Mosquito bits for fungus gnats?

Hello everyone was curious if mosquito bits work for fungus gnats?
I wanted to get some “Gnat Nix” but heard they went under so I’m ordering mosquito bits instead got a few gnats flying in the garden and wanted to take care of them as I’m currently in flower now. Thanx OG world!


It does work, but you’re better off with Gnatrol WDG or Microbe Lift, which have the same active ingredient (BTi) but are more concentrated and cost effective, and easier to apply imo.

But if mosquito bits are what ya got, yes they work.


Thanx , I’ll take you up on your recommendation, for my next run.
Thank you kindly for your feedback.:pray:t2:


I’ll say the gnat nix wasn’t that great of a product. Literally could watch them crawl in and out and all over the stuff. It did work once it was coated with diatomaceous earth and kept the DE from caking up when wet.

I’d say BTi is far better as an option. It worked way better than the Gnat Nix and can be used throughout the grow periodically to keep them away once they are gone.

I’ve since moved to a coco/hydro system simply cause organic took up way too much space to properly run for my little grow.


Bits are most effective top dressed and worked into the first couple inches of medium if possible. Worked great for me!

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Bits are working for me too. I also add some into the soil mix, and use fresh earthworm castings to encourage beneficials that feed on FG larvae. And I use crab meal as an organic top dress to encourage chitin consuming microbes.

But I think the best use of the bits is to keep some going in your watering. I fill 2 5 gal buckets and leave them sit for the chlorine to dissipate. Ill add 1/4 cup of bits to it. After sitting a few days there’s a noticeable film. Just water w that water, strain out the bits and re-use. 1/4 cup seems to last a long time and every time you water you’re introducing more Bt. I went from a huge infestation to very little. And I’ll take zero credit for any of it, each of those techniques I got from various places here on OG!


I’m running “Hydro” DTW in coco.
I hope it works and doesn’t kill my crop :joy: I top dressed my coco pretty good with it and I’m 1 week in flower.

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Gnatrol works really well, never tried the mosquito dunk thing but heard it does work… my latest batch of soil was loaded with them and eggs evidentally… so over the weekend I got serious and got me a killer… works out I’ll get a bunch more… hahahaha

Venus Flytrap baby… but when she grows up she’ll eat em up… just being goofy…


feed me Seymour! I have always heard that Venus Fly Traps and weed like very opposite growing environments etc, so it will be interesting to see how these do in your garden

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botinaguard 22wp is already in powder form.


If you are into predators, you could use S.F. nematodes, Strateo. S. mites, and rove beetles. Don’t forget the yellow sticky traps for the adult fliers.


Yeah, the Flytrap was just a good, but swear it ate a few. Sticky traps are killing hundreds as I keep putting fresh ones out. Thanks for all the heads up guys…

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Look into butterwort plants, I’ve been kinda looking to order a few a couple reports I’ve read say that fungus gnats go to them like a magnet lol.