MethodAnon’s Grow Log

Loving the progress brother! Looking great :smile:

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Thank you man! Can’t wait for flowers… I used to feel that time went so fast, but this growing thing has really slowed it down lol.

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sweet grow.
these 1 gallon hempys are doing great.
did you ever get a ph pen?

i’ve done only perlite hempy for ages with 5’s, 2’s and 76oz’ers. all worked with gh floranova or maxibloom.


Thank you sir I appreciate it. Never did get a pH pen, still using the gh drops. You think I should get one?
Perlite hempies are definitely awesome bro, feels easy to keep the plants healthy.


Really pretty plants. Having focused on the perlite approach, do you still prefer it over other methods?


Hey thanks Bert.

To be honest perlite is the only thing I’ve tried other than a soil 10-12 years ago, so it’s all I know.

With that said, what I like about it is that I know the roots are good at all times. Plenty of oxygen and plenty of nute water. What I mean is that with soil, you gotta worry about over watering, underwatering, ph of the soil, oxygen in the soil, etc etc etc. With perlite hempies I feel like I can rule out all of those root issues out of the gate, and pretty easily read the plant to figure out what’s going on as deficiencies etc pop up. Then it’s a real quick fix by flushing the plants with the new nutrient ratio.


This is so cool. You have complete control! How often do you have to feed them?


Its a high frequency fertigation correct @methodanon (multiple times a day)


I water once a day until it flows out of the hole, that’s all there is to it. The only hassle is shop vac-ing the water.


Normally I would say yes, but you don’t seem to be having issues. That’s actually a little weird but cool too


Yeah man. I just shoot for that golden yellow color with the drops that is allegedly a ph of 6. Sometimes it has a slight green tint to it, sometimes maybe slightly more orange color, but I’m always shooting for yellow/6.0. So in a funny way I think I end up fluctuating the ph up and down like I’ve heard some say your supposed to.


For those who have been following along, bag seed mom did end up being some :fire: anyways. Much better than anything I could have purchased around here. Curing in jars at an RH of like 61. Very much citrus. Haven’t really found any seeds other than 1 or 2 tiny ones


Very nice, that bagseed looks like it kicked down! I can’t wait for thise midnight cowboy’s to flower, I have heard good things!!!


Thank you man, I can’t wait either!


Duuuuuuude I’m doing this thanks for pointing that out, I was thinking about bending flat hook ends on some cheap metal broom sticks but…does this stress your seams much?


No I don’t think so man, it was smooth. It’s a game changer! Just make sure it’s a plastic hanger, I can’t speak to anything else. I didn’t do the front of the tent (by the zipper) either, just the back of the tents.


Veg tent update.

Midnight Cowboy cuttings have roots boys. I’m thinking they’ll hit the perlite tomorrow night;

Master of Muppet seedlings have hit the res at the bottom of the buckets I think, about 10 days above ground now and they are starting to move, should start taking off;

Lights off in flower tent, might post an update later.


Well, not much has changed in the ole flower tent, i probably update this journal too much. Anyway, the ladies look good and happy. I can kind of see the flowers starting to come in.

These plants are thick ass bushes, I’m tempted to defoliate even though it goes against my logic. Typically I like to search the plants for pollen sacks etc but man i dont even know how to start, it’s a jungle in there I can’t see shit lol.

Oh, and I did find this on 1 leaf, crazy.

Peace guys have a good night.


Think I’ll start telling people that I grow in “living perlite.” :joy:


naw, fire away

entirely logical to shave em when your buckets are so small. that’s a lot of plant to support. and you’re right, they’re pretty bushy and the sub-canopy is heavily shaded :face_with_monocle: