My aquaponic adventures

This is my first real run with it. So far it’s not coming down as quickly as I was hoping, it’s sticking around 72%RH. I added a really small fan in there today, I’m hoping that’ll help a bit. 1 thing I can say, it definitely does not have a carbon filter on the exhaust, I may need to figure out how to fit it in the tent to combat the smell, lol.


Update: the mini fan I put in has the RH down to 67% :metal: hopefully it keeps going that way, I’ll see how it is in 12 hours :crossed_fingers:

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Slow but steady let the cure begin


It’ll get back down to 60% and hold that steady, regardless of what’s going on outside of the fridge… 16C and 60% :grin:. But, no filter… I’m now having a hard time smelling the difference between the weed we’re busting my Mrs’ daughter with, and my own :joy:🤦


Went down at noon today, the dry fridge was still holding 68%, which is actually kind of impressive considering there are three wet plants in there. So, I left the fridge door open while I was doing my dailies… When I was done and closed the door, it was down to 62% :metal:

Nothing much is changing, everyone is packing on weight nicely :ok_hand:

I was rooting around in her today, trying to see/pull any sucker, and when I was finished it had that same unmistakable sweet candy smell that DCFD 1 and 2 both had. Now I’m confused. She most definitely wasn’t an auto, like the other 2… @darkillusion, is there ANY chance one of the seeds I got in those DCFDs would have stayed photo? I’m not sure what’s up

In any case, she’s a beauty plant and I’m super stoked!

Purple Nurple is still off… Anyone have any thoughts on the deficiency here?


Blueberry got a trim. She had a ton of tiny branches and leaves without much light getting to bud sites, so I opened her up. It’s a little late into flowering, but she was so late to show I’m not super concerned (I’m super stoked I got a clone though :grin:)

Zone 1

Zone 2 is kicking in a bit! But, I think I have a couple males…


Critical Purple cross #1

Critical Purple cross #3

#2 isn’t showing yet, it looks a few days behind

Happy lil Blueberry clone :grin:

So, I think I have 2 males @RainToday, but even if that’s the case, we know they’re indeed autos :grin::metal:


Yeah, a little too early to be sure from the photos, but #1 does look rather masculine :wink:

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Lol, and here I thought #3 was the sure thing… I’m horrible at sexing plants

#1 is definitely a beefy plant, lol

I am not sure either myself. Either it was a mutant plant or I got a photo seed mixed up into it.

I could have mixed one up on my side, and is what I’ve been calling it, but man that smell is unreal and sooo distinctive… I freakin love this plant, where ever it came from, lol. Wish I had’ve taken a clone from it!


My old rolling tray was getting quite a warp, weed would spring right off it if it popped while I was rolling so, new tray day :grin::metal:


@Kasper0909 I didn’t want to pollute your grow log with this :joy:

While this is not my Russian buddy I was telling you about, I guess that guy wasn’t as far over the edge as I thought with his chickens :joy:


:joy::joy: not sure about your friend selection… No But seriously that is just silly. :rofl:

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Haha right?? Not sure who this guy is but, I’m thinking he doesn’t have a lot of buddies over for beers/doobs :joy::person_facepalming:

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Oh I thought this was your other friend :rofl:

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I forgot (typical stoner 🤦😂)!

Thursday night my legs were bad so I didn’t sleep. Around 3am I grabbed a little bud from DCFD #1 that has been drying for a couple extra days and tossed it in my vape.

Man, it tasted sooo good!!

That sweet candy smell she had initially is coming through in the smoke, I can’t WAIT for her to be fully dried and cured!

So, after a successful and tasty vape session, I wasn’t feeling nearly as much pain, so I figured it’d be a good idea to then smoke a joint of it… Why not? :joy:.

I haven’t been hit by weed like that in decades! And I chain smoke doobs, it’s bad. I got back in and to my office, I was feeling good, relaxed and good to go back to work. About 15 minutes later I got up to go to the washroom and holy shit, I had to concentrate on putting on foot in front of the other! I vividly remember looking down and watching my feet not go where my brain wanted them to go, and I found it hysterical (which, at 4am, in a house full of people, is not a good thing :joy:). I had a solid half hour of being straight up dumb, and really enjoying myself. After all of that, I got back to work without much of a crash. I went upstairs around 7 and had a cup of tea with my Mrs, laid down around 830 with the pups and had a cat nap until 10.

All-in-all, I am extremely happy with my first try of drunken cherry fog dog :metal:


Your welcome. Not bad for my first attempt at seriously breeding a new strain.


Oh man, yes, thank you!!!

I haven’t grown a ton of autos, so I’m still learning how to best take care of them, but I am definitely looking forward to my next round with them!

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Just think, I am working on 2 more FogDog crosses currently.

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I apologize, I thought I tagged you in the original post of it… I’m baked again 🤷🤣

I’m very interested in what else you come up with :grin:. Also curious about the cherry brandy side!

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Got from Sebring some time ago. I think I was the only person that managed to grow any of it out. Was a picky plant.

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