmacker”? Lol.

@Mr.Sparkle @Oldtimerunderground @repins12 @Rhino_buddy @DougDawson

What do you guys think? My gut tells me to just put them together. Same shit right?

Also, I should just chop them at the same time then? So there’s nothing different about them? Not sure if that matters but since I will be handing some of them out, I have to ask.


If they are clones than they are the same plants so I would say just put them together. As for chopping, it depends on if they are both ready. If so than you can chop as you see fit bud.


Ok my plan was to let the other one stay under the light a few extra days while I shuck this one. Didn’t know if that would cause them to be any different. Thanks for the reply. I appreciate ya. I really want to chop them both lol


as Doug said, if there clones then there the same


Yep I say mix the seeds too. A scenario where I would separate them is if one was grown outdoor vs indoor.


I concur, with all of the above :v:t4:


It’s been said, and I concur. They’re all the same genetics. Combine em. :+1:

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Ok, I’m done shucking seeds. For now. Got both Ewok x CDLC clones down, seeds are drying.

Bubba kush 2 clone is next up. Will probably put her in the tent tonight. She smells like one of those big magic markers. The seeds will be bubba kush x Lipsmacker, side by side pic below. Bubba was under a different light and got a little toasted lol my bad. But I plucked a couple seeds out and they look and feel like seeds so…

Then in a couple days, the Lipsmacker clone will come down. And probably the others. Not sure yet. I know for sure the baby Lipsmacker clone has a few weeks left. She hasn’t even started turning black yet. She will be the last one to go.

And here’s the ((Dg x 3bog) x CDLC) x blackstrap auto fem that popped up a while back. I really need to go back and find that post so I know how old she is lol she started giving purple hues a couple weeks ago. Smells like hamburger meat with Lipton french onion soup mix in it. Gross af. The parents didn’t smell like this at all. The dg cross had a sweet smell and the blackstrap smelled like pepper/incense. Strong cracked pepper during cure. This one smells nasty. But she’s cute :blush: