Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

No problem! If you start a grow journal, tag me so I can watch your progress! I’ll be doing some fog dog soon also and would like to see how they act lol



Blackstrap clone (has had 2 sts sprays so far- will get the 3rd in a cpl days

Blackstrap clone2- (will get the pollen from blackstrap clone 1)

DG1- (plan on reversing this one too to cross with the ewok2)

Ewok 2- (will get the pollen from DG1 so will go in the other tent as soon as she’s transplanted)

Ewok1- (idk what this thing is doing, it’s only alive bc there’s room for it to just hang out lol)

The other hopeful pollen receivers :crossed_fingers:


SN- (has a weird leaf mutation but looks like it’s only on that one)


Sprayed the 3rd spray of STS on Blackstrap Clone 1. (All close up pics are of her. I can’t tell if it’s working or not though.)

Transplanted Blackstrap Clone 2 to a 1 gal fabric pot.

This first pic is all that’s left in that tent. (Plus that Ewok x CDLC in solo cup that broke off some of her taproot trying to germinate - I guess her husk was too hard idk :woman_shrugging:)

Transplanted Ewok x CDLC2 to 3gal fabric pot, then put in the other tent.

Will update again soon when I can get a little more organized.


Waiting with baited breath! 🫁


Holy sh*t batman, we have balls!! But before I get to the pics, I want to add that I did spray 2 days in a row for the 1st and 3rd sts sprays on the blackstrap clone. Just for the sake of transparency, otherwise why even document?

Sooo… I was aiming for a spray every 5 days but wasn’t keeping track of how many days had passed and the plant didn’t show any signs of change at the time or stress so I sprayed extra lol

I had to go back and look for exact timing:
• Dec 24&25, then
• Dec 28, then
• Jan 2&3.

I kept second guessing myself “did I spray that right/enough” :woman_facepalming:

Ok so here’s todays (1-5-22) pics. Starting with the reversal/clone/baby tent——

Blackstrap clones & the DG x CDLC1 are the main point of focus in here atm. They’re being used for seeds. Everything else is just “I’m waiting to see what they do” :sweat_smile:

Side view- that reversed blackstrap clone took tf off… especially in the last 3 days since my last pic update- shes (he’s?) way larger than I thought it would get since I took it so late

• took the clones when the mom was already into 5th week from seed- not sure the exact timing bc I didn’t write it down. I know right after I took the clones, I saw the first white pistils tho :grimacing:

• it took the clone1 about 14 days to root, then as soon as she hit the coco, she blasted off. Clone2 took a little longer. Maybe 18-20 days to root? I would have kept up w it a little better if I thought they had a chance. I was just shooting my shot and having some fun.

As of tonight (1-5)
• clone1 has 7 nodes
• clone2 has 4 nodes

Close up pic of the Blackstrap Clone1 :heart_eyes:

And on to the other tent. Here are the DG x CDLC2, the strawberry nuggets x CDLC (both from @BasementBeans), and my Ewok x CDLC. These 3 are the main focus in here atm bc I’m hoping to pollinate them.

And last but not least… the blackstrap mom. If I had room to stretch her out more, I wouldn’t have room for anything else :woman_facepalming::joy: I’m waiting on that purple lemonade to finish, then maybe I can get in there and pull some branches down&out. Hopefully it won’t be too late and all this squishing won’t hurt her.

These were all taken at the same time as the one above. She’s already starting to purple. I can’t wait to see what her buds look like. I’ve seen some awesome pics online. Lighter purple pheno and darker purple ones. I’ll have to get the good camera out soon.

That’s all folks.

I do have some questions tho. If you don’t know but know someone who might, please tag them.

• do I stop spraying the sts on blackstrap clone1 now? Or keep going until the pollen sacs are more mature?

• if I cross these two clones from the same mom, what is her genetic make up? Is she s1 or?

• should I be feeding any of these plants I’m using for seeds any different than I do the rest? For instance, I’ve read that once pollinated, a plant needs more nitrogen for making/maturing seeds. True or no? And same question for the reversed plants. Feed any different or the same? I’m in coco with jacks 321. Actually feeding them the full 3.6,1.2,2.4 right now.

@DougDawson (do you know anyone who may be able to share some experience?)

You guys are the only ones I could remember off the top of my head. If you know anyone else that could help answer these questions, please tag them. I appreciate you guys so much. Thanks!


@Oldtimerunderground can likely answer your questions bud. That’s some great looking stuff you got going on, great job.


Those plants are looking so healthy! You’re killing it.

Yes, they’ll be S1’s, exact same result as if you had reversed a cola on the mother and let it pollinate itself.

I can’t help with the coco feeding or the STS timing but I’m sure someone can.

Awesome job :v:


Thanks you 2 fine fellas! They’ve barely had time to stretch their legs in that coco. I think I transplanted them to 1gal within this past week. And I’m already having to water 2 times a day. :flushed: iono bout this :joy:


I am but a neophyte myself, I just flew by the seat of my pants picking up tips here and there with shoddy record keeping!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Very good questions and just a stunning looking grow! I’m following along to increase my knowledge, good luck! :smiley::+1:


Who helped you out? :thinking: maybe they can chime in :rofl:

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You don’t need free time. Watering is your life now


I believe you.

I thought it was just coco growers being overly dramatic. Bc they water 5gal with automatic systems 1,786 times a day, no less or you’re a sorry grower :sweat_smile: I’ve gotten away w watering them once a day and sometimes even skipping a day here and there. Especially when they’re young. I’ve never put coco in anything under 3gal tho. I really didn’t think they would come for me like this bc they were being saints in their solo cups… Wtf lol


Everything looks great @hollyho :grinning: some nice healthy plants, and beautiful colour on the purple lemonade :ok_hand:

I’m still pretty new to autos, but the one I sprayed 3 times recently over a period of 15 days ended up exploding with empty pollen sacs. The batch I mixed to spray could’ve been a bit stronger than I intended, cause the numbers were rubbed off the syringe I used, so I was just wingin it :sweat_smile:

I would stop spraying now and let the pods fill in and mature, but maybe some members with more experience with this like @Mr.Sparkle or @ReikoX can offer you some solid advice.


its already forming the male bits and at a good rate, personally though id still give it another spray or two as recently i ran into an issue of only spraying over a limited time span which when flower kicked in heavier the one plant over powered its reversal and started throwing more calyxs and not many pollen sacs and the other had alot of pollen sacs but pretty much all were failed aborts that wouldn’t open.

So essentially no real harm in spraying once or twice more before they build and open as your still a good week or two out.


Nice looking plants.
My wife is a coco grower. Shes in 1,5 and 7 gallon.
She waters one or two times a week. Two for sure in the one gallon.
We are also doing our first sts. We are going to spray until I see pollen I think.


2 times per week in 1 gal? Tell me her secrets :joy:

And good luck to you both on the reversal!

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@Oldtimerunderground Or weaker? :joy: and man, that blows… sorry to hear that! You e only had that problem on the autos?

@Mr.Sparkle i think I will keep spraying her. Does the moisture not mess with the pollen that’s forming in the sacs tho?

And thank you guys for trying to help me. I have my fingers crossed so tightly I can barely type this :rofl:

The timing thing is bothering me. I was thinking I would just let her drop everything she can, collect it (if you have tips on this, gimme), then brushing it on when I want.


only once there ready to open up to that point not really.

and honestly if i could time it where i could just pluck an open pollen sac and sprinkle that over whatever plant branch or bud im pollinating id do that, any brush method always ends up wasting alot of pollen and dispersal is not great so coverage is hit or miss unless you do multiple pollination’s though you typically still have to due to timing.

though just collect, filter out any non pollen material and let dry openly for awhile and if storing definitely add desiccants as pollen spoils quick if say sealed with excess humidity.


Great! You can look things up online all day long and try your best to piece together the info and make it make sense but the experience gained from other growers is priceless

Thank you.


Desiccants? I’ve heard of ppl throwing flour in w it. I’m scared I’d pollinate with all flour lol just my luck.

I think I’ll pollinate like you said if the timing hits right. If not I’ll try to collect it. Regardless, I will be pulling the mom-to-be in the other tent to pollinate her. How long does she need to stay in quarantine?

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