FishWhistler’s Log

How’s it going everyone? I’m a new grower but I hope that sharing my journey can help myself and others learn something new. I’m running organic amended soil, currently store bought and looking to make my own batch down the road. Running an ACInfinity 4x4 kit (S44 light). I love growing veggies as well and have some lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and beans going right now.

I love reading and learning about organics, farming, cannabis etc. I’m currently nose deep in IPM and beneficials if anyone wants to chat. I also love cooking, fishing and music and I am always down for a good conversation. I hope to use this log as a place to hang out and keep track of what I’m doing. I’m also on the lifelong hunt for the best strain to manage my pain so I will hopefully be posting about that mission as well.

Right now I’m running some Killer Queen from Brothers Grimm (front row), Bubba Kush and White Truffle bag seeds. This pic is yesterday (12 days old). I have an Excel sheet with my target conditions and feeds that I’ll post up later. The start has been a little rocky but I’ll figure it out. The Killer Queen is a little warped and twisted, I think I had my fans on a little too high at the start of everything. Definitely a learning curve with all this stuff hahaha.


Looking good! Pulling up a seat.

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Thank you, welcome to the party!!

Here’s the conditions/schedule they’re on right now (Day 13). I will probably up pot in 2-3 days and start with the “veg schedule”. I have a feeling I should be starting with my target humidity a little lower, the plants seemed to come out a little slow and have some purpling on the stems that slowly cleared up as the schedule progressed. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

I think slowly changing the conditions and adjusting the light every day MIGHT be a little ocd and over the top, but there is only one way to find out lol. At the very least, it makes me go in every day and check the plants and sticky traps so i see it as a positive. The seedlings have gotten the feed and a ppd foliar once and get sprayed with em5 every couple of days. I’ve been using saponin in conjunction with those to try and get better coverage.


welcome! nice to see Grimm stuff.

cool screen name! hope to see you post in here!


Cool setup man! looking very organized with the excel sheets! :grin: Big fan of organics myself so I’ll be following along!

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Good luck! Are you checking pH before watering/feedings? For soil 6.5 is the sweet spot.


@Tejas not currently, I’ve been feeding with r/o water for right now but need to get a meter. I will be switching to dechlorinated tap water once they need more to drink. Thank you for stopping by!

Plants aren’t looking too good but conditions/vpd seem to be in line. I am having a hard time keeping temps up and need to find a solution for that. I am thinking about hanging a reptile heat bulb in the tent.


A meter or strips will go along way in preventing uptake/lockout issues as your grow progresses. Tap water is fine, allowing a couple of days for the chlorine to dissipate. Anyway good luck and welcome aboard!


@Tejas I really appreciate the pH tip, went and bought a test kit and got some interesting results.
Tap Water

Tap Water through Dechlorinator

R/O Water

Looks like I’ll be using the r/o water until I can figure something out. Hopefully good water will get them right, I’ll try to edit some pictures onto this post later.

EDIT: just posting a pic of the plants from tonight. Still looking rough. They should need watered tomorrow, then I can put some proper pH water through them and see if they recover. I am not going to increase the light intensity or vpd until they bounce back a little.


Hello my friend, off to a great start. And that ac infinity complete setup must be pretty cool all connected etc. I’m a huge fisherman ! Fly and float mostly, trout and salmon obsessed! Your avatar pic had me liking you before I read a single word, now so even more. Always around, need anything just hmu. And I’ll be here following along regardless @FishWhistler :facepunch:t2:


Thanks for the kind words @TopShelfTrees1 , I really appreciate that. And that’s awesome, one of my absolute favorite things to throw is a 1/32 feather jig under a balsa float haha. Not too many rivers and creeks near me unless you know where to look. I don’t know which is harder to get the hang of, growing or fly fishing lol.

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Are you currently using store bought R/O? I’m just asking because you said your going to switch to dechlorinated tap.

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Oh man you’re a twitcher too! No shit! Small world, I make a certain jig that’s been dubbed the Niagara Nihhilator by people around here. I actual have given exclusive pattern use to a good friend who’s a good and as I make twigs he tries them from boat, me from shore (I’m a waders , water to my waist guy) immersion at its finest! Can’t tell you how many tanks have pelted my legs over the years, I’m like a stone out there just arms, waist movement, legs absolutely locked! I agree with ya there we definitely picked a couple of the worlds unmasterable hobbies ! Just how I like it, ALWAYS SEEKING PERFECTION.

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Yep r/o is from a local store out of their machine. And tap will be filtered by a hydrologic small boy.

Figured I should post a picture of the setup.

I busted out my camera to try and get some more detailed shots. I feel kind of embarrassed lol, the plants are struggling for sure. I went and got some pH down and I will be watering tonight. Keeping PPFD ~370, humidity at 67, VPD ~.95-1 and I will see if they recover. Should i turn my lights down closer to 300? I have two heat mats going just to try and keep temps up lol. My leaf surface temp is still low, I think I will try to get a simple reptile heat bulb tomorrow and see how that works. Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Nice and fresh and clean, awesome :clap:t3:

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how about an HID instead? given your conditions, might be the right tool for job, and would be a cheap two-fer. plants look hungry for sure. whatcha got for food?

I’m running some pre-amended soil from a local grow shop. It’s got compost, worm castings, kelp meal, crab meal and a couple other things. I think the nutrient issue is stemming from pH problems with my water, but not too sure yet. Thanks for mentioning HID’s I kinda forgot all about them lol. I’m definitely not opposed to switching lights but I would like to try a couple fixes first. I’m going to mess with my inline fan schedule to start and see if that helps at all. Thanks for stopping by!

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I’m running some pre-amended soil from a local grow shop. It’s got compost, worm castings, kelp meal, crab meal and a couple other things. I think the nutrient issue is stemming from pH problems with my water, but not too sure yet. Thanks for mentioning HID’s I kinda forgot all about them lol. I’m definitely not opposed to switching lights but I would like to try a couple fixes first. I’m going to mess with my inline fan schedule to start and see if that helps at all. Thanks for dropping in!

Plants are still alive lol just lettin them be.

I’m going away for the weekend, back on Sunday. I’m definitely gonna get another batch of beans going when I get back. I will keep trying until I figure this out.