MethodAnon’s Grow Log

I have the same thing going on with my jalapenos minus the stretch marks. Redder = hotter as far as I understand.

I suck with growing peppers, so I hope lessons learned here will translate to veggies.

Following back…


Phone Home #1 looking like a girl through the loupe… not certain I suppose but the odds are with us now.


That’s just called corking on jalapeños and some are bred for it as a trait!
I’m growing some that look pretty similar this year :grin:
Your tents are looking great!


Master of Muppets time. 1 month cure;


Well boys things were getting pretty thick in the ole flower tent and RH was running 10-15% higher than the lung room, so I decided to do some defoliation. I took alot off, more than I ever have in the past, but I’m really liking the results. The plants are pretty much getting light all of the day down now.

You will note what appears to be “tip burn” on some of the plants, but I’m fairly certain its actually a deficiency of either K, phos, cal or mag. Either way I’m just going to up the nutes. They were getting 2ml calmag and 5/5/5 of the gh trio. Going up to 6.5/6.5/6.5 and we’ll see how they respond.

Zoot day 23-24

Razzberry Hashplant Day 23-24

Master of Muppets 2, Day 23-24

Have a good weekend fellas.

Edit: I forgot to mention and I want to remember this; I was clueless going into the defol, but I had read somewhere a general rule to just get rid of all of the fan leaves that have a stem longer than an inch. I kind of used that as a guide, while attempting to leave the stuff on the top couple nodes alone. Made it much easier and quicker than if I were just winging it at random.


Nice haircut brother, everyone is looking great.

I’ve been meaning to ask you, where did you get those side supports in your tent? I assume they are to keep the walls from sucking in with the negative pressure.


Thank you man!

Yep that’s exactly right. Search “high cfm kit vivosun” over at amazon and you’ll find it. Well worth it in my opinion, works great in the 3x3.


Be warned if you have the 2.7 x 2.7 vivosun tent like I do you will have to modify them before they will work. It not hard I think I put pics on my journal.


Plants look great method very good job on the defol. I went into defoliation with no real understanding and it worked for me since. I strip everything below the canopy and every third of so on the colas. I like your rule of thumb though. I may adopt it next time.


interesting do you maybe have some older bars? I thought it says it will work in a 2x4


Saw that, even says it works in a 2x2. Were you stoned @Gadarien :joy:. Lol just kidding. Ill give it a try tonight.


It will work in a 2x4 it’s the 32x32 or 2.7 foot. It works for 2 ft and then 36" - 48" so skips over the size I have.


Ohhhh I see that makes sense.


Ordered, appreciate it brother! I was just using the plastic hangers but they don’t work that well lol.

Appreciate that heads up, I think I have the proper 3x3 but now ill have to measure :rofl: