MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Good morning @MoBilly, good morning OG’s. Your flower room looks awesome. Took down Vietnam Black yesterday, I can’t wait to try it. Thanks again for the cut.:peace_symbol:


Good morning Mo and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Good morning my friends. I decided to look at the forum before I take care of chores. Dang thread was busy while I was gone!

Snipe hunting 101.
"Take this tater sack and stick then hide behind that bush. We’ll go find some snipe and herd them to you. When you see one, clobber it and bag it ".

Good times.


Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @BigMike55, & the rest of the green room gang. Drinking coffee :coffee:, don’t look :eyes: like we are getting no sunshine :sun_with_face: this morning. Hope it rains again! We need it. Have a good day gang. :ok_hand::wink::+1::parasol_on_ground::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Morning @OhNo555 !


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope the coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!


I can guarantee that my friend @InTheWoods ! Hope you have a great day!


You are very welcome my friend. Any time you see me running something you want just holler.


Good morning! @MoBilly
Good morning OG!
Just getting caught up in here! Always a good time!
@Smooth made a good call I think got buried. Those Cap Junky were fems from @LoveDaAutos i think.
Please correct if I’m wrong. Just like to help keep genetics straight if I can. There’s so much cool stuff floating around and @BigMike55’s Chunky Junky is now one of them. I’d hate for this info to be lost.
@JohnnyPotseed I believe your CJ male from Mike is in fact a Chunky Junky
See below message from the gathering thread.

If it is indeed the Chunky one, that should be known. :smiley:

@MoBilly Your plants are looking great, bud! Those new SIP’s you’re rocking seriously have me considering ditching the fabric. I really think I’d enjoy the feeding and watering process more. Your results speak for themselves and I’d enjoy some of that too! :joy:

Hope everyone has a great day! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Thanks @NDNCHILD . I’m really liking these. One thing I really like is that if I feel the need to bump up the nutrients on one, I can do it right then instead of waiting until the plant needs watering.


Catch you all after chores.


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Good morning fellers.
This was incorrect. The boy I gave to @JohnnyPotseed was a male Cap Junky. I got the beans from @LoveDaAutos I must have been stoned when I wrote that.
I know, for a fact, that boy is a Cap Junky.
I actually have a nice example of this in female form its outside on the patio. Seeds were popped at the same time as the one I gave to Johnny.
I did also bring some Chunky Junky plants. Mo got one. OJ got one.


lol ok, well my notes have been ‘corrected’ twice now! But at least now it’s right.
CAP JUNKY, not Chunky Junky!
The name of the cross is still gonna be Chunky Monkey though!
And the other is still Diesel Junky!


I remember them being female seeds but I got a boy out of it. And gave it to Johnny because I did not want a boy CJ for that run. But I did use some Blue Tara pollen on my best girl. Thus the Chunky Junky.


Good morning Green Room!! Hope you are all at the start of an awesome day

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Getting ready to get busy outside. Yeah. It’s a good day. I saw your post about the leg. Glad you are healing well. It may bother you from time to time but you got it back to a semblance of normal. That’s good after the kind of break you had.

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I guess in nature anything is possible @JohnnyPotseed and @BigMike55 . Would not have anticipated a male CJ from the S1 seeds I made.


Good morning fellas, hope everyone has a fantastic day…

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I don’t know why I thought they were regs when I got them, it does say s1 tho. That makes me even more happy.