MethodAnon’s Grow Log

April 16 update:

3 out of the 4 Bodhi Midnight Cowboy’s are female, amazin! The 1 confirmed male has been terminated, he was runty so i wasn’t even tempted to throw him outside and try the whole pollen collection thing.

Current Veg Tent just before lights out:
3 Midnight Cowboy Females, Bag seed Clones in the cloner, and some veggies I’m gonnna put outside in a couple of weeks (I can’t wait to get them out of here.) New buckets are prepped for the 3 bagseed clones, which now have roots. Transplant from cloner to buckets is likely to happen tomorrow. (which will be day 10 in "aero cloner, I will grab some shots of the roots before I throw them into the perlite.)

Flower Tent: Bag seed Mom and her daughters, Day 48 for Mom, day 9 for daughters. I know the budshots are crap, but I’ll try to get some better pictures as she matures. The clones are stretching to the perfect height fortunately;

I will grab a clone or 2 off of each of the Midnight Cowboys and move them over to the flower tent just as soon as ole’ Bagseed mom finishes.


Hi Everybody,

Day 49 of flower for Bagseed Mom, and it’s day 11 for her clones, which have nearly reached her height now:

Midnight Cowboy females looking healthy, although I have noticed some clawing, so I’m pulling back on the nutes a little bit. New Bagseed clones hit the perlite yesterday so they are looking a little rough, but they’ll start getting a little nutrition now.

How long do you guys think Bagseed Mom has left? At least a couple weeks right? Any guesses on her yield lol I have no idea?


Couple shots from the flower tent, bagseed clones are booming and have caught the mother in height.

7 weeks of flower for the Bagseed mother, 2 weeks of flower for her clones. First grow looking like it might turn into a banger. Can’t wait to harvest the older one and move the Midnight Cowboys into the flower tent.

Peace and Happy 4/20!


Does anybody have experience drying in an active tent? I’m going to have to harvest and then dry in the veg tent. It should only have rooting clones in it when that time comes, so the tent will have some light but very low light, plant hanging well above the dimmed veg light hitting the clones. Think this is ok?

Temps are likely to be like 75, humidity will probably be like 60. You guys think I should just hang the whole plant for a week, exhaust fan on with carbon filter, and then check for stem snapping? Never done this before. I appreciate it.

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A light will degrade the THC and make the drying process take less time. It needs its own separate area.


I know man, but I’m kind of stuck. The flower tent will be occupied with plants that are about 40 days behind, so it’s not like I can turn off the lights and shut it down for a week. I can’t have the smell so I really need to dry with a filter. Trying to come up with a solution. Hm maybe I’ll put the cloner in a Rubbermaid or something with a real basic light of some kind.


To be honest, photone tells me the ppfd up there is like 1-2 lol, so I guess I thought maybe it wouldn’t really matter

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Just buy a new tent + circulation system. All the deals are happening right now. I got a 2x4 and a fan from ac infinity for less than 200 shipped. It pays for itself after the first run.

acinfinity 10% off + MRGROWIT15 code for additional discount that stacks.

sub-optimal, but not the end of the world. temperature a bigger deal than that tiny tickle of light. don’t sweat it

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Thanks buddy. Would be awfully tough to convince the wife I now need another tent lol.


Flower Tent: Day 55 of 12/12 for old Bagseed Mom, Day 16 of 12/12 for her clones

Veg Tent: Day 39 above ground for the Bodhi Midnight Cowboys. All 3 are confirmed female. Bagseed clones just working on roots.

I’m projecting like May 9 perhaps for Bagseed Mom harvest. On that day I’ll move the Midnight Cowboys into the flower tent.

I started this journal for 2 reasons. One was to show how easy it is to grow healthy plants in perlite hempy buckets, because I don’t see it often around here. Second reason was to get a Midnight Cowboy journal out there because I couldn’t find one when I popped the seeds. I think I’ve accomplished reason number 1, now I just have to get these MC plants into flower! The next updates will come when that happens.


Bad news boys and girls. I plucked a couple little testers from bagseed mom, and i identified a few tiny immature green SEEDS! Then I went looking for more, and found em. All of them tiny and immature - She must have pollinated herself a couple of weeks ago maybe? Anyways, bagseed mom and all of her descendents will get the axe tonight. Bummer!!

Problem solved smh

Keeping it moving;


Midnight Cowboys are looking happier now than they have been in some time. I had most definitely ramped up the nutes too hard too fast on them - live and learn for next time. None the less they are healthy and I’m expecting to grab some clones and flip them to 12/12 in about a week. All 3 plants now have numerous female preflowers, and the big girl has started the whole alternate node thing.

The 3 Master of Muppets seeds germinated and were placed in to perlite today, should show themselves in a day or 2.

Happy Friday


I forgot to mention, that little plastic hanger in the corner of the tent trick is awesome for keeping the tent from sucking in on your plants! Someday I’ll buy some support bars but it’s not a big rush anymore. Shoutout to whoever came up with that idea.


Master of Muppets are all above ground now;

Clones of the Midnight Cowboys have been cut;

And the Midnight Cowboys are finally in the flower tent. Day 1 of 12/12 tomorrow;

Let’s go!


Just a couple updates for the ole journal;

Midnight Cowboys are bushing up and looking good. I’ve done some minimal “lst” to open things up a little bit. It seems I’m at the early stages of a deficiency on a couple of them, noted some rust spots, so I increased the nutes back to 5/5/5 and added 2ml/gal of some cal mag and they are responding well. Looking forward to flowers.

Master of Muppet seedlings are moving along, starting to show some above-ground movement;

Peace fellas, looking forward to posting some flower pics in the coming weeks.


Looks like the Midnight Cowboy clones are starting to form roots a little after 5 days in the aero-cloner. I’m thinking 5-7 more days maybe. Happy I’ll be able to keep her going if she’s :fire:.


Day 8 of 12/12 for the Midnight Cowboys. I just can’t feed the big girl on the right enough. I’m going to have to start mixing a separate stronger batch of nutrient solution for her.

Master of Muppets day 8 above the ground: