MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

He opened it because it had a ‘full monty’ pic included!

There’s an article in the current events section talking about the thc inflation


That sure looks like JD Pinkus :thinking:


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I’ve always wondered if that stuff actually gave true “visions” to the user or just distortions of what is actually there.
Like, sitting on a couch visiting with your Grandpa who died before you were born. That kind of thing.
I’ve also read it can make a person very introspective which can bring out a side of yourself that you may have never been comfortable with showing before. Thus the expansion of self.
That’s all just book knowledge though. It’s only as correct as the person who wrote it. lol
I have no experience myself. :slight_smile:

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Aye, @OhNo555
I put a little gift in the mail for you today. A peace offering of sorts.


Your mother wears combat boots! … :thinking: … Wait, it only works if you are mean to me…


I believe that acid initiates the deepest levels of introspection… it makes you look so deeply into your own psyche that your introspection blocks out the external world and becomes all-encompassing… true visions that seem as real as day. There was one experience I had where-- this was before the movie the matrix came out-- where I felt as though I was flying really fast towards what looked like an otomic mushroom cloud rising into itself… I looked around and it appeared I was in some sort of spaceship: A ship that was flying extremely fast through space towards the mushroom cloud looking thing that appeared to be made up of lightning bolts writhing into themselves… I looked around in this “spaceship” and could see a set if insteuments and a window…as though I was sin a spaceship… and I could see other bright objects flying towards the same mushroom cloud. The other flying objects appeared to aldo be lightning bolts racing to join all the others that made up the main cloud and I could sense that I too was one of these lightning bolts. As I had the thought “This is God”, a voice seemed to explode in my head saying “TEACH!”. It was so loud that my ears began to ring and they are still ringing today! I consider my experience an extremely special gift, if nothing else… it was powerful beyond words.


Hey @BigMike55 . Was it the fact that the trike looked like it was popping a wheelie??? Do I win?


That sounds intense. I have never felt an out of body experience like that. I say “like that” because I have been filled to a point of out of body dancing, if you know what I mean.

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Indeed I do! I have danced the dance of the dervishes and have reached Bardo states through dancing… that is another long story of extreme visual imagery that appeared as true as life itself: floating 8n space surrounded by long strings of pearl-like “necklaces” which… when any individual pearlwas looked at… would show a different person’s lifetime, with the strings of pearl-likr objects each containing an individuals lifetime experiences. Tgere were endless number sof these threads and pearls…It was amazing in its intensity.

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I am very interested in trying to grow mushrooms. I have not tripped I
Since the early 1970’s.
I enjoyed it then. But that was recreational. Now I am interested in learning why my problems occur and what I can do to alleviate.
I have PTSD stemming from childhood trauma that I’ve been dealing with for over 50 years and I want to be relieved of that monkey on my back.


Then you do understand @herojuana.tom . :wink:

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I’ve heard mushrooms have helped a lot of people heal old wounds bro.


I am told I have this as well, and have been working on trying to alleviate it but it’s definitely not easy. I have been micro dosing with shrooms for a while now and it really seems to help 90% of the time . There’s always a few things it can’t seem to fix but I’ve definitely noticed many improvements.


Indeed! When dosing we would say 'I know" and it had all the weight of “I am”… each if us is inherently connected to the I am that has created everything

The THC percentage on the labels means:
Compared to a 100% THC spike on the mass spec, the material that dissolved into the standard solvent was “61%” of the 100% THC spike.
It definitely doesn’t mean that the product is 61% THC.


Exactly. This extraction includes terps, organic volatiles, water, and anything else that comes out during the extraction process. If you extract 100 grams of weed using BHO or co2 and only get a 10% yield by weight (10 grams of yield) and that yield is 61% thc that is 6.1 grams of THC from the 100 grams of weed which is the equivalent of only 6.1% thc yield from the 100 grams of matter…from buds labelled 61% thc :joy::raised_hands:


I am not mad :angry: at you at all :joy::joy::joy:, but the extra goodies are much appreciated! I am not the type of person that holds a grudge. I find much more pleasure in getting even. :roll_eyes: :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: it’s all good :blush: and I loved the fun :star_struck: that was had. :wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Are you bucking for a care package :package: as well now! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Mo has received MANY care packages from me.