MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

I still go and vote. I voted for legal weed in Ohio :+1:t2:


I agree @MoBilly , I often look around at the current events and trends unfolding before me and say, “This ain’t the America I grew up in…”. How did things get this way and what can I do about it?

Did you ever watch the movie Ants? That movie is a great illustration of what can be accomplished when individuals bind with other individuals and make a group.

Sorry, I’ll get of my soap box now but I say good for you Billy, I would love to know what you learn today.



Thats the way to go @MoBilly , cool! Its good to meet the community and discuss whats on our minds 1-1… none of the canned media BS, just the local community discussing their innermost beliefs, desires, and fears… raw and straight from the source


You and me both. I have enough trying to typ on the laptop. When I was a kid I did good on a typewriter. But, then you sat in the proper position with it on a desk and your hand geld over the home keys.

. … For you kids that was what you used to make a printed document before a word processor. :grinning:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Well I guess I am the only one up in the coffee :coffee: club today. The dog :dog: and I just got in from a walk or should I say he walked me :hot_face:! Good :blush: morning to all, though it’s still dark :new_moon_with_face: outside at my house :house:, see you guys soon! :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile: :wink::sunglasses::ok_hand::peace_symbol:


Good morning @OhNo555 , @MoBilly and OG. Just made my second cup of :coffee: watching the fog roll in. Hope you guys are doing well this mornin.


Good morning @MoBilly and OG


Good morning, hope everyone is having a great weekend. Little tired but im surviving , beautiful walk this am .IMG_6645


@G-paS @OhNo555 @Gumbert @JohnnyPotseed

Good morning my friends! And to all who may enter the Greenroom today, GOOD DAY!

I don’t have problems with my laptop but my hands shake at times so the phone is a pain. I’m constantly correcting mistyped words.
The printing device @JohnnyPotseed learned on is easier but I can’t carry the weight of the hammer and chisel like he did when he was younger.

I love me a foggy morning as long as I’m not driving into it. lol

How dare you make me jealous this early in the day!
LOL Morning brother.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and everyone


Morning everybody! @MoBilly morning dude, how did you like the debates?


@Weednerd.Anthony @Hotrods_and_hounds
Good morning guys!

It was a CF because they had never done a caucus before but once they got the process lined out it was interesting to see. I definitely have a better understanding of the concerns that those in the area have.

Honestly, people are fed up. While walking back to the truck I heard groups of people talking in the parking lot openly about stuff best left for a more secure location. F****ng morons.


It’s def a different situation, but it’s at least live to see people come together and try and save a community. But yeah I know what ya mean some people just want to be heard wether it’s good or bad. The big things I look for anymore are the land preservation and trying to keep some communities farm communities.


Farmers are selling out like a brush fire in high wind around this area. The world I knew is disappearing fast. I could dang near cry over the loss.


Yeah same is happening out here, a lot of the old timers are passing and the kids just know they can sell the land and make a good amount. It does seem the older ways are becoming extinct, which is sad. I don’t know about how fast down there, up here it’s wild and almost unrecognizable. But I’m
Saving all my little Pennie’s and looking south towards like Winona and birch tree. Lands still decently affordable and hopefully grab something and get my daughter to understand it and hold it. The other thought was the Virginia’s. They are still about 75 percent ag land. When people say why would you want to do that. All I can tell them is that’s home. Ag land in the country. It’s hard to explain but it’s not a glamorous life but it’s a good life with good people.


Morning @MoBilly and the Kool Kats. Have a wonderful Sunday.


It was a shock though when the auctions started and you didn’t get any deals on equipment because the people with suits run the price up on everything worth having.
Explain why people with tons of cash are buying up all the serviceable equipment at low prices and then taking them out of the area! You can’t even find a small square baler for sale around here even after everyone went to round bales.


Morning @BigMike55 !


Are you looking for a square baler?

I was. I had some cash scraped up hoping to find one at an auction. Had to use those funds so now I wouldn’t have the scratch if I found one.
Oh well. I’ll get another one when I can. I sold my old one to my nephew. This is the same one that bought my sawmill and left the danged area after he said he’d cut what I needed if I sold it to him. Live and learn. Family will do you just as fast as a stranger will sometimes.

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