MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning green room fam. Hope your all well.
Billionaire wreck the economy and than pick everything up for cheap :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Well if pending how it goes there’s a spot up in kingdom city that’s got pretty decent stuff for cheap, like they got an old IH for 1800.

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That’s about what I planned on spending. If I ever get back on my feet I’ll remember this. :+1:t5:

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@MoBilly how was the Caucus yesterday?

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It was a CF because they had never done a caucus before but once they got the process lined out it was interesting to see. I definitely have a better understanding of the concerns that those in the area have.

Honestly, people are fed up. While walking back to the truck I heard groups of people talking in the parking lot openly about stuff best left for a more secure location. F****ng morons.


Anyone up for some frozen peaches!


I’m hoping mine will be alright. The pear trees are starting to leaf out a little. Dang it needs to cool off a little. I’m seriously going to have to buy smudge pots. :angry:


Do you have Kieffer pears or the others?


We have a Bartlett and a Kieffer. But we also have something that is definitely not what we thought when we bought it. It’s a pear is all I can say for sure. lol
Some idiot customer must have thought it would be funny to mix up some tags at the nursery. Two trees that we bought were not at all what they were supposed to be. They were the right fruit but the variety tags were switched.
I was fit to be tied when it started flowering at a different time than the other Bartlett that it was supposed to be.


When I first started gardening I wanted a bit of everything to try. Now I like a main crop so I can process all at one time, so I understand your concern.

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Exactly and then there’s the pollination timing to consider.


Here we have what my dad called “apple pears” in every overgrown areas. They are pears ,but round and smaller like between a golf ball and and tennis ball. They are good to eat and a good source for cows and deer.

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At one time we had over fifty apple trees out here on the place. Cicadas wiped out almost every one. There was absolutely nothing to do but watch it happen. I remember Dad just standing there for hours looking at it. We tried everything we could think of including brush piles set on fire between the tree rows to smoke them out.
That was a bad time for the family. I’ve been trying to get as many producing trees on the place as possible since then.


My dad had an orchard on his place, it was near those big peach orchards in my pictures from earlier. The borers killed all his full grown peach and cherry trees and a good amount of apple. Even the Jonafree and Jona gold ones. Also killed the weeping cherry. They will drill right where the tree forks and chew it up.He had Hazelnuts and English walnut trees , the squirrels would never let you get one. The English walnut is 40ft tall but we’ve not gotten 1. He also did Blueberry Tayberry servicberry and raspberries and blackberries as well as mulberry. He had the giant oriental persimmons and giant pears.


Dang man. That sounds terrible.

That is why I have been selling my equipment one on one. The kids wanted me to do the auction. I have just sold the square baler and other stuff to a guy with a small farm wanted to raise goats. So far I have sole stuff to three people getting into small farms.

The round baler I sold is for cattle hay and the grandson’s weed trim. :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Good on you @G-paS . I like your thinking.


good morning @MoBilly and the OG!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning @MoBilly and OG brothers and sisters. Hope everyone is doing well.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and folks, I hope everyone has a good week!