Micro Growing with Mr.Sparkle *2018 Part 2of2*

My blue dream autos do that too… Well the ones that revegged did

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Yeah once stuff is down into cure range i trow one or two into a container with them to equalize and for longer term.

% wise only have had the 62’s but 59 imo would be more ideal as i find the 62’s are a tad too moist for my liking


Got a little bit of work started today on the closet, just test fitting stuff, but now i have to decide on an ocd issue

if the center shelf is centered to the door frame the left side has 1" more space than the other, so match to door frame or match to closet. leaning the closet route.

But the tape denote roughly where ill build some removable corners/doors, and it will all be raised off the ground and such but just visualizing


:wink: I was being optimistic in your favor :scales: :hammer:


OCDbrother power. Easy peasy man.

Favor the 2 things that you’re keeping symmetrical in nature. An inch of variance in your doorway/passage/access is of no great significance; favoring the door compromises the symmetry(& thus efficiency of build/mat’ls). If the variance were much greater relative to the door/access and made it awkward, then it’d be different. Favoring the 2 left & right boxes overall also helps with the internals, as they can be identical too.

:bee: :blush:

Eh? Southern border of BC might actually be Mexico. :laughing:

:evergreen_tree: don’t build that border wall yet you hosers


I don’t understand the description ^^

Is it the goal ?


compare the space between each tray of cups and the center cabinet.

in the picture there is 1" more space between the left :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :red_circle: :green_heart: :green_heart: tray’s right edge than the right :aquarius: :aquarius::red_circle: :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_circle: tray’s left edge. this is what he asked about, i think.


:evergreen_tree: come one, come all emojis! :fist:


more or less, center section may just stay as shelves, but if i decide to utilize it then yeah.

As for the corners they will have to be completely removable or fold away to pull out and or put in the reservoirs


Maybe consider magnets instead of hinges & fasteners? I know it conflicts with everything Ive seen here so far :wink: but nice & easy. Or quick release toggle.
Even IKEA makes those. heh

You know I’d be doin it with panda-film :panda_face:



Damn ok, now i understand. I was thinking than the central was the main space and laterals was for bonus (bonzai, pollen etc…)


actually you nailed it on the head, thats exactly what i was planning

@Fuel yeah no the other way around, sides for growing center for extras if i build it out, as the sides are bigger.


too short in height to do that ?


well was contemplating doing the whole bottom as a chamber or multiple i should say but opting for the center section, as it will then match the closet right across from it.

Make it a bit more stealthy.


:thinking: My mom was adopted & we don’t know the biological family info.
Theoretically, we could be related. :sparkles:


:evergreen_tree: :smoking: :rainbow:


1 auto sent in from @Mr.Sparkle


Day 61, still a ways to finish on these.

Maybe come the weekend they will be looking done.

Also my tester seeds are slow going right now, popped tails but nothing much yet.


why not turn it around and use ur smarts to grow a monster outdoor 10/20 pounder

also i have 60x60x140 grow tent with 4 3g fab pots and want 2/3 ounces i beleive il get that easy and still have a little room but what i want to do is have 2x 120x120x200cm flower tents with x16 3g pots in 70/30 coco/perlite feeding cana coco + addaditives 8 week strains from clone and pull 2/3 ounces a plant every month another guy was sayin to to scrog it
any advice ?
ps il be using the grrowmou5 pucks from rapid led


the one ingredient i don’t see on the list is:



if you’re using crap for light i don’t think that yield is possible, dunno.

if you’ve got devent/proper light & a bit of CO2, no problem.




Day 63 / Week 9 from sprout.

They may finish up, when no idea but like sometime haha.


Those the blue dream autos? Looking good! If so you have around 10 - 14 days left. lol