My aquaponic adventures

I have a 180g, with a 60g sump, that I also happened to overflow while having a pity party :person_facepalming:.

This actually ended up not being an issue with overflow, one of the water lines fell out of its clamp somehow and was hanging down. Aak me how I found out :person_facepalming::sob:

One day, this will be funny… Until then, it looks like her daughter is getting her prescription (which I completely support, she has pretty major anxiety) and I’m her designated grower (ntlot entirely given a choice now)… Buuuut, I’m not allowed to get another tent to support the additional plants :person_shrugging:.

One day, this will all be funny.


Ok, it got funny…

We have an “art room” that has a desk and a little storage… A lil sales on my part and… I have a grow room! The desk comes out, the storage comes out, my tent goes in and the desk goes when the tent was :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

White walls, lino floor will need to be painted and installed… I JUST got a couple new circuits installed in my office, gonna need a couple installed in the new room too, lol.

I’ll have a few beds to veg plants out in the room, and my tent will be dedicated to budding :grin::grin::grin:

Now to find the money to do it, haha


critical usually yields well I think that was the deal with that strain, I grew it a few times also and it’s crazy… I like the smoke reports

is your gdp an auto or do you have a reg also?


That will be awesome! I did a linoleum floor in my grow room. Got it on sale at Lowes because I didn’t care what color.

I find very worthwhile to make it more waterproof. At the wall edges instead of cutting it, I went another 8" up the wall and then stapled it to the wall. Caulked the corners. That really limits the potential water damage.

Also, for a small room with heavy objects that stay in one place, no need to glue it down. But do put some floor protectors under aquarium stand and shelf feet or they’ll make cracks in the linoleum over time and ruin your waterproofing.


The critical is by far the smelliest batch I have right now, it’s SO fruity when I open the jar :smiley:

This GDP is an auto, I’m still hunting photo GDP seeds :smiley:


That’s exactly the type of deal I’m looking for too :smiley:. I’d like to have it ready for my grow starting around Feb 1st, but that’ll totally depend on money and how my back is doing. I figure, since my Mrs’ daughter will be benefitting, I should be able to get a little assist here and there, hopefully lol.

Very good idea on about going up the walls, I really like that - and I know my Mrs’ will as well, lol. I really like that.

I think everything that’ll be touching the ground will be plastic… the fish will be in a Rubbermaid Big Brute garbage can, and the various other water bins will all be plastic as well. But, I am going to have a wood leg on the ground that I’ll have to make sure is good to go.

I’m thinking I’ll build a 3x6 platform with 1x6" walls, lined with plastic and a drain in the centre. Then, 5 gallon plastic pots upside down to be plant stands, and then filled with hydroton. Then I’ll have fabric pots on top of the upside down plastic pots, hopefully this will build enough of an air gap that the roots don’t grow down. For watering, I’ll build the same kind of constant flow system I have now, and the drain will return the water into the main system.

That will give me a ton of space for vegging :smiley:

Then, I’m thinking of the same kind of setup in the tent, which will be setup to flower out plants :smiley:


I haven’t done an individual plant update for a bit, they’re looking alright :slight_smile: :slight_smile: we’re 27 days into flowering today.


(Forbidden x 24k Gold)xKoster #2

Purple Lamborghini

Chocolate Nightmare

Grapefruit x Grapefruit #1

(Forbidden x 24k Gold)xKoster #1

Grapefruit x Grapefruit #1 pistils are turning :smiley:

In the auto zone

Zamaldelica is a beast and is starting to pack on weight ~3 weeks into flower, 51 days old

GDP is really stretching where she’s close to the light, I definitely need a second light in here ~ 2 days into flower, 51 days old

Afghani is coming out strong… I wouldn’t be surprised if this ended up being a male ~ 29 days old


Yo dude… looks like I tuned in just in time… nice update and I’m in love with 2 already… photo #2 and Chocolate Nightmare, and how do you grow a hand… awesome. hahaha.

Looking like everyone is happy, green and growing like weeds…


Pic #2, that really long name with gold, #2, lol… that plant is a bit of a trip, I accidentally supercropped her, when I fell over in tent (doh) and ran with it… she grew like she was going to bonsai on me, then threw out these giant 2 branches! the original bonsai’d branch has since fallen off completely.

Chocolate Nightmare was the first plant I tried fimming, I think I got it right on that plant (the afghani auto that I tried fimming, I did not get right, lol)


that zamaldelica looks wicked, how long will you let her go?

@MikeyMeteor I usually go by when the trichs say they’re good to go, so far that’s typically been around the 90 day mark. She’s in the same spot the critical purple x pineapple is, I’m really hoping Zam bulks up more than her older sister did :crossed_fingers:

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If I find something heavy for pain I’ll tell you, I’m also chasing the mind strains, but usually to balance since my mind is a little zamaldelica wihout the zamaldelica if that makes sense lol

so far I notice kosher kosh and remo chemo as nice for pain or maybe larry burger… but gdp does something with nerves

GDP for the body and Jack for the mind - haze for the soul indica for sleep or movies and diesel to power on or sativa to explore the unknown

at some point let’s trade GDP, I’ll try to source some also to hunt through

enjoy your day my friend hold on let me give you some punk rock… I liked johnny thunders and the heartbreakers since they’re local I know a guy that played drums with them at one point

he said johnny was
it was towards the end


@MikeyMeteor, nerves is what I’m looking for… I have a bunch pinched in slipped/bulging/herniated discs in my lower back, with other various damage in the area, lol.

That (Forbidden x 24kGold) cross you like is crossed with kosher kush :slight_smile:

I have 6 auto beans left, lemme know when you find a GDP good photo strain and I’ll split what I have left with ya! :smiley:

A coupe tunes more my style :smiling_imp:



hey, @luxton the girls are beautiful, the forbidden are very sativas, tends to stretch quite even, I noticed a lot of resin! i’m glad about it!

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Right on man, I’m really looking forward to watching her fill out :grin::ok_hand:

I think they’re pretty much done stretching and they’re just concentrating of getting bigger :grin::grin:


I sure hope I sent you some Miss Piggy Pineapple… if not let me know and I’ll send some up to ya… Double Grape/Zamadelica (Pineapple Pheno) x Miss PIggy F2.


Better hope so huh? and yes, I’m still giggling picturing you falling on your plant, breaking a growing stem… been there, so I can laugh… I’ve had clip on fans do it for me to…

When do you use FIM technique… I use it to control height on certain plants and get them to fill out better and branch out… I just gather up the very top of the main grow and cut all the leaf material in half… sometimes every grow shoot…

Supercropping or, Pinching and crushing stems… I do this every grow in med flower… Pinch the stem and lightly roll it assuring you break up the innards properly… it mends this area and all growth above this just takes off like mad.

sounds like your doing a lot of this, but wanted to share how I do bro…


I’m not sure I have any miss piggy at all yet actually, curious to check’r out though if you wanna fire some up :grin::metal:

You supercrop every plant? I do that if either I’m trying to get a plant to fill a certain area or if the whole damn plant is way too tall :grin:.

I have to admit tho, I’m really digging the bud clips. I see similar growth and positioning, but the plant doesn’t take as long to recover.

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Pretty sure it’s on the way to ya now…

Yes, I Supercrop, aka: Pinch the stems until it pops… every plant, every branch.


Ahh ok, you’re popping the inside, but not bending them over, gotcha! I’ve seen videos about doing that and have subconsciously kinda done it but not as a rule, cool… That’d definitely give a bunch more supporter in the branch!

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