Joker’s misadventures

Hey everyone!! I’m Joker and I just made most of the mistakes a rookie can make!! Let me tell ya about it.

First, I started soaking my seeds way before I was really ready. I was like a kid at Christmas, ready to go. Unfortunately life gets in the way. And they were in a paper towel/ziplock longer than I wanted.

I transplanted into solo cups with coco/perlite, but didn’t have my tent, lights set up yet. So they go into the window sill with ziplocks as a humidity dome. Got busy setting everything up and forgot to let them breathe.

Everything is finally set up, now time to put them all under the lights. So 2 have a white mold growing on them, from not taking the damn bags off, and 1 of the 2 is def dead. So down to 4.

Next rookie mistake. Set the light 28” up, but forgot to dim my driver. So they had 600w for 2 days before I realized.

Did I mention rookie mistake #3? Knocked a solo cup off of the table and broke the taproot. Down to 3. And a sad 3 they are!! Just dropped some more seeds so hopefully most of this is out of my system for now.

I tend to ramble so sorry for the length. If you are just starting out, just know that everything you screw up, someone has done before. And they still learned to grow beautiful plants!!

Oh yeah, the pictures.

This, sadly, is my best looking plant.

I broke the taproot on this one putting it the soil. Think that would be rookie mistake #4.

This is the one that lived after the mold.

So I am ready to start the next set and hope to have less misadventures!!


Good luck man you are in good hands here,

Stay kind


I can appreciate what you have gone through. I have killed six auto seeds. 4 one time cause I put them too deep. Killed 2 more because of elements.

Didn’t feed the right nutriets at the right time. Have plants that are 7 to 16 inches that are almost finished.

I have screwed lots of things up. Thankfully my OG family had helped me with lots of my mistakes.

We all get excited and jump ahead to fast when we are new. I have 28 plants growing. So what do I do? Drop 12 more seeds of course. All of us newbies have the same issues.

Regardelss I am.enjoying the adventure and looking forward to smoking my own weed. Even my little 7 inch ones.

Enjoy it @Joker. All of us newbies are in the same boat.


Mistakes are just frustrating little lessons. You just got them out of the way early. :+1::seedling:


that is a truth :slight_smile:

@Joker I will be riding along with you my friend

all the best in your grow and be safe



Just a learning curve we have all been there. Don’t let it bring you down. Laugh, fill a bowl and plant more seeds. If you need anything let me know we are all here to help. Fellow missouri grower.


you never can have too many plants :wink: eh?


Good luck! Another beginner here, looking forward to seeing your learning progress!


I thought of you as soon as I realized it…lol


Thanks everyone!! I figured this first grow would be a huge learning curve, so this is not unexpected. Wanted to post all my failures to help the next new person realize it is normal and to not get frustrated.


believe me it is a weed not so hard to grow :slight_smile:

grow well…that takes time

kills some plants and you are on your way

all the best



Couple questions for everyone. I now have my light 28” above the plants and at 300w. Does this sound about right? When do you start ramping up the wattage as they grow? This is a 600w light that I have dimmed by half.
Anyone with Auto exp., 24 hrs, 20/4, 18/6? What have you had the best luck with as seedlings?


Light distance sounds about right…let them grow towards the light and raise it as needed…you should be good to grow.
Edit: 18/6 or 20/4 would be your best bet.


I’ve done autos on 24 hours and they seem ok, but 20/4 is probably better for them to get a little ‘me time’ haha. The light should be good as you have it now. Get a light meter app for your smartphone and take some measurements at the canopy. They’re not very accurate but you can get a benchmark to judge things by going forward.


best thing I have ever bought for my lights :slight_smile:

peace and be safe



I was running my autos under a 400 watt mhl at 18/6 for about 2 weeks. I changed that to a 600 watt hps at 18 inches and they are responding well.


Let them get some leaves for photosynthesis before blasting them with light. The more leaf, the brighter light they can take, generally.

I prefer 20/4 with autos.


Any mistake you haven’t made already is one you’re probably going to make soon. Get them all out of the way.
Try all the things. I hear folks who have been growing for years talk about not being ready to clone. Just do it! Kill some clones! Reverse, reveg, take em early, take em late!


F-ed up last week, after 20y it still happens, just much less :slight_smile:
Like you said, F-up faster and you’ll learn stuff.


Here’s an update. image

I saved one. She is small, but I think she will make it. From what I have read here, she is praying to the lights. So maybe I have my lights semi- dialed in for now.

I never gave any information in my first post.
I am growing in 60/40 coco/perlite. Eventually in 3.5 gallon hempy buckets.
For lights, a Solstix Rax DBLX pulling 550-600 watts at the wall. Currently dimmed to 300w at 27”. The light came from Solsheet and the customer service was great. Very happy with the light.
A Cloud Line T6 pulling through a Viviosun filter to control temps and odor.
All housed in a Sunhut Bigeasy 4x4 tent.

I am starting 3 auto strains. They are all from Mark on Strainly. Another great transaction. Great guy, great price, and even sent me extras! The first he calls a 90 day super strain. I will just use S90 for it. The second is a 105 day strain, S105. And the last is Green Headband, GHB.

The next batch of seeds have been planted so the misadventures continue!