MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 @Blackbeard and @Fortman420 !
I hope you are all doing great today. I’ve been lazy this morning just waiting till it warms up a little more. I only have so much time that my body will hold up to working so I might as well wait until it’s more pleasant out there. lol
I’m definitely not putting in a long work day. I never get that lucky anymore. lol


good morning @MoBilly and OG!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning @MoBilly, have a nice weekend buddy. Give big John a pat on the head from me.:peace_symbol:


Good morning my friend, brother Mo, & all OG!


Sending you special vibes for a perfect day. I know you’ve been a bit down lately. Today changes that. Cuz, BigMike said so.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and regulars here

Have a good one folks :v:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @Greenfingers, @Weednerd.Anthony, @BigMike55 and all the rest of the green room crew. I was a little busy with the wifey this morning and was slow to get on here, but I am drink coffee :coffee: and getting stoned. :joy::joy::joy: :tada::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Then it must be so… :+1:t5:
I’m feeling better already Miracle Mike!

Good morning @m0sirys @Greenfingers @JohnnyPotseed @BigMike55 @Weednerd.Anthony and @OhNo555 !
I hope you all have a top notch day!


Good morning my friend! @MoBilly and the rest of you green avengers, I hope everyone is having an amazing start to your weekend


Well, I’m certainly working at it. lol
Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 ! I hope you are firing on all cylinders today. :pray:t5:


So far so good, thank you. Definitely better than yesterday afternoon anyway. Quickly reminded me why I don’t eat out anymore at these fast food places , :weary:


Yeah @TopShelfTrees1 . I read that on the other thread. I guess it’s a good thing I’m too poor to eat out more than two or three times a year. lol.
I know my wife isn’t going to poison me… :thinking: But I did leave the toilet seat up yesterday… :thinking: Might be a good day to fast…


Bahaha no doubt! Ya I tend to leave that stuff for the youngins and more wealthy myself, but I do opt for breakfast with my dad usually once a week or two, but that’s a restaurant that’s been around and I’ve been going to as long as I can remember so I have no concern, stupid tim Hortons…. I stopped going YEARS ago, ironically my first trip back in a looong while and …… sick as a dog, DONT GOTTA TELL NE TWICE. So begins my Tim Hortons permanent hiatus


Morning @MoBilly and OG.

That looks like a fine new addition to the homestead.

Hope yall have a good weekend.



Thanks @Gumbert . You have a great day bro.

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Morning @MoBilly . I don’t know about goats. How long before Big John comes to your place?


He’s almost a week and we’ll, probably, leave him there for a couple of months. I want him to be on mom as long as possible. She’ll do a better job and I won’t have to bottle feed. Win Win. :slight_smile:
We’ll be visiting with him regularly to make him more of a pet. Having a billy on the place can be problematic for older people if he’s not very gentle and trainable. The last thing I need is a billy catching me in the side of my knee or my wife’s hip. We also leave the horns on the males and females. I have a horn iron to remove them but I like that they can protect themselves better with horns. Eva likes the looks of the horns as well. “This way they look more like goats”.
Her aunt owns polled nannies but her billy has horns. I think Big John might end up without horns but that’s OK too. He’ll be bringing the genes of his mom. She’s one hell of a milker (five quarts per day). That’s what I am trying to improve in my own herd.


Good plan of action brother. I can tell this isn’t your first rodeo! I have bottle fed my share due to rejection or whatever and as you know when they want calories they let you know. I would bring them inside for my feeding convenience at night and keep them safe from predators and when they want a bottle they ain’t shy don’t care how sound you can sleep that cry going to get you up lol. Plus nothing beats mama’s milk I believe. Hope you are having a good day and looking forward to that visit update pic


Thank you @StrongerthanDirt . My wife and I got our first two goats back in the mid 80’s. We sold out a while back when our health took a turn but now we’re getting back in. I don’t like the thought of what the industry is allowed to pump into the stuff they sell. Other than a very small amount of store bought feed, they get grass and garden veggies.


Good evening everyone. Hope all comfy evening is in store for you all