Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

So post 410 says I found her on 4/10. She had to have been about a week old at that point so I’m counting her as 74 days old - on that Dg, blackstrap auto.


Why did she make these little seed butts tho? And why can’t I throw them away :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile::rofl:


Interesting. I wonder if you would get two sprouts from those. They almost look like two calyxes fused to one. But why did you get so many? Good question.

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It was out of 2 clones worth of seeds. A couple thousand probably. You want a few butts?? :rofl: I can send you a pack and put them w the regular ones. When they’re dry enough to send, that is.

As to the “why” of it, I have no idea. The Ewok was so tight and condensed, it looked like it was having a hard time fitting the seeds in the buds. The seeds that were deep inside the flower were the smallest it seemed. Very packed. Just side by side by side in there. We’re still finding them in the bud. She def went seed crazy.


Well, I wouldn’t turn down a few butts! Ha.


@middleman Hell yeah lol they have about 12 more days. I’ll write your name down and holler when I’m ready to send them. I’m trying to get all of these down so I can pack everything away for a little bit, termite death is in my future. I haven’t seen any in a while but now that I know they’re there, I can’t sleep at night lol


Thanks @hollyho

Sorry to hear about the termites. Those little bastards are so destructive.


Got those S1s today @hollyho ! Thanks a ton.

Those seed butts are great! I’ve seen em before. Not common, but it seems if you find one on a plant there’s sure to be more. I think it’s just twins if I remember right. 🤷


A mitt full of twins! …Double the fun!!

Someone was saying a while back that with twins you get the A x B cross and a clone of the mother.



I don’t know about others but i never want to throw out any premature seeds,seeds from hermie, mis shaped seeds, or any seeds in general.
You may never know where you’ll find your fire :fire:

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Great! I’m glad they made it!

Neat! I may pop a few when I’m back up and running.

Boy don’t I know it lol. I usually throw them in a little bag and write on it. I’m starting to get a little more picky tho since I have so many. Doesn’t matter as much. But I definitely feel you on that :joy:

Got the bk down and shucked. It’s hell trimming and shucking wet flower but hey, I have so much going on and I’m trying to keep it all separated so that’s more my main focus right now. I have 4 more that are coming down consecutively over the next few days. Even the unseeded plants. Next up on the chopping block is the bigger seeded Lipsmacker. Going into the small tent tonight.

BK1 is almost 10 weeks of flower. Smells great but not going to be dense at all. It’s the one that started out with 3 leaves instead of 2 and veregation and something on the stems. Not the best genetics on that one.

About 11 more days and the Ewok/CDLC x Lipsmacker seeds should be dry enough to put away. They take up a lot of space when you have to dry them in wrapping boxes spread out all over the counters :joy:

That’s all for now. Hope everyone is having a great Friday!


That Lipsmacker that I sprayed w sts… I chopped those branches off as soon as I got enough pollen to make the seeds… the bud that’s carrying seeds, once I get the seeds out, do I have to throw that away or could I at least make edibles out of it? The branches I didn’t spray never threw any balls or anything.

Edit: I got my answer in the chat room. The answer is no, nope, never, hell NO! Lol. I’ll dispose of it once I get all the seeds out. She’s just so pretty. It’s a shame I tell you. But at least she’s passing on another generation of babies. So I’m cool w it.


Disclosure: I found a banana when I chopped the Ewok x CDLC clone. Never saw any on the mom or the seeded clones. I’ve been noticing anything that goes in the front right of that tent throws some kind of male parts at one point or another. The mom came from an Ewok x CDLC auto and I thought she was going to be auto and wasn’t. I just love the bud structure and potency. I’m excited to see what the Lipsmacker pollen does for this one. Both parents are dense and sparkly af.

I have quite a few of these photo fems coming up. I’m editing this post bc I think I’ll only send a few packs at first. To people who can pop them now. So I know if they germinate and all that before I send out more. I have to get all my stuff down next week. I’m going to let these dry about 9 more days. These seeds are in a room with a dehumidifier and the rh is currently 40% so may be sooner, who knows lol

Here’s a pic of both parents side by side. Lipsmacker was pollen donor.

Thanks guys :blush:


:thinking: light leaks through a zipper or something in that corner of the tent emitting light during lights off?


Yeah I thought about that. But damn, there’s no lights on in there during lights out. My wife plays on her phone but I got onto her for it and she swears she hasn’t been doing that anymore :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile: I don’t know if I trust her or not


Sometimes…my wife plays OFF her phone.

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As long it doesn’t cause your plants to throw bananas, who cares :joy:


Almost everything has been chopped. The only ones left are the dg/blackstrap auto and the small Lipsmacker clone. Not sure if I’ll be able to wait on those seeds. I need to have everything down (lights, tents, oh boy) next week. May just take those both down tomorrow. Screw it. I’m ready to get this over with. The 2 smallest plants are holding me up lol

The bubba kush1 that had mutations has been drying for about 5 days and smells so much like lemons. It makes me happy.

The seeds from the rest are all on day 9 of drying. A few more days and I’ll feel comfortable sending a pack to someone who can try popping them right away.


All plants have been taken down. Been having a problem getting ahold of the guy who sprays our house. But finally talked to him a minute ago. He says they’re not termites. From the pic I sent him, which wasn’t all that great, he says they’re some kind of gnat and he’s seen a lot of them this year. Since I have nothing going anyways, I’m going to go ahead and have him come out and spray for all household bugs lol the stuff he sprays works for a couple years from my experience w him. I like to get rid of all spiders, ants, wasps, gnats.

It’s going to be hell taking everything down but I should have some seeds soaking this week and have everything back up week after next.

Im finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lol

In the meantime I’ll probably get the first packs of these (ewok x CDLC) x Lipsmacker photo fems sent out. Anyone interested? I’d like to send to someone who can try to pop them now. So we know they germinate.


Who wouldn’t be interested in that beauty…
Its a pity i can’t pop them rn.
Otherwise I would be all over that LoL :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: