My aquaponic adventures

Wow, well the mix made one hell of a strain, well done sir!!

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We shall see if the luck continues on with the GG#4 and the Double Grape autos I am using my FogDog pollen on.


Oh wow, both of those sound amazing!

Another note on something I forgot… After 5 days the wine fridge is down to 64% :ok_hand:

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Tonight’s smoke report: Afghani auto

She’s a few days less in the fridge, so a higher moisture content, and it shows, so I’m kind of feeling like it isn’t a fair comparison.

But I digress… Head is spinning like I’m a 15 year old with a bottle of screech, yet this isn’t a bad thing.

Hasn’t done much for pain, and still a little harsh so coughing fits have happened… Definitely looking forward to it when it’s dry.

It is nice and dense though!! That little bud netted 2 doobs, 1 1/4 and the size of a cigarette, and I easily have enough for a bowl for my vape!

It’s midnight, and I have to up at 8, so I’m going to finish this up, head in and get some sleep.

Cheers! :metal:


Quick update… Zone 1 is doing great, everyrhing seems to be super happy :metal:

Mystery plant is chugging along, looking really good

Blueberry is thickening up after the late defol the other day

GSC popping up buds

Purple Nurple has totally recovered from the supercropping, in fact most of the branches I folded over are standing straight back up again, albeit with massive knuckles in the stem, lol

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 packing on weight too :grin::ok_hand:

Now for the bad side… Zone 2, I’m pretty certain I’m housing a few males.

The “balls” are acting kind of strange though… There only seems to be 2 pollen sacks at each node, and only on one side of the plant, the other side doesn’t show anything… And that’s the same for the 2 that I think are males… Trippy 🤷

There is one more critical purple in zone 2 that hasn’t started showing yet, I’m really hoping that one is a female :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Happy Pawther’s/Father’s day!


2 confirmed males… yoink. No worries, this gives me room to start 2 other small autos :grin::grin:. The third still isn’t showing, which I believe typically means that should be a female…? :crossed_fingers:

Zone 1 is chugging along and throwing out some fun smells :grin::ok_hand:


3 more of the same seeds (critical purple x probably pineapple) got wet this morning, I WILL have a lil harvest of this strain, haha :grin:


Quick update…

Zone 1 is doing really well. I don’t see a ton of thrip damage, so I think (:crossed_fingers:) I’m on the down swing of those lil buggers. I also saw today that I’ve only been running the lights at 75%, so that was up’d to 100%.

Zone 2 has been looking a little empty since I pulled the 2 males, but I have to say, the Blueberry clone and last of the initial three critical purple are looking good! I think they have a little nitrogen deficiency, so I’ll be opening up the fish feeder a little more :ok_hand:

The first of three replacement critical purple seeds is into zone 2 now as well… Going this strong out of the gate, I’m wondering if this is going to be another male… Fingers crossed!

Blueberry clone

Critical purple #3


ITS A GIRL!!! :grin::grin::grin:

#4 has sprouted and is looking strong, which worries me that it’ll end up being a male.

I’ve also dropped 2 more Afghani autos from @Kasper0909, may as well fill the front of the tent with autos (and my Blueberry mom :grin::ok_hand:)


Main tent update… Day 48 of 12/12 and holy trychs batman :grin:

GSC got a solid hair cut. I was trying to only take fans leaves without trychs… Then only fan leaves with trychs, then just the tip (lol) of sugar leaves… She’s pretty packed in there!

I also pulled this cool fan leaf off of her, odd little bud site at the end of the stalk, with a sugar leaf and everything

I haven’t seen this before :grin:

Mystery plant is chugging along, putting on lots of weight. She could use a trim too, but she doesn’t really have anymore fan leaves, they’re all sugar leaves coming right out of buds :grin:

Mystery has some decent buds :ok_hand:

Purple Nurple got a hair cut as well. She had a lot more fan leaves to give, but I think this might be her first bigger defol

Blueberry could use another defol session, but my back decided today wasn’t the day.

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 is packing weight on, I can believe the come back this plant has had

And up front… They’re currently under 21/3 up front, I think I’ll cut that back a little.

Critical purple is chugging along. I’m so happy she’s a she :grin:


Blueberry mom has settled in and is growing away. I need to figure out the bottom of the front, I need a good mom area and I’d like her to not be taking up a grow spot.

Critical purple #4 is here and growing :grin::metal:

I went through the buds that I had pollenated and actually found 1 decent seed! So, that’s in water now, I’ve gotta see what happens :grin:

I’m really excited to see how this current grow turns out, the crystals are already insane and they still have 35-40 days to go :grin::grin:


Quick smoke report…

Leaving the Afghani auto to bud as long as I did definitely got her into the indica realm… Twice today I’ve smoked a doob and have been sleeping in 20 minutes :grin:. I found my insomnia cure :joy::ok_hand:

Probably shouldn’t have had another shortly after my Mrs got home 🤦🤣


Here I thought that was the DCFD. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Man, so did I! And it’s good! But I’m having a hard time holding my hands up to type this right now, this shit is amazing :joy::ok_hand:


Quick update… But lots to share!

Mystery plant got half a hair cut… I was working away and the lights went out, lol… So, I’ll finish in the morning.

Purple Nurple



Oats x Rolling Thunder #1

And for some other fun… :grin::grin::grin:

I painted some DCFD#1 buds with a little S+SC pollen from @DougDawson and apparently did something right! I dropped one in paper towel and 12 hours later…

This lil bean is in the tent and in a 1 gallon bag of its own. I have NO idea what to expect… Could be an auto, could be a photo, could keel over and die as an unholy experiment 🤷.


Woo hoo, it’s alive. Great job bud. :v:



Well, I could sleep all night, so I decided to get some coding done and finish up the hair cut on my mystery plant… Ended up giving everyone a trim, lol.

Blueberry… Man oh man, is this plant ever giving off Blueberry smells!! I may have stuck around in her a little longer than needed just to enjoy the aroma :grin::ok_hand:. Her buds are a little smaller, about 2" tall and 1.5" wide. She’s still putting on weight though, so she might stack up together :crossed_fingers:

Mystery plant all trimmed up. She sure does smell like the drunken cherry fog dog, but she’s most definitely a photo 🤷. Loving this plant!! Her buds are 3-4" tall and there’s gotta be a few dozen :grin::grin:

Purple Nurple has a bunch more on her than I thought, that’s always a nice surprise! She’s stacked nicely enough, just wish there was more of her… That’s what I get for a late start though.

GSC can finally grt some air too. Her buds are stacked super densely and are all about 4" tall.


Lovely to see you getting harvests and your plants thriving! :smiley:

I’m excited to see what that critical purple cross produces, so glad you’re growing it.

About the males, I get sparse, irregularly distributed male flowers at first sometimes too. I’m guessing it’s just “pre-flower” - if let go they have grown normally for me.


Memory cleared for a second here… DCFD wasn’t a insomnia cure, that shit just makes me dumb!! :joy:. Like, highschool-loser-drunk-type body movements, but feeling super happy. :grin::ok_hand:

Its going to be a happy/damn sad day when I sprout the last of those seeds, well done man


I have one showing very nicely, which for some reason I don’t have a pic of from today, but she’s about 15" tall and growing. TONS of preflowers at the top and healthy branches with 1-3 nodes all starting to bud :grin:. She’s showing signs of either light stress or needing more N. I swapped lights and it’s a little more powerful, so I lifted that up and I’ll see how she goes.

I also have another one that just got its second leaves :grin::grin:. I also have a couple grapefruit x grapefruit in paper towel, but they haven’t popped yet :grin:.

I was looking for autos and found your generous envelope :grin::grin:. Thank you again!