The blackstrap mom got a heavy defol last night on day 13F (since first white hairs). I hope it wasn’t too late but I had to. She wasn’t taking as much water/nutes, her lower leaves were just hanging there, she was crowding everything around her. Including herself. I’ve been noticing some wetness on some of her leaves from them touching. The reason I did it so late is bc I was waiting to see what stretched and evened out in there and she was just beautiful the way she was.
Before defol (dec 25)
Last night after defol (Dec 26) she looks so pitiful
This morning
She seems super hungry. She’s in coco/perlite. Fed her 1565ppm jacks 321 last night to make up for the defol. Heavy on the part a since she’s in flower. (4,1,2 +50%) This morning when I fed at 1399ppm (same nutes from last night, idk why it dropped so much), I only got back 1383. She’s eating again!
I’m thinking about giving her even more (at least for the next cpl weeks) and see how she takes it, then start tapering down. She’s not showing stress or burned leaves
Speaking of stress… when she was only about 2-3 weeks old, I accidentally snapped her in half The main stalk at that. Flew around and threw a makeshift bandage around her. Didn’t want her to get an embolism and die on me. Sprayed her boo-boo with some peroxide water and made a brace out of a bottle rocket stick and some masking tape (I was frantic)
When I was defoliating her yesterday I noticed she busted through that tape - probably a long time ago -and none of it was doing any good anymore lol
And now onto the babies.
Blackstrap clone that’s been treated w STS
Not sure whether or not to transplant her?
Blackstrap clone (let’s call it #2) has rooted and needs a cup lol
All the mephisto crosses from @BasementBeans have rooted pretty well. I’ll just upload a pic of SN. DG2 looks the same. DG1 doesn’t have as many roots yet. Will probably transplant later.
Baby group photo
If you have any comments, opinions, or ideas -feel free to share.
I know Ive been updating a lot but I’ve got a lot going on. It will slow down once they all get to where they’re going. Probably